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The Official Site of Bill Gates - The Gates Notes

The Official Site of Bill Gates - The Gates Notes

Summer Reading List 2013 Whether I’m at the office, at home, or on the road, I always have a stack of books I’m looking forward to reading. Last year I shared my summer reading list, and I thought I’d do it again this year. Here are a few of the books I’m planning to read, along with one recommendation of a book I’ve already finished. The World Until Yesterday: What Can We Learn from Traditional Societies? It’s crazy that I haven’t read this one yet. In fact, I’d like to invite you to read it along with me. The Box: How the Shipping Container Made the World Smaller and the World Economy Bigger by Marc Levinson Princeton University Press, 2008 I’ve read a fair amount already about how advances in engines for jets and ships made globalization possible. However Long the Night: Molly Melching's Journey to Help Millions of African Women and Girls by Aimee Molloy HarperOne, 2013 Melinda read this book a while ago and wrote a great review of it on the foundation's site. by Paul Tough Mariner Books, 2013 Patriot and Assassin

popurls® | the genuine news aggregator for the latest web buzz Bill Gates invites us all to read Jared Diamond's The World Until Yesterday Microsoft founder Bill Gates has shared his personal summer reading list in a blogpost and invited readers to join him in reading The World Until Yesterday by Jared Diamond, which explores what traditional societies can teach those living in the west. Gates say he's "a big fan" of the popular science writer. "Like a lot of people, I was blown away by Diamond's Guns, Germs, and Steel. I had never read anything that explained so much about human history. None of the classes I took in high school or college answered what I thought was one of the biggest and most important questions about history: Why do some societies advance so much faster and further than others?" As "an experiment", Gates invites readers to read Diamond's latest with him, and to post their thoughts on his blog. Gates also recommends Whistling Vivaldi: How Stereotypes Affect Us and What We Can Do by Claude Steele (Norton), saying: "I've actually read this one already.

Español, segunda lengua en la Red | Son Buenas Noticias Martes, 19 de junio de 2012 21:03 La Fundación Telefónica ha presentado el libro Valor Económico del Español, que analiza su creciente importancia económica como lengua de comunicación internacional e incorpora consideraciones para acrecentar su proyección internacional. En concreto, concluye que la promoción internacional del español como política de Estado por parte de los países hispanohablantes se ha convertido en el principal reto que debe superar nuestra lengua en el momento actual. Por lo tanto, su promoción debe considerar la lengua común como bien preferente, no para competir con el inglés, sino para mejorar su estatus como lengua internacional complementaria, “como lengua diplomática internacional, como lengua de creación y comunicación científica y como lengua en la que se expresa una cultura vigorosa y creativa con relevancia en la red y en los medios masivos de consulta digital”. El ‘factor ñ’ en cifras

Ways To Boost Your Self-Confidence A study from the University of Texas at Austin found that children who took piano lessons had higher self-esteem than their peers. 117 fourth graders attending public schools in Montreal were chosen who had no formal music instruction, no piano at home, and an annual family income of below $40,000. 63 children were given an acoustic piano and received weekly piano lessons for three years, and 54 students did not participate in any formal music instruction. The kids were tested on their self-confidence, academic achievement, cognitive abilities, musical abilities, and motor proficiency at the beginning and throughout the three year study.

Biscuits Maison. Libro de cocina | El Correo Si os gusta preparar galletas caseras y los de cocina, estáis de suerte pues habéis encontrado el libro ideal, . Y es que esta obra, un libro casi de bolsillo, viene acompañada de un sello de madera y caucho de gran calidad, ideal para estampar las galletas hechas en casa y darles un toque artesano. El libro forma parte de una colección donde . En este caso es el sello, pero también he visto otras como moldes para bombones, para hacer empanadillas perfectas o cortadoras para las típicas galletas de mantequilla, casi siempre para utilizar con recetas de la pastelería francesa más tradicional. El libro comienza con una en nuestras galletas para imprimir la frase “Biscuit Maison”, pero también la receta de la masa más adecuada para ello, pues esta debe de llevar la proporción justa de mantequilla y que una vez en el horno la inscripción se mantenga con la mejor forma posible. Después comienza una de distintos tipos. Larousse cuisine Editorial Larousse 10,60 euros Extraído de:

