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Flywheel energy storage

Flywheel energy storage
Flywheel energy storage (FES) works by accelerating a rotor (flywheel) to a very high speed and maintaining the energy in the system as rotational energy. When energy is extracted from the system, the flywheel's rotational speed is reduced as a consequence of the principle of conservation of energy; adding energy to the system correspondingly results in an increase in the speed of the flywheel. Most FES systems use electricity to accelerate and decelerate the flywheel, but devices that directly use mechanical energy are being developed.[1] Since FES can be used to absorb or release electrical energy such devices may sometimes be incorrectly and confusingly described as either mechanical or inertia batteries [2][3] Main components[edit] The main components of a typical flywheel. A typical system consists of a rotor suspended by bearings inside a vacuum chamber to reduce friction, connected to a combination electric motor and electric generator. Physical characteristics[edit] General[edit] .

Flywheel electricity generator Abstract: A flywheel (magnet rotors or stators) assembly to create electricity, by attaching motor to provide kinetic energy to magnet rotors or stators, so magnet rotors or stators can run on principal of flywheel to create electricity by magnet rotors rotating like flywheel on two sides of stator, and stator rotating like flywheel in-between magnet rotors. Claims: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Description: [0001]1. [0002]The invention presented here is related to the generation of electricity. [0003]2. [0004]The price of crude oil going over $125 a barrel and other fuels, such as coal, which causes global climate changes makes the current method unbefitting for the environment and human. [0005]In this invention concept of flywheel is use. [0006]The concept of flywheel (magnet rotors or stator) power generator is the same as that of wind power turbine generator. [0007]The present invention is to provide a new way of generating power using flywheel (magnet rotors or stator).

VYCON - Flywheel Technology Flywheels have been used since the Bronze Age as a way to store kinetic energy. Today, with new high speed motor technology, VYCON has developed highly efficient flywheel systems which provide consistent, dependable energy for a variety of important applications. VYCON's flywheel-based energy storage systems hold kinetic energy in a spinning mass, and convert this energy to electric power through the use of a high speed electric motor/generator. Advanced flywheel systems from VYCON originated from its parent company Calnetix, the leader in high speed permanent magnet motors and generators, magnetic bearings, power electronics and system integration. Main components of the VYCON flywheel -- a high-speed permanent magnet motor/generator, fully active magnetic bearings, and the rotor assembly construction -- constitute a unique synthesis of proprietary technologies: High Speed Permanent Magnet Motor/Generator. System Management. Inside look at the VDC Unit for Power Quality Applications

Pumped-storage hydroelectricity - Wikipedia, the free encycloped Pumped storage is the largest-capacity form of grid energy storage available, and, as of March 2012, the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) reports that PSH accounts for more than 99% of bulk storage capacity worldwide, representing around 127,000 MW.[1] PSH reported energy efficiency varies in practice between 70% and 80%,[1][2][3][4] with some claiming up to 87%.[5] Overview[edit] Power distribution, over a day, of a pumped-storage hydroelectricity facility. At times of low electrical demand, excess generation capacity is used to pump water into the higher reservoir. The relatively low energy density of pumped storage systems requires either a very large body of water or a large variation in height. Along with energy management, pumped storage systems help control electrical network frequency and provide reserve generation. The upper reservoir (Llyn Stwlan) and dam of the Ffestiniog Pumped Storage Scheme in north Wales. Worldwide use[edit] Potential technologies[edit]

Flywheels: How do they work and what do they do? by Chris Woodford . Last updated: January 10, 2012. S top... start... stop... start—it's no way to drive! Every time you slow down or stop a vehicle or machine, you waste the momentum it's built up beforehand, turning its kinetic energy (energy of movement) into heat energy in the brakes . Wouldn't it be better if you could somehow store that energy when you stopped and get it back again the next time you started up? Photo: A modern flywheel developed by NASA for use in space. Why we need flywheels Engines are happiest and at their most efficient when they're producing power at a constant, relatively high speed. What is a flywheel? A flywheel is essentially a very heavy wheel that takes a lot of force to spin around. Flywheels come in all shapes and sizes. Modern flywheels are a bit different from the ones that were popular during the Industrial Revolution. Photo: A typical flywheel on a gas-pumping engine. The physics of flywheels E = ½mv 2 E = ½Iω 2 Conservation laws Ancient flywheels

CETO - wave energy for electricity production and desalination of seawater Superconducting magnetic energy storage - Wikipedia, the free en Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage (SMES) systems store energy in the magnetic field created by the flow of direct current in a superconducting coil which has been cryogenically cooled to a temperature below its superconducting critical temperature. A typical SMES system includes three parts: superconducting coil, power conditioning system and cryogenically cooled refrigerator. Once the superconducting coil is charged, the current will not decay and the magnetic energy can be stored indefinitely. Due to the energy requirements of refrigeration and the high cost of superconducting wire, SMES is currently used for short duration energy storage. Therefore, SMES is most commonly devoted to improving power quality. Advantages over other energy storage methods[edit] Current use[edit] There are several small SMES units available for commercial use and several larger test bed projects. These facilities have also been used to provide grid stability in distribution systems. Where Cost[edit]

