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British Council

British Council
Related:  Shakespeare

Shakespeare - Hamlet | LearnEnglish Teens | British Council Hamlet, the Prince of Denmark, has come back from university to find that his father, the old king, is dead. His mother has married his father’s brother, Claudius, who is now king of Denmark. Hamlet is shocked that his mother has married so soon after his father’s death, and angry that she has married Claudius. Soon, a ghost is seen walking on the castle walls. The ghost looks like Hamlet’s father, the dead king. Hamlet can’t believe that his mother would marry the man who murdered her husband. A group of travelling actors arrives in town. Hamlet’s plan works. This of course means that Hamlet has killed the father of his girlfriend Ophelia. At the end of the play, all of the royal household of Denmark are dead.

Shakespeare Solos: watch the first six films | Stage Adrian Lester, Hamlet ‘To be or not to be’ Adrian Lester performs Hamlet’s soliloquy from act III, scene 1, in which the prince reflects on mortality and considers taking his own life. Joanna Vanderham, Romeo and Juliet ‘The mask of night is on my face’ Joanna Vanderham speaks Juliet’s monologue from the balcony scene in which she insists that her devotion to Romeo is true even if it has been a whirlwind romance. Roger Allam, King Lear ‘Blow, winds, and crack your cheeks’ Roger Allam plays Lear in act III, scene 2 of the tragedy. Eileen Atkins, Othello ‘I do think it is their husbands’ faults’ Eileen Atkins speaks Emilia’s lines from Othello, act IV scene 3. David Morrissey, Richard III ‘Now is the winter of our discontent’ David Morrissey speaks the play’s opening lines in which the scheming Richard lays out his plan to turn his brothers, the Duke of Clarence and King Edward IV, against each other. Ayesha Dharker, A Midsummer Night’s Dream ‘These are the forgeries of jealousy’

Great Free Resources for Teaching Election 2016 The 2016 presidential race has been a roller-coaster ride of suspense and surprises from the beginning — and one replete with valuable “teachable moments” that shouldn’t be missed. Below, we suggest over a dozen instructional strategies and useful, free websites that can help teach students about our nation’s most pressing issues and the way our democracy works, as well as encourage them to voice their opinions about the issues they care about most. Please use our comments section to share additional resources we may have missed. We’ll be updating this page throughout 2016. From now until November, we’ll be offering regular election teaching resources, including lesson plans, Student Opinion questions, contests and an updated version of our four-part election unit. 1. Letters to the Next President 2.0 Overview Want to give your students a voice in this election even if they’re too young to vote? 2. 3. What does Donald J. 4. 5. 6. 7. PenPal Schools | Decision 2016 8. 9. 10. Photo 11. 12. 13.

Shakespeare Skip to content This lesson may be useful as an introductory lesson on Shakespeare. Introduction In this lesson, learners are introduced to Shakespeare as the topic for the lesson and pool the knowledge that they already have about him with a mind map and quiz activities. There are lots more materials available on the TeachingEnglish website to do further work on Shakespeare and his plays with your secondary learners: You and your learners can also find out more about Shakespeare with these links: Aims To learn about Shakespeare To practise reading skills To practise question formation To develop speaking skills Age group Young learners aged 12+ or adults Level CEFR level B1/B2 Time 60 minutes approximately Materials

Shakespeare timeline: follow the plot of the playwright's life | Stage On 26 April, Stratford-upon-Avon parish archives record the baptism of “Gulielmus filius Iohannes Shakespere” (William, son of John Shakespeare). The Shakespeare household is comfortable: Mary (neé Arden) comes from a rich farming family; John is a maker of fine gloves and a successful businessman who will end up as Stratford’s mayor. William is one of seven children, and the oldest son. Though it’s usually celebrated on 23 April, his actual date of birth is unclear. Having received a top-notch education at Stratford grammar school, Shakespeare’s future is put in doubt when a local woman, Anne Hathaway, discovers she is pregnant with their child. Writer Robert Greene publishes a bitter denunciation of “an upstart crow” who “with his tiger’s heart wrapped in a player’s hide, supposes he is as well able to bombast out a blank verse as the best of you”. Another turning point occurs when Queen Elizabeth I – for whom the Lord Chamberlain’s Men performed regularly – dies.

1. Activités pour débutants - Apprendre et enseigner l'allemand ACTIVITES pour l'ALLEMAND en PRIMAIRE 1) Jeux sur le site de Germanisgood de JP. Alexandre: Primaire 2) Activités sur le site Weballemand de S. Raymond: Primaire 3) Exercices sur 'CollRehon' de C. 4) Activités sur 'Mausdeutsch' de Mme Vetter Primaire ACTIVITES pour l'ALLEMAND en COLLEGE Manuel Gute Fahrt Voici une sélection des activités préférées des collégiens destinée aux débutants: - D'innombrables activités sur 'Learning Apps' : Allemand - Sitographie d' Activités bilangues proposées par Françoise Couëdelo - Archive 'Jeux' du site 'dafdiesunddas' - jeux sur 'Games for Language'. - Meilleurs sites d'activités online de collègues professeurs d'allemand. - Autre collection de jeux rassemblées dans le 'pearltree' de Mme C. ACTIVITES pour l'ALLEMAND en PRIMAIRE 1) Jeux sur le site de Germanisgood de JP. 2) Activités sur le site Weballemand de S. 3) Exercices sur 'CollRehon' de C. 4) Activités sur 'Mausdeutsch' de Mme Vetter Primaire ACTIVITES pour l'ALLEMAND en COLLEGE Manuel Gute Fahrt