How to Become a Masterful Note-Taker: 8 Lessons From Research - Anna Codrea-Rado Use a computer. Underline. Take a break. Read them later. AP Photos The value of note-taking--or notebooks at least--gets a stock market capitalization in the coming weeks with Moleskine's planned IPO. Here's everything you need to know about taking notes at work, but never bothered to ask: 1. 2. 3. ... The US Air Force Academy teamed up with West Virginia University to work out the art of electronic note-taking. And if you're worried about the environment, Slate weighed the green implications of taking notes on an iPad. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. It's probably not a bad time to buy shares in Moleskine after all.

Noticias : Periodismo Gastronomico Browse > Home / Archive by category 'Noticias' Nos hace muy felices, ver que mes a mes, podemos subir aquí la revista de nuestros amigos de Planeta28. Una revista que nació y creció en medio de esta crisis que viene durando unos cuantos años!!! y Por eso, hay que felicitarlos aún más!!! Son personas jóvenes, y con ganas!! y nada les ha quitado la ilusión, de estar aquí. Porque 60 años no los cumplen todos Porque 60 años no son nada y son tanto… Porque tenemos 60 historias que compartir, por lo menos! Porque los 6 platos de la nueva carta son ya imprescindibles en la historia de la gastronomía madrileña. El mítico restaurante Casa Paulino cumple 60 años y quiere celebrarlo con todos los que han hecho posible que llegue hasta el 2014 en plena forma. El 2 de Abril, el cocinero Paulino, Covadonga y todas las personas que hacen que cada comida en el restaurante Casa Paulino sea un homenaje a la cocina honesta, para fieles e incondicionales, te esperan a las 21h. La Lasagna de Paulino Plato Típico

On Deciding . . . Better 3.0 : How BIll Gates Takes Notes In 2003, Rob Howard described a meeting with Bill Gates The first thing I notice as the meeting starts is that Bill is left-handed. He also didn’t bring a computer in with him, but instead is taking notes on a yellow pad of paper. I had heard this before – Bill takes amazingly detailed notes during meetings. I image he has to, given all the information directed at him. The other thing I noticed during the course of the meeting is how he takes his notes. This is an anecdote that continues to be retold whenever the subject of note taking comes up on the web. Taking notes during a meeting sends a powerful message. For the note taker, the act of recording promotes active listening. If the meeting is important enough to be physically present, then it should be important enough to be mentally present as well. Rob’s other interesting observation was that Gates used a structured note taking system. That takes care of the meeting.

Eating Walnuts Boosts Sperm Quality LOS ANGELES—Eating about two handfuls of walnuts a day may significantly improve sperm parameters in men and boost their fertility, according to a new study published in the journal Biology of Reproduction. The findings suggest a-linolenic acid, a natural plant source of omega-3 found in walnuts, may be responsible for the improvements. Researchers at the UCLA School of Nursing conducted the study to investigate the effects of a plant source of omega-3 on sperm. Statistics from the American Society for Reproductive Medicine show that one in six couples is infertile, with about 40% of these cases due to a male factor. The 12-week study involved 117 men between ages 21 and 35, who were divided into two groups. One group added 75 grams of whole-shelled walnuts to their diet daily; the other group continued their usual diet but avoided eating tree nuts.

Meditation Posture | How to Meditate When we practise meditation we need to have a comfortable seat and a good posture. When we practise meditation we need to have a comfortable seat and a good posture. The most important feature of the posture is to keep our back straight. To help us do this, if we are sitting on a cushion we make sure that the back of the cushion is slightly higher than the front, inclining our pelvis slightly forward. It is not necessary at first to sit cross-legged, but it is a good idea to become accustomed to sitting in the posture of Buddha Vairochana. If we cannot hold this posture we should sit in one which is as close to this as possible while remaining comfortable. The seven features of Vairochana’s posture are: (1) The legs are crossed in the vajra posture. If we want to colour our mind with a virtuous motivation we need to clear away all our negative thoughts and distractions.

Bill Gates' new web site... interesting stuff. by emrwpoet Jan 21
