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Earth sheltering

Earth sheltering
Earth sheltering is the architectural practice of using earth against building walls for external thermal mass, to reduce heat loss, and to easily maintain a steady indoor air temperature. Earth sheltering has become relatively more popular in modern times, especially among environmentalists and advocates of passive solar and sustainable architecture. However, the practice has been around for nearly as long as humans have been constructing their own shelters. Definition[edit] The expression earth-sheltering is a generic term, with the general meaning: building design in which soil plays an integral part. A building can be described as earth-sheltered if its external envelope is in contact with a thermally significant volume of soil or substrate (where “thermally significant” means making a functional contribution to the thermal effectiveness of the building in question.) There may be said to be three forms of earth-sheltered building: earth-coveredearth-bundedsubterranean Background[edit]

Le superadobe, une technique constructive peut-être bientôt réalisée sur la Lune! « d e t o i e n t o i t octobre 15, 2008 Le superadobe est une technique constructive de l´architecture de terre. Nous avons pu l´expérimenter à travers un cours de bioconstruction, organisé par un groupe de permaculture, s´étalant sur deux jours, sur un terrain montagneux près de Sao Paolo. L´objectif de ce cours était de construire un mur en forme de S en superadobe. Le superadobe est d´autant plus intéressant que son coût de construction est dérisoire, il est antisismique et sa mise en oeuvre ne demande pas de main d´oeuvre qualifiée. El superadobe es una técnica constructiva de arquitectura de tierra. El objetivo de este curso era construir una pared con forma de S en superadobe. El superadobe está muy interesante por su coste de construcción que es muy bajo, es antisísmico y su aplicación no pide mano de obra cualificada. Se construyó un pueblo experimental en el desierto al norte de Los Ángeles en 1988, según su concepto que bautizó ‘ CalEarth Institute’. Le terrain El terreno 1. 2. 2. Les fondations 3. 3.

Crediton Hamlets, Elston Barton - - 213974 Underground Home Designs - Swiss Mountain House Rocks! Like this article? Share it: In underground home designs, this unusual house plan is the collaboration between the Netherlands architects at SeARCH and Christian Muller Architects. Please Leave a Comment Posted on December 3, 2009 7:23 PM Comments (3) What a great home.

My Life on the Farm home of earth Probably one of the first homes man lived in after he came out of a cave, was made of earth. To be sure, the earliest known kinds of earth construction were very crude by our standards today. Primitive man did little more than stick mud on poles woven closely together. But even with this, he found shelter that was better than anything else he had except his cave. Gradually, he learned that some kinds of mud made better houses than others. Today, there are plenty of earth dwellings in many parts of the world that are centuries old. Today, with the advances made in the science of soil mechanics, what soils will do under many different conditions can be predicted and controlled. Strangely enough, it is the scientific road builders who have learned most about the way many kinds of soil will behave under a wide variety of conditions. One of the great aims of the Agency for International Development is to help fulfill this need. This manual, it is hoped, will give him that "feel." 1. 1. 2.

Superadobe Re-Bonjour; je n'ait pas trouvé après une petite recherche ce que tu appelait un noeud de mort; est-ce avec une ficelle nouée autour du sac, ou avec le sac lui-même? Pour ce qui est d'essayer par exemple avec une niche, le problême est que je préfère en cas de commande en ligne avoir directement le bon nombre de sacs ou de longueure de rouleau.. ceci posant de problèmes d'ordre financer et pratique... je penche de plus en plus entre les sacs d'1M x 30 en boudins à 30€ et les rouleaux ou sacs en toile de lin.... 1* Le boudin, même si celui que j'ai trouvé est de longueur non choisie, est bien plus simple à mettre en oeuvre, surtout au niveau de l'emcombrement à l'état non rempli, étant donné que le terrains sera 'squatté', mais ne sera pas biodégradable et ne fournira surment qu'une accroche légère, étant en polyéthylène... (3?*) 'Caisson' en toile de jute vu sur le site plus haut qui permetterais d'en faire de sortes de briques..

