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Design Génératif

Design Génératif

Your Random Numbers – Getting Started with Processing and Data Visualization Over the last year or so, I’ve spent almost as much time thinking about how to teach data visualization as I’ve spent working with data. I’ve been a teacher for 10 years – for better or for worse this means that as I learn new techniques and concepts, I’m usually thinking about pedagogy at the same time. Lately, I’ve also become convinced that this massive ‘open data’ movement that we are currently in the midst of is sorely lacking in educational components. The amount of available data, I think, is quickly outpacing our ability to use it in useful and novel ways. How can basic data visualization techniques be taught in an easy, engaging manner? This post, then, is a first sketch of what a lesson plan for teaching Processing and data visualization might look like. Let’s Start With the Data We’re not going to work with an old, dusty data set here. Even on a Saturday, a lot of helpful folks pitched in, and I ended up with about 225 numbers. It’s about time to get down to some coding. OK.

Processing -Ecole d Ce cours de programmation remplace celui sur Director. Il est basé sur un projet collectif riche, ouverte (open source) et grauite, conçu entre le M.I.T. Media Lab et l’insitut de design IVREA pour donner spécifiquement aux étudiants, artistes et designers œuvrant dans le domaine des nouveaux médias une plateforme de création appropriée. ** À noter : ce cours est conçu en collaboration avec l’enseignement de Jeff Guess et son Atelier Pratiques Algorithmiques à L’école nationale supérieure d’arts Cergy.

Night #6: Image Sequence Object (with variable speed) I have an example from Learning Processing which demonstrates how to package a “pre-made” animation (i.e. sequence of images) into an object in Processing so that it can be duplicated many times on screen. For tonight’s example, I’m going to make a new version that improves a few key points. First, in the original example the the image files are loaded in the class itself. This is problematic. We can fix this by loading an array of images in setup() and passing it to the object. Animation a; void setup() { // Load the image sequence first! The class then receives the array in the constructor and passes it to its own array. class Animation { // The array of images PImage[] images; Animation(PImage[] images_) { images = images_; } This way (as you’ll see in the example) if we make an array of objects, each one uses the same array of images (which we loaded only once). The original example used an integer to keep track of the current “frame” of the animation. Here is the example.

Floss Manuals francophone - Lire Conçu par des artistes, pour des artistes, Processing est un des principaux environnements de création utilisant le code informatique pour générer des œuvres multimédias sur ordinateur. L'attrait de ce logiciel réside dans sa simplicité d'utilisation et dans la diversité de ses applications : image, son, applications sur Internet et sur téléphones mobiles, conception d'objets électroniques interactifs. Processing fédère une forte communauté d'utilisateurs professionnels et amateurs : artistes, graphistes, vidéastes, typographes, architectes, web designers et designers en général. Dessiner et créer avec du code informatique Logiciel de création multimédia, Processing possède la particularité d'utiliser des instructions informatiques pour dessiner, réaliser des animations en 2 ou 3 dimensions, créer des œuvres sonores et visuelles, concevoir des objets communicants qui interagissent avec leur environnement. Un formidable environnement d'apprentissage Un logiciel libre et gratuit

Augmented Reality with #Processing - Tutorial by Amnon Owed All of the visuals in the above video were created using NyArtoolkit for Processing. NyARToolkit is an augmented reality toolkit built with 100% pure Java. It is derived from ARToolkit-2.72.1. Like Processing itself it’s open source and free! In this tutorial you will learn how to use it to place computer generated imagery correctly onto real world footage. To do this in real-time NyArtoolkit uses markers – black and white images – to determine the three-dimensional position and orientation in the real world. All right so let’s start with the general setup. 1. 2. 3. 4. All right, time to recap. Example 1: Basic The first example is basic, but holds all of the important techniques that are necessary for more advanced uses of the NyArtoolkit. If you input the following image (place it in the sketch’s data subdirectory)… …into the first code example, you should end up with something like this… Example 2: Dynamic Time to get a little more dynamic. Main Sketch ARObject

Livecodelab: Tutoriel en ligne Welcome. Livecodelab is a special secret place where you can make fancy "on-the-fly" 3d visuals and play awesomely offbeat (literally) sounds. "On-the-fly" meaning: as you type. Type just three letters: "box", and boom! a box appears. No clicking play, no waiting, no nothing. Screenshots Gaaaa don't we all love screenshooooots. Credits Livecodelab was made possible by heaps of people smarter than us, including: Similar projects Jsaxus by Jonathan Brodsky, probably the first web-based live coding environment (2004).

Ani - An animation library for Processing An animation library by Benedikt Groß for the programming environment Processing. Last update, 2013/02/28. Ani 2.5 is a lightweight library for creating animations and transitions. Easily spoken Ani helps you to move things around on the screen or a bit more abstract, to animate any numeric variable. Most of the time a single line of code like the following one is enough:, duration, variable name, target position, easing); Target object ("this" or any reference to an object), duration of animation specified in seconds or frames, variable name (which numeric variable is used), easing (the characteristic of motion) ... The syntax of Ani is created with simplicity of use in mind. Feedback is very welcome, but please use the processing discourse forum for that. Installation ↑Up Unzip and put the extracted Ani folder into the libraries folder of your processing sketches. Demos Check the demos in the distribution of Ani (zip file), or have a look at them by watching the videos. Ani

Processing et Arduino Déjà visites sur cette page. Nouveau : Découvrez nos kits de machines opensource et notre nouveau site dédié ! Bienvenue ! Soutenez le site ! Vous aimez le site ? Paiement par compte Paypal ou par carte bancaire acceptés Vous pouvez donner dès 1€ ! En cours : portage de la librairie JavacvPro en version PyQt : Ma librairie JavacvPro : la "vision par ordinateur" avec OpenCV sous Processing pour tous ! Je viens de finaliser la version 0.4 de ma librairie JavacvPro qui implémente la librairie OpenCV 2.3.1 sous Processing, permettant de créer facilement des applications de reconnaissance visuelle et d'analyse d'image en temps réel sur un flux vidéo de webcam. HomePageEssentiel Pour aller droit à essentiel... En cours de mise en place... Contact et support Je crée ce site sur mon temps libre et je mets les contenus à la disposition de tous "as is" en espérant que cela soit utile. Dernières mises en ligne Ce site est en cours d'enrichissement permanent.