欧美飞轮储能公司抢滩中国市场 专利产品创新多(转)_田子君的百度空间 YS 2011-04-25 09:48:16 来源: 南方网 暂无网友评论 (来源:《科学时报》) 短短半年之内,刚刚进入中国市场的美国Active Power公司已有几十家用户,受欢迎程度,连其大中国区总裁王桓都没有想到。 Active Power专营飞轮UPS,即用飞轮储能的方式为数据中心提供应急备用电源(UPS)。虽然Active Power不是大公司,但其用户却包括谷歌、微软、雅虎、VISA、3M等国际知名企业。 2010年8月,Active Power正式进入中国。 4月20日,王桓在接受《科学时报》记者采访时表示,Active Power中国公司有望在2011年,也即进入中国市场的第二年实现盈利。 据记者了解,目前,全球有六七家能够提供成熟飞轮储能产品的企业,全部来自欧美。 近期,除了Active Power,其他飞轮储能公司也纷纷在中国设立分公司或销售代理。 飞轮储能通过高速旋转的飞轮储存能量,在需要时再旋转释放。 根据这种特性,目前飞轮储能主要应用于UPS,在市电断电后利用飞轮惯性能量带动发电机发电,维持的时间足以使柴油发电机启动,从而实现不间断供电。 从2000年至今,世界财富10强中的6家,前几大零售商以及30家道琼斯工业指数中的15家企业在其数据中心中都使用了Active Power的飞轮UPS产品。 国外数据表明,在UPS应用中,飞轮储能正在逐步取代铅酸蓄电池,成为主流技术。 之所以有这样的发展势头,据王桓介绍,飞轮储能有3大优势。 首先,作为一种机械储能的方式,飞轮储能的可靠性高,而这正是数据中心对UPS提出的首要要求。 第二,效率高、节电潜力大。 “因此,对于数据中心更有意义的是,带载率越低时,飞轮节省的能量越多。” 王桓表示,跟传统UPS相比,飞轮UPS节省了25%的能耗。 第三,降低成本。 因此,虽然飞轮储能的初始成本较高,但王桓认为,使用几年之后其价格优势就能显现出来。 另外,回收铅酸蓄电池在欧美国家都需要交费,一旦我国开始重视这方面问题,使用铅酸电池的成本将会越来越高。 飞轮储能同蓄电池相比的缺点是储能时间只有几十秒,这也使得人们对它提出质疑。 伴随着云计算的到来,企业能耗成本的增加显得更加突出。

Hydrogen storage Utility scale underground liquid hydrogen storage Methods of hydrogen storage for subsequent use span many approaches, including high pressures, cryogenics, and chemical compounds that reversibly release H2 upon heating. Underground hydrogen storage is useful to provide grid energy storage for intermittent energy sources, like wind power, as well as providing fuel for transportation, particularly for ships and airplanes. Most research into hydrogen storage is focused on storing hydrogen as a lightweight, compact energy carrier for mobile applications. Liquid hydrogen or slush hydrogen may be used, as in the Space Shuttle. However liquid hydrogen requires cryogenic storage and boils around 20.268 K (−252.882 °C or −423.188 °F). Compressed hydrogen, by comparison, is stored quite differently. Onboard hydrogen storage[edit] Targets were set by the FreedomCAR Partnership in January 2002 between the United States Council for Automotive Research (USCAR) and U.S. Established technologies[edit]

飞轮UPS——UPS中的“机械表”_数据中心专区_|><|太平洋电脑网PConline 或许没有人知道,UPS电源的鼻祖就是一套飞轮装置。然而,由于其体积过大,运行不够稳定等因素,逐步被铅蓄电池UPS所取代。如今,飞轮UPS又卷土重来,开始在各个领域崭露头角。那么,飞轮UPS与传统电源相比,到底有何不同? 以目前市场上最为流行的飞轮UPS为例,它由美国ACTIVEPOWER公司生产制造。 首先,飞轮UPS的效率非常高,可达98%。 第二,飞轮ups更加安全可靠。 对于化学储能来说则完全不同,它靠电子从阴极到阳极产生电能,但是这个过程不可见也不可测,用设备测量时可能有电压,但是真正去放电的时候未必能提供这么多的能量。 第三,飞轮UPS对环境的依赖程度很低,不需要空调制冷,它的工作温度在0度到40度之间,对于数据中心来说是非常大的节省。 第四,飞轮UPS对占地的要求大大减少。 第五,就是飞轮UPS的绿色环保。 当然与手表类似,这种机械表比石英表价格略高。
