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PlaNet Finance, l'expert en microfinance

PlaNet Finance, l'expert en microfinance

About Franchising | FranchisingWorks Franchising is where the owner of a franchise system (‘the franchisor’) agrees to license the use of its operating systems, brand and other Intellectual Property, and provide training and ongoing support to enable another person (‘the franchisee’) to start up and run an identical business elsewhere. Franchisees of well-established franchise systems benefit from: businesses based on existing models with proven track-records,initial training and ongoing support (which also make franchise businesses more accessible to those without work experience or skills),better access to bank lending to finance the purchase and start-up costs,economies of scale and greater purchasing power that derive from being part of a larger business network. Franchisees go into business for themselves, not by themselves. Franchising can therefore be described as supported self-employment. 90% of franchise businesses are still operating after 5 years.

La participation citoyenne, enjeu d’une démocratie territoriale Le jeudi 17 janvier, la Fonda organisait un petit-déjeuner sur le thème « Territoires et Démocratie » L’enjeu était de discuter des propositions existantes et des initiatives possibles pour renforcer la place des citoyens dans le débat public au niveau local. Parmi les intervenants du débat, Matthieu Ilunga et Adrien Roux représentaient l’Alliance Citoyenne de Grenoble, et Michel Dinet intervenait en tant que fondateur de l’Unadel et Président du conseil Général de Meurthe et Moselle. La participation citoyenne de quoi parle-t-on ? Au cours des échanges, Jean-Pierre Worms a donné une définition des deux types de participation citoyenne, qu’il me semble utile de rappeler ici en introduction. L’autre forme de participation citoyenne est ascendante, fondée sur la demande : il s’agit d’une conquête de pouvoir par des gens qui habituellement n’en ont pas, à l’image des expériences de community organizing. Contester, le pouvoir irréductible de la base La démocratie participative et efficace?

Compartamos Banco Compartamos Banco is a Mexican bank and the largest microfinance bank in Latin America, serving more than 2.5 million clients. The bank was founded in 1990 and is headquartered in Mexico City. The bank is engaged in the credit and insurance sectors. In the Credit division, Compartamos offers a range of loans, including Woman Credit, Additional Credit, Home Improvement Credit, Solidarity Credit and Individual Credit, and in the Insurance division it provides Life Insurance and Integral Insurance. The company has 352 service offices in the Mexican domestic market. History[edit] Founded by Jose Ignacio Avalos Hernandez as an NGO in 1990, Compartamos aimed to alleviate poverty by providing microcredit to small businesses, initially by offering loans to women at the base of the economic pyramid.[1] In order to grow the fund, it was decided to incorporate as a for-profit company in 2000, and a commercial banking license was obtained in 2006 [2] Products and services[edit] Criticisms[edit]

Association caritative Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Une association caritative est une association à but non lucratif dont l'objectif est de porter secours et assistance aux plus démunis. La définition légale d'association caritative est très variable selon les pays. Dans certains, elle obéit à certains critères très précis que doivent vérifier les associations. Dans d'autres, la notion même d'association caritative n'existe pas, ce sont alors les associations elle-même qui s'auto-proclament caritatives. Le terme de caritatif est un mot très ancien (XIVe siècle) synonyme de charitable, dont l'usage a d'abord disparu pour revenir à la mode dans la deuxième moitié du XXe siècle. Union européenne[modifier | modifier le code] L'Union européenne reconnaît au tissu associatif un rôle très important autant en complément des actions gouvernementales, qu'en terme éducatif (éducation à la citoyenneté). Allemagne[modifier | modifier le code] Belgique[modifier | modifier le code] Portail des associations

Anjna Patient Education Dear CareMessage Friends and Supporters, It is with deep satisfaction and gratitude that I am announcing that CareMessage has graduated from the prestigious Y Combinator incubator program, where we presented to a group of over 500 Silicon Valley thinkers, investors and philanthropists today. In the last two years, CareMessage has gone from being an idea to an organization that is on track to impact tens, if not hundreds, of millions of lives. The innovative solutions we have built and continue to build are addressing pressing challenges in this new era of healthcare. CareMessage uses the one item nearly every family possesses - a mobile phone - to ensure that no one is alone or forgotten with regards to their health.Our platform improves lives while simultaneously cutting costs for health care organizations. Everybody benefits. Our 65 partner healthcare organizations (and growing every single day) include the St. John Kissick, Co-Founder and Senior Partner, Ares Management LLC Peter Bing

L’édition 2014 de l’étude “La France Bénévole” est disponible! « Ce qui compte ne peut pas toujours être compté » affirmait Albert Einstein. Recherches et Solidarités et Pro Bono Lab tentent de contredire le célèbre physicien en publiant ensemble la onzième édition de l’étude « La France Bénévole ». Cette étude nationale s’attache depuis plusieurs années à compter ceux qui comptent : les bénévoles en France, leur engagement, leurs motivations et leur actions. Les chiffres de cette étude phare sont issus des enquêtes du Baromètre d’Opinion des Bénévoles, réalisées auprès de près de 3500 bénévoles en France en 2014, avec l’apport méthodologique des experts du réseau Recherches et Solidarités. Les données les plus marquantes sont reprises dans l’infographie « La France Bénévole 2014 » réalisée par Pro Bono Lab. Des bénévoles plus nombreux mais moins réguliers Depuis 2013, le constat est clair : les bénévoles sont plus nombreux mais ils sont moins réguliers dans leur engagement. Qu’apprenons-nous de cette enquête du printemps dernier ?

KAOSPilot Coalition for Independent Living – The Leading Organisation for Accreditation and Training of Support Brokers RippleZ - A drop of inspiration The Co-Existence of Conscience And Consumerism Photo courtesy of ECHOstore. Being a social entrepreneur is about creating viable, income-generating opportunities while building a better, sustainable world, especially for those in need. As ECHOstore co-founder Jeannie Javelosa explains, “What can we do about global warming? ECHOstore offers only organic, natural, fair-trade, or environment-friendly products from local farmers, women’s groups, and marginalized communities across the Philippines. What’s in a name The first letters in its name stands for Environment, Community, Hope, and Organization. They are the guiding principles in a business that strives to be one with a heart. Javelosa, along with business partners Reena Francisco and Chit Juan, opened ECHOstore’s doors in Serendra Piazza in September 2008. Beside the Serendra shop is ECHOcafe, which serves Philippine coffee and healthy food. Expertise in the face of risk “We’re not afraid to dive into the blue ocean and jump around and play,” Javelosa shares. A process for progress

About Us | Rags2Riches Rags2Riches Inc. is a for-profit social enterprise based in Manila, Philippines, creating eco-ethical fashion and home accessories out of up cycled scrap cloth, organic materials and indigenous fabrics by working with women living in the poor communities across the country. Rags2Riches’ philosophy stands upon its four bottom lines: People, Profit, Planet and Positive Influence. The eco-ethical business model originated in 2007 in Payatas, one of the Philippines’ largest dumpsites and home to 12,000 families. An informal cottage industry of rug-weavers grew from the many women who developed a means to earn a living by scavenging the waste to find and recycle scrap pieces of fabric so that they could participate in handicraft production like rug and rag weaving, while taking care of their children at home.
