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The 50 Greatest Hip-Hop Samples Of All Time

Khaled and the myth of rai Cheb Khaled, the Algerian rai singer who is probably the best-known Arabic singer on the planet, was selected this summer as one of NPR's 50 Great Voices. Banning Eyre, a regular commentator on World Music on NPR and producer for Afropop Worldwide who has worked tirelessly to promote music from Africa, including the Maghreb, introduced Khaled to the NPR audience. Unfortunately, his introduction of Khaled repeated several unfortunate and misleading myths about rai music. Eyre presents a picture of an exceptional artist who favors tolerance and peace, and whose courageous positions have angered many Muslims and forced him to take refuge in the West. Eyre depicts Khaled as well as a kind of "bad boy," in the image of a U.S. rock'n'roller. Khaled, from "a land [Algeria] torn apart by intolerance and violence," says Eyre, "stood out as an artist who embraced openness and peace." Khaled emerged from a large and vibrant music scene in Oran (in Arabic, Wahran). AFP/Getty Images

STUFF CHRISTIAN CULTURE LIKES Shuffler The Genius of Miles Davis: Explained! Ed Note: Sometimes it's hard to hear music as described on the page. Bill DeMain's story on Miles Davis and Kind of Blue in our latest magazine is wonderful, but we wanted to make sure readers actually got to hear the sounds. So we asked Ransom to remix it with any YouTube clips he could find. The following is a mish-mash of Bill's story and Ransom's writing, all enhanced with Miles' music. We're hoping it gives readers a slightly richer experience. Music icon Miles Davis has long been revered as a jazz pioneer -- but what exactly did he pioneer? A quiet fire: the early years From early in his career, Miles was obsessed with the idea that a single note could convey all the beauty of music. That idea started to take form in his one-off recordings from the late 1940s, when to most Americans he was nothing special -- just another fast-blowing sideman who'd once played with Charlie Parker. By 1954, the junk was threatening everything he held dear. Miles' "Blue" Period So What?

THE TOFU HUT =================================================================Even when you don't find music here, you can bet I'm on my grizzly. Here's a recent post I made over at Monkeyfilter and ILM: Some of you may know me from around town; I'm an audioblogger. A musicblogger/audioblogger/MP3blogger is a person who offers interesting, out of print, rare or otherwise engaging music to people at no charge, out of love for the sound and to promote artists that they would like to see get more popular. What you WON'T find in here are file directories without commentary or sites offering a full album that is currently in print. There are more musicbloggers out there than most people would believe; I've been keeping a close eye on the phenomena for about two years and have compiled what I think is the most comprehensive list of musicbloggers yet available. As of May 9th, 2005, all of the following sites are live and have tunes available to listen to. Enough horn-tootin'.

Funky16Corners ALLOFMP3 May 26, 2008 Music Industry Drops Copyright Suit Against Russian Music Site May 23 (Bloomberg) -- Sony BMG Music Entertainment and other record companies dismissed their copyright lawsuit against Russia-based Internet music store, which was accused of distributing millions of pirated song files. Members of the Recording Industry Association of... read more November 05, 2007 Court confirms legality of On 24 October a district court in Moscow has confirmed the "no copyright infringement" verdict. Earlier this year, on 15 August 2007 was acquitted of all charges brought up by IFPI. read more October 18, 2007 IFPI - now the International Federation of Pirate Interests? The Pirate Bay has grabbed the domen and is going to turn into a web-site of some International Federation of Pirate Interests. read more Madonna drops Warner Maddona announced that she ends her 25 year long relationship with the Warner recording company. "The... read more October 11, 2007

Interprétations Diverses
