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Center for a New American Dream

Center for a New American Dream
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Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Online Climate Prosperity Stop Waste Management by Government and Consumer Boycott OSE Microhouse See Microhouse Architectural Details for wall, roof, and other details. Actual build: [edit] June 21 to Blake Katie Whitman has joined us as Ops Manager, we can roll forward on the construction plans now. We are considering: The CEB Microhouse is a natural construction building made primarily from Compressed Earth Blocks and built using Open Source Ecology's open source construction equipment such as the Brick Press. New Visualizations and Sketchup Model at Also download here: 616x931 cm 246"x372" Plans are now up to v0.5: Plans nearing completion, architectural detail to be produced by January 15, 2012. v0.4 download in PDF - File:Microhouse04.pdf Full, open source plans for a Hybrid Microhouse - a superinsulated CEB/straw hybrid - will be avaiable by 1.15.2012. [edit] Design Considerations for Microhouse What are our needs? I believe it is essential to have contact with all forms and stages of life. [edit] Pattern 78: House for One Person

Overcoming Consumerism Citizen-Activist's Anti-Consumerism site Omega Gardens™: Industry Leading Hydroponics Designs for Indoor Gardening Grow your own food with these patented cylindrical growing systems. Harvest bountiful, healthy, and nutritious produce year round. All from the convenience of your home! Increase growing spacegrow in the circle with a design that greatly increases your square foot growing area. The Volksgarden® unit, for example, can grow up to 80 plants in just 8 sq.ft. of floor space. Maximize light capturethe same cylindrical design captures almost all of the lumens emitted by your light source, ultimately saving money and minimizing your time to harvest. Optimize water and feedingthe cylinder rotates slowly through the feeding trough allowing plant medium to absorb only the water and nutrients needed. Produce high yield plantseffect on plants being constantly rotated, 360 degrees is known as orbitropism. Omega Garden hydroponics are simply the most durable, efficient, and user friendly gardens ever created.

Participate | Sustainable Human The Sustainable Human Council is comprised of people who support the vision of Sustainable Human and who are making recurring financial contributions to Sustainable Human. Council members are invited to participate in a variety of ways by casting their votes on all financial expenditures proposed by the Sustainable Human Ambassadors. Anyone can become a council member by making a minimum recurring contribution of $1 per month. We ask that before you join you understand and support the vision for Sustainable Human. Council members will receive an e-mail indicating a request for a vote and will have 48 hours to log on to Sustainable Human to cast it. The only rule is to be kind and respectful to each other.

Program on Corporations, Law & Democracy Wisdom Councils in Austria :: To establish Wisdom Councils is an inherent part of transforming the political decision-making process. The Office for Future-Related Issues has initiated at least 25 Wisdom Councils in the State of Vorarlberg. Moreover, the Office has started a research project by the European Institute of Public Participation to promote further distribution and evaluation. Structure and process Although the basic design of the Wisdom Council is flexible and can, according to its application, be adapted to the existing structures and general conditions, the Wisdom Council process is basically three steps. 1. 2. 3. Present and further development Since 2006, many Wisdom Councils have been realized in Vorarlberg. The Wisdom Council is also qualified to catch the needs of specific target groups. Impact Although the Wisdom Council has neither the authority to decide nor the rights of co-determination, it works well in a municipality. Detailed Information Total number of active participants (approx.)

rat haus reality: celebrating JFK's Jubilee Message at American U. calling for an end to the Cold War Gross National Happiness Commission - The Planning Commission of Bhutan, Development for Happiness
