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Open Authentication (OpenAuth) API

Open Authentication (OpenAuth) API

C Semantic Web Interest Group Semantic Web | charter | semantic-web | #swig weblog | ESW Wiki | planetrdf weblogs This is the homepage of W3C's Semantic Web Interest Group (SWIG), previously known as the RDF Interest Group. It provides a public forum to discuss the use and development of the Semantic Web. See the group's charter for details of its role and purpose. The No Shit Guide To Supporting OpenID In Your Applications OpenID, with the superhuman effort of Mr Willison is taking the world by storm and I am amoungst the masses leaping onto the bandwagon. Simon has done an excellent post and screencast detailing the whys and what-fors of OpenID so I thought I’d have a bash at applying the same no-bullshit approach to the other side of the coin, supporting (or as the official terminology puts it consuming) OpenID in your applications. With this post I’m going to blast through the absolute essentials you need to get started so if you need more general background on OpenID check out Simon’s stuff first. The examples, as you might except will be using Ruby on Rails but all of the concepts are applicable across platforms.

Good Thymes and Good Food: DIY: Homemade Cheese Crackers Cheez-Its have been a longtime favorite snack of mine. They're easy to grab, salty, and crunchy - 3 of my favorite things about a snack. As usual, though, I decided to try my hand at making them myself. And wouldn't you know it? Affordable Digital Cable TV Packages & Service Cable TV paired with faster internet. With Wave, you get even more out of our fast internet connection when you add cable TV! It’s the perfect combo because not only can you get Wave’s amazing internet speeds (with speeds up to 110 Mbps*), but you also get great cable TV programming you can view on your TV, on your computer, or take with you on your mobile device! With every Wave package, you’ll get: Cable service on all TVs in your home for one low monthly priceExclusive local programming not available elsewhereWorry-free, local service with no equipment to buy or maintain and no long-term contractsBundled savings when you package your Wave digital cable TV service with internet or phone Learn more about HD Content from Wave!

pasta and vinegar Some resources about design fiction I'm use to share with students. Note that the term itself is polysemic and covers different perceptions about its meaning. Auger, J. (2011). It's Final - MA Goes With Open Document As world events go, this decision by the Commonwealth probably won't make many prime time television news spots. Yet it deserves to, and the CoM deserve our sincere thanks for their commitment to freedom. At the same time, I'd caution all of us to make sure that we do not become complacent or over-excited with this piece of news. Microsoft [and other large transnationals with de facto monopolies] have a vested interest in maintaining their positions in the marketplace. One tactic that Microsoft have used before [numerous times] has become known to the industry as "Embrace, Extend, Extinguish" - a method used very effectively against Open Standard protocols. It works very simply, like this:

Polenta hash with fava beans, garbanzos, and peas. You know how Santa Claus arrives in the middle of the night, delivers his merry heap of bounty, and then sneaks off again without a trace? I love that. It’s so easy to be fascinated by something that we can’t see — something that appears to be magical by simple virtue of its not having appeared at all. You should know that this is not the case with the Fava Bean Fairy, who I saw with my very own eyes just a few days ago in the Whole Foods produce section. Open source software Open-source software (OSS) is computer software with its source code made available and licensed with a license in which the copyright holder provides the rights to study, change and distribute the software to anyone and for any purpose.[1] Open-source software is very often developed in a public, collaborative manner. Open-source software is the most prominent example of open-source development and often compared to (technically defined) user-generated content or (legally defined) open-content movements.[2] A report by the Standish Group (from 2008) states that adoption of open-source software models has resulted in savings of about $60 billion per year to consumers.[3][4] Definitions[edit]

Teriyaki Tempeh and Shiitake Mushrooms with Sriracha Soba. Vegan Recipe. Easily Glutenfree. Some days when I pass by a place which used to be a favorite in my pre-gan days, I realize that I havent eaten or made some type of food in years.. Teriyaki is one of them. The sauce is easy and it left me wondering why I had not made this before!The Tempeh gets all sticky and delicious after being cooked in the sauce. The mushrooms get chewy and saucy and hubbs loved them even more. Seriously, make this!