More Permanent Shelters - The Red Cedar Volunteer Resource Traditional Examples of Permanent Shelters There is a great deal that can be learned from the traditional building techniques of the past, a combination of what was available in the location applied to the conditions of the location over centuries produced structures uniquely suited to the land and history and culture that incorporated them. The Wikipedia Category: Vernacular Architecture Hebridean Black House The Hebridean House is a traditional house once common in Scotland and now only found where it originated in the Hebridean islands, although modern reinterpretations have cropped up after 1993. Additional Sources and Resources for Hebridean Black Houses Red Cedar Project Notes: The sod roof and the double rock walls are both solid ideas that the Red Cedar Project could incorporate into the design of the living quarters and possible the mess hall of the camp. Devon Cob House Red Cedar Project Notes: International Examples of Cob Design The Japanese Minka House Misc. and Unsorted Materials

Sky Garden House I think one of the reasons that many are skeptical about environmental design is because they think its terribly complex and costly. It does take a bit more effort on the front end, but it's definitely not rocket science. This architecture by Guz Architects is a wonderfully developed minimalistic design with a curvilinear flare that really brings out the organic coverings. I'm most impressed with how design facilitates the needs of the plants and shrubs located throughout the house. See more at Guz Architects CustomCTRL, Domotique et Arduino ! | CustomCTRL est un projet à base d’ Arduino en Open Source compatible avec les protocoles les plus populaires dans la Domotique. Il permet de gérer le X10, le ZigBee, le Z-Wave et l’ Infrarouge. Le contrôleur sera accessible via un serveur Internet (ou Cloud, c’est plus mode actuelle) et il ne sera donc pas nécessaire de traiter avec l’ouverture de votre pare-feu, et d’exposer votre réseau. Il supportera également la plupart des plateformes smartphone comme l’iPhone et Android. Le CustomCTRL prendra en charge 4 protocoles principaux: X10, Infrarouge, ZigBee et Z-Wave Un projet Open Source très intéressant sur le papier, mais le seul hic à ce jour est de se demander si cette Box sera commercialisée car le projet doit trouver un financement de 33 000$.

Step-by-Step-Earthbag-Building This Instructable explains each main step of construction for building vertical earthbag walls. Videos on my Earthbag Natural Building YouTube channel demonstrate the process. For those who don’t know, earthbag building uses polypropylene rice bags or feed bags filled with soil or insulation that are stacked like masonry and tamped flat. Barbed wire between courses keeps bags from slipping and adds tensile strength. The final plastered walls look just like adobe structures. I got involved with earthbag building when the Indian Ocean tsunami hit Southeast Asia in December, 2004. Our websites at and Earthbag Building Blog explain just about everything you need to know for free. The following instructions assume you have cleared and leveled the site, removed topsoil, positioned fill soil around the building site to minimize work, dug a trench to stable subsoil, put about 12” of gravel in the trench, and added corner guides and stringlines.

A Low Impact Woodland Home The site before starting Hole dug and level, post positions marked out, dry stone foundation walls down, first retaining wall built against front bank. 30 or so small trees and a bit of chainsawing later. Lift logs, prop up, nail together and continue until no longer wobbly. Split logs over the top and palettes on the floor. Straw delivery. Build straw bale wall inside, a fun and quick job. Pop windows in the holes, stuff straw into any gaps then chainsaw trim the bales smooth with cute roundy corners. Father-in-law and tool bench, 4.30am. Spring, mud on the roof, plastering and whitewashing done, landscaping nearly finished, beer brewing, bread in the oven.

Blackhouse (building) A blackhouse is a traditional type of thatched house in the Scottish Highlands. Black House or Blackhouse may also refer to: United Kingdom Blackhouse, Aberdeenshire, a place in Aberdeenshire United States Casa Folha by Mareines and Patalano Casa Folha by Mareines and Patalano On the coast to the south of Rio de Janeiro, a leaf-shaped home rises out of the Brazilian landscape like a work of nature. Casa Folha by Mareines and Patalano is a large tropical shelter housed under a roof that is shaped like a complex leaf.
