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Helloluxx Cinema 4D News the c4d base V-Ray Product Overview V-Ray for 3ds Max is the core development of Chaos Group, which allows users to quickly and easily create realistic images while giving them full control over the 3D production process. V-Ray 3.0 for 3ds Max is the most complete lighting, shading and rendering toolkit on the market, making speed and simplicity accessible to all artists. The latest version delivers powerful feature set, technical advances and support for open source technologies. What's new in V-Ray 3.0 for 3ds Max? Simplified User Interface - V-Ray 3.0 introduces a simplified User Interface and includes 3 modes: Basic, Advanced, and Expert. New Skin Shader - A dedicated, intuitive Skin shader with layered specular highlights will make it easier than ever for artists to create complex, layered skin. Probabilistic Lights – Increases the speed of scenes with a high number of lights. Advanced V-Ray Frame Buffer - Consistent color output is essential to artists’ workflows. Pricing & Upgrade Policy

PUMPKIN PARTS Creating a pumpkin with Cinema 4D: PART 1 By Ko Maruyama If you need to create a 3D pumpkin for seasonal graphics (whether for Halloween or Thanksgiving), you may wish to use a 3D application to give you more control over your digital pumpkin. In this series, I'll have some simple steps showing how to model and texture this object. Usually, these tutorials explore the process and tools, but this series will focus solely on the specific steps. 1. Radius = 200m Segments = 48 2. 3. 4. Add Simple Deformers: 5. Size = 500, 500, 500 Strength = 30 Fillet = check ON position: X=95m 6. Radius = 250m Strength = 50% position: Y=-100m 7. Strength = 5% position: Y=-300 NOTE: The melt deformer pulls the polygons to the deformer's axis world coordinate, so moving this around will change the value as well. Page: 123Next Page Related Keywords: Halloween, Pumpkin, Jack-o-lantern, October, Holiday, 3D model, Texture, Procedural Texture, Cinema 4D, Tutorial Source:Ko Maruyama.

Plugins Ein Plug-in [ˈplʌgɪn] (häufig auch Plugin; von engl. to plug in, „einstöpseln, anschließen“, deutsch etwa „Erweiterungsmodul“) ist ein Softwaremodul, das von einer Softwareanwendung während ihrer Laufzeit entdeckt und eingebunden werden kann, um deren Funktionalität zu erweitern. Der Begriff wird teilweise auch als Synonym zu Add-on benutzt. Funktion eines Plug-ins[Bearbeiten] Softwarehersteller definieren oft Schnittstellen zu ihren Produkten, mit deren Hilfe Dritte Erweiterungen (Plug-ins) für diese Softwareprodukte programmieren können. Weit verbreitete Beispiele für Plug-ins sind etwa der Flash Player oder das Java-Plug-in für die verschiedenen Webbrowser. Audio-Plug-ins[Bearbeiten] Bei Software zur Audiobearbeitung bzw. Grafik-Plug-ins[Bearbeiten] Bildbearbeitungsprogramme lassen sich über die Plug-in-Schnittstelle, das ist meistens ein Programmordner, mit Grafikfiltern erweitern. Browser-Plug-ins[Bearbeiten] Siehe auch[Bearbeiten] Widget Weblinks[Bearbeiten]

99 Brain Blasting Cinema 4D Tutorials! | Cgtuts+ Do I have a gift for outdoing myself or what? That's right, you guys have been begging for this since the last C4D roundup....but be careful what you wish for, cuz now this megalithic, earth shatteringly gargantuan list of 99 Cinema 4D tutorials is here to end life as we know it!!. Yep...this is the biggest roundup ever to be published on CGtuts+, and it's all Cinema 4d baby!.. Toon Drops Harry Frank of Graymachine shows you how to make a toony-looking droplet effect using C4D. Liquid Logos Chris Martin and Creative Cow has this tutorial for creating a fluid logo using RealFlow inside of Cinema 4D. Fracture Text Breaking News Open Broadcast designer Jason Brown over and Creative Cow shows you how to use the fracture object feature to make a simple "Breaking News" open. Tracking a 3D Object Using Syntheyes in conjunction with Cinema 4D, Chris Martin shows you how to track a 3d object onto a live action plate. Spooky Wall Tracking Chris Martin has been killing it with C4D tuts over on the COW... » 26 superbes Inspirations 3D Time traveling​ 26 superbes Inspirations 3D David Gaborit , dans Graphisme, Inspiration 0 Voila une chouette selection d’images créées en 3D. Pour en voir plus et pour les sources des images voir ce topic Partagez cet article design à votre entourage ! Auteur : David Gaborit " est un blog créé par un webdesigner pour les amoureux du Design. Suivez-nous ! Vous aimerez aussi ces billets Design ! Poster un commentaire Quelques règles à respecter pour poster un commentaire sur : On reste courtois et poli envers les autres auteurs de commentaires. Les commentaires ne respectant pas ces règles seront supprimés et bannis sans préavis. Design Graphisme Street-Art Publicités Vidéos Corporate Typographie Photos Proposez vos contenus (devenez vous aussi rédacteur) Recevoir les news webdesign par email Recevez régulièrement et sans pub, la newsletter avec les dernières actus design. Les actus graphisme du jour
