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Fighting against extreme poverty and preventable disease

Fighting against extreme poverty and preventable disease
“Ending extreme poverty” may sound like a broad phrase and an impossible task, but our policy analysts have identified 14 development milestones that will ultimately help us achieve this goal by 2030. These 14 hopes are just that – hopes – but with your support and action, we really can make the end of extreme poverty… Read more » German photojournalist Mario Gerth has captured the incredible, dramatic landscape of northern Ethiopia in this collection of stunning black and white images. It includes shots taken in the Simien Mountains and the rock-hewn churches of Lalibela. Mario trekked more than 350 miles by foot and donkey through one of the Africa’s remotest regions.

Climate Leaders Learn How to Measure and Lower GHG Emissions Throughout an Organization's Supply Chain » EPA's Center for Corporate Climate Leadership serves as a resource center for all organizations looking to expand their work in the area of greenhouse gas (GHG) measurement and management. The Center was launched in 2012 to establish norms of climate leadership by encouraging organizations with emerging climate objectives to identify and achieve cost-effective GHG emission reductions, while helping more advanced organizations drive innovations in reducing their greenhouse gas impacts in their supply chains and beyond.

12 Most Helpful Ways to Make A Difference in your Community People everywhere are waking up to the beautiful realization that the poor are our neighbors, both locally and globally! That realization is leading people to creatively serve those neighbors, right around them. One such creative service effort is called “ServeHope,” a nationwide October event sponsored by Global Hope Network International (GHNI), that has friends serving the poor locally while raising sponsorships — sponsorships that help locally and help GHNI serve poor villages globally in Africa, the Middle East and Asia. Here are 12 of the most creative ways ServeHope teams can serve the needy in their area: 1.

Critical Mass? How the Mobile Revolution Could Help End Gender-Based Violence The past three years – and more pointedly the past 12 months – have laid witness to monumental, if not heartbreaking, incidents of gender-based violence. The gang rape of a 23-year-old woman in New Delhi last December; the gang rape of a 16-year-old girl left for dead in a pit latrine in Western Kenya last June; the mass sexual assault of women in Tahrir Square during the 2011 revolution in Egypt and since; all were high profile atrocities that ignited outrage around the world. In the aftermath of each of these, mobile technology solutions and internet-based advocacy campaigns surged. It’s almost like clockwork: violence happens, a technology response follows. And 2013 has seen an explosion of new efforts. This isn’t by coincidence.

Millennium Promise - Home About Us At Millennium Promise, our vision is the eradication of extreme poverty, hunger, and preventable disease within our lifetime. Our mission is to provide the operational platform and resource mobilization for the Millennium Villages Project, which empowers communities to lift themselves out of extreme poverty. We believe that extreme poverty can be cut in half by 2015, even in some of the poorest, most remote places in the world. Through the Millennium Villages Project we are showing how, using a holistic, science-based approach to benefit more than 500,000 people across sub-Saharan Africa. Farmers cultivating their maize crops in the Millennium Village of Mayange (Rwanda).

Toshiro Kanamori y la pedagogía para ser feliz y pensar en los demás. Otra educación es posible Una escuela, 35 alumnos en clase, 1 profesor, Toshiro Kanamori, y un objetivo: SER FELICES y aprender a pensar en los demás. ¿Aparece esta lección en los programas del Ministerio de Educación que con tanta frecuencia se modifican en España y en otros países?. ¿Aceptaríamos los padres que a nuestros hijos les enseñasen prioritariamente a ser felices en vez de asignaturas académicas útiles de verdad?. ¿Interesa al Sistema nuevas generaciones de ciudadanos con empatía, responsabilidad social y con vidas más plenas que son menos manipulables y consumistas? Este documental de 50’ titulado “Pensando en los demás” (Children full of life) es una revolución pedagógica y el camino de un mundo mejor.

Online Fundraising Website to Raise Money Online for a Cause Screening Green Businesses Certification for Green Businesses Green America certifies businesses that are committed to using business as a platform for social change. Since 1982, Green America has evaluated over 8,000 small businesses. We've helped leading green companies like Seventh Generation, Honest Tea, and Clif Bar take off in the marketplace. We connect people to entrepreneurs building sustainable enterprises from the ground up and Main Street businesses that serve their communities. The Leapyear Project - Take a Risk in 2012The Leapyear Project Covering the Crisis Communities: Our Criteria General Requirements 1) Labor Standards Healthy and safe working conditions.Wages and benefits sufficient to lift workers' families out of poverty. Treatment with respect, dignity, and justice. 2) Knowledge of Labor Standards 10 Tips for Improving Indoor Air Quality In order to manage the allergy symptoms that lead to asthma attacks, it’s critical to control the indoor environment. Common indoor triggers include dust mites on pillows, blankets and stuffed… Continue Reading »
