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Metblogs Momentum: The Key to Making Your Big Ideas Happen in 2011 According to Newton's First Law of Motion, the tendency of a body in motion is to keep moving; the tendency of a body at rest is to sit stil December 27, 2010 According to Newton’s First Law of Motion, the tendency of a body in motion is to keep moving; the tendency of a body at rest is to sit still. In other words, it’s a lot less work to keep moving once you have some momentum, than it is to start moving from a dead stop. It doesn’t matter whether you’re running a marathon or running a business – momentum is key. Here are a few tips on how to build and maintain momentum: 1. As serial entrepreneur Andy Swan has written, one of the most common mistakes is to “set lofty goals from a resting start.” Just as you would start training for a marathon by running a few miles and building from there, if you want to write the next bestselling business book, you might start by blogging regularly in your area of expertise, building a regular readership, then finding an agent, and so on. 2. 3. 4.

Implicadas No Desenvolvemento sbdc | changing the world, one pixel at a time RT @JeromePineau: Autodesk’s Jerome Pineau: Why Great Service Is Social | Yay #socialservice! :) As Autodesk‘s social media strategist, Jerome Pineau is no stranger to the inner workings of Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and the like — he leads the 3D design software maker’s efforts on all social channels. But why is social media so critical to the success of Autodesk and its service department? We spoke with Pineau about the use cases, benefits and future of social media in relation to service organizations. Why would a service firm want to turn to social media? What benefits does social media offer a service organization? Does it make sense for any business, small or large, to employ social channels for customer service? How is Autodesk using social channels to connect, engage with and respond to customers? Any tips or best practices for service folks thinking about, or just starting to use, social media for their business? What’s the future hold for social media as it relates to customer service? Unlock Your Front Door Geek-Style This has to be the geekiest thing I’ve ever written about. I’m a geek by any standard, but even this is a bit over the edge for me. But, the geek in me thinks it is so uber-cool that I can’t resist writing about it. Steve Hoefer is just a regular guy who built something cool with some spare parts he found in his lab. What’s all the fuss about? How does it work? I would have loved one of these for my play house in the backyard when I was six. Of course, the downfall to having a lock system like this is that if you live in an apartment building, your nosey neighbors could memorize the knock pattern. I’ve read where some people have suggested using a timestamp or a series of one time knocks to get around this, but I know, to ponder that is to jump off the deep end of geekness. As a woman, I cannot close this post without saying that this device is a bit ugly.

Discover Electronics Kit [2.0] ID: 487 - $49.95 Discover Electronics Kit contains everything you need to learn the basics of electronics and make your own projects. It contains the most common electronics components as well as a prototyping breadboard for you to get started right away. Easy full color diagrams teach you how to bring your own ideas to life.The Discover electronics kit uses standard components. All of these parts can be used by the beginner or the advanced user. As you grow and learn all of the parts in the kit are still useful in more advanced projects and can be expanded on by using additional parts. Requires 4 AA batteries. United Way Social Media Today | 2010: Markets Will Do The Unusual At the end of every year it seems everyone has a prediction of what is to come next year. Trends can lead one to predictive analysis of likely events on the horizon with some being relevant to planning and some only relative to what your actually planning to do next year. With each year that passes one thing is certain, things will change. However the pace of change is no longer a yearly process rather it is daily. Whether for business or personal one change is certain, you have to learn to do more with less. What Is Unusual? Unusual means doing things differently than you have in the past. Whether personal or professional thinking about making progress in the coming year means we need to put past, present and future changes into context that relate to our own plans. What is unusual about communications and relationships? Markets are moving because the market behavior has changed. Urban culture is the culture. Highlight any portion you want: Related posts: Is Social Media Shifting? Connect:

Why The Last Six Months In Social Media Are Like St. Elmo’s Fire | SoMeLaw Thoughts These are both St. Elmo’s Fire. One is a flaming ball of gas that misleads people and the other is a weather phenomenon. Social media finally graduated, moved into its first apartment, and wants to eat something besides ramen noodles for the rest of it’s life. First, the last six months in social media have been an amazing time because it’s been the start of social media maturity. In fact, if you were to ask me, “Ryan, what 80’s movie best encapsulates this moment in social media history?” That can be hard to grasp with social media practitioners because we’ve been at the leading edge. That’s just my latest example but I’ve seen it come true over this last year and really the last six months. Social media has graduated from the fresh-faced college graduate to the young adult living in a small apartment, grinding through that first job, struggling to pay bills and student loans and live up to this potential they’ve been told about their entire lives. Like this: Like Loading... - Home The ONE Blog | The faces of climate change As the first week of the Copenhagen climate change talks comes to a close, it’s a good time to think about exactly why the negotiations matter so much to Africa. So with help from our friends at WWF we’ve put together a series of personal testimonies showing how climate change is already affecting the continent today. From Ghana, Tanzania, Uganda and Kenya the story is a similar one. Augustine Yelfaanibe from Ghana reports how rainfall has become less and less reliable making it harder for farmers to plan the planting of crops, whilst Nelly Damaris Chepkoskei from Kenya explains how changes in climate have led to an increase in cases of malaria: “ of the effects of the higher temperatures is the increased number of mosquitoes resulting in increased incidence of malaria in this district. As Rajabu Mohammed Soselo from Tanzania says: “My community members, my family and I are very concerned about this. We hope that world leaders are listening.