Shakespeare for teens By being intimidated by the multilevel narrative and the stylised language we are missing out on some exceptional teaching materials. By depriving our EFL teens of Shakespeare we are depriving them of some of the most riveting, contemporary stories ever to be told in the English language. In your EFL classroom don’t skip it – exploit it! Don’t dumb it down – jazz it up! Why teach Shakespeare?What should I teach? Why teach Shakespeare? The fantastic stories.His plays are crammed with stimulating plots and sub-plots. What should I teach? Plays that motivate and excite youIf you know and love a play then you are already better equipped to sell it to your teenage audience.Plays on exam listsThe plays for 2008 are The Tempest, Richard III and Much Ado about Nothing. How can I teach Shakespeare? Emphasize the story firstThe story should always be the focal point of the lesson. Further Reading and ResourcesThere are endless articles about Shakespeare and his work on the internet.

shakespeare - search results - Teachit Browse resources Find Secondary English teaching resources for poetry, prose, plays, non-fiction, media and skills. Teaching packs Choose from topics including ‘Argue and persuade’, ‘Reading non-fiction texts’ and ‘Survival' (KS3). Poetry Place Resources written specially for the new GCSE poetry anthologies. Interactive resources Word games, text exploration and activities for your interactive whiteboard. Books and posters Browse our bookshop for literacy books, poetic terms posters, cover packs and more. Préparer le TOEIC avec 5 applications mobiles (Android/iPhone) Le TOEIC (Test of English for International Communication) est l’examen le plus connu pour évaluer son niveau d’anglais. Des applications existent pour t’y préparer. De nombreux tests de langue existent pour certifier ton niveau d’anglais. Test d’Anglais par Digischool (Android et iOS) Dans Test d’Anglais, Digischool te propose plus de 1 000 questions qui permettent donc de t’entraîner aux épreuves présentes dans le TOEIC, le TOEFL-PBT, l’IELTS, et Cambridge. Pour en savoir plus sur cette appli, tu peux lire cet article. TOEIC Test Training (iOS) TOEIC Test Training est une application complète pour t’entraîner. A noter que profiter de toutes les questions, il faut faire des achats in-app mais à un prix abordables, et que la connexion internet n’est pas nécessaire pour s’exercer. Télécharger TOEIC Test Training – S’entraîner en anglais (iOS) TOEIC, test d’anglais (iOS) En tout ce sont 400 questions qui sont disponibles gratuitement Télécharger TOEIC, test d’anglais (iOS)

YOLO Juliet. srsly Hamlet. Macbeth #killingit. Shakespeare goes textspeak Shakespeare took Raphael Holinshed’s Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland and refashioned them into stories fit for the theatre – the most popular format of his time – transforming history into a rose that “might never die”. Now Penguin Random House and Brett Wright are returning the compliment, publishing Shakespeare’s classics in a medium made for the 21st century: textspeak. The OMG Shakespeare series, published under the Random House Books for Young Readers imprint, includes YOLO Juliet. srsly Hamlet. “Imagine: what if those star-crossed lovers Romeo and Juliet had smartphones? “Follow-back expert” Freddy Amazin wasn’t impressed, tweeting “Never wanted to burn a book before.” “I read Romeo and Juliet when I was a freshman in high school about 5 years ago. So there you go.

Mr William Shakespeare's Plays - Marcia Williams What have you got for the picnic - Niveau A1 Deux jeunes Anglaises se préparent à rejoindre leurs amis pour un pique-nique. Introducing Shakespeare - Mia Smith I engelskans kursplan finns i det centrala innehållet följande bitar med. • Skönlitteratur och annan fiktion även i talad, dramatiserad och filmatiserad form. • Sånger och dikter. Är det bra jag som läser detta som en inbjudan att plocka in den stora barden i klassrummet? I år firar världen också att det är 400 år sedan Shakespeare dog, vilket ni kan läsa mer om här och även här. Perfekt läge att plocka in Shakespeare i klassrummet! Det har jag redan gjort i många år, vissa delar har jag använt många gånger, andra har jag utvecklat efter hand. Getting to know Shakespeare Som inledning till temat lät jag mina elever bekanta sig med Shakespeare via olika korta youtube-filmer. Vi gick igenom begreppen, några förklarade jag, andra inte. Shall I compare thee? Nästa fokus var Shakespeares sonetter. Eleverna fick sedan läsa den 18e sonetten, Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day parvis, med överdriven betoning på rytmen. Shakespeare’s language Romeo and Juliet Writing – Character analysis
