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OutKast - Hey Ya!‬‏

OutKast - Hey Ya!‬‏

Alternative hip hop Alternative hip hop (also known as alternative rap) is a subgenre of hip hop music that encompasses the wide range of styles of hip hop that have not become identified as mainstream. Allmusic defines it as follows: Alternative rap refers to hip hop groups that tend not to conform to any of the traditional stereotypes of rap, such as gangsta, bass, hardcore, pop, and party rap. Instead, they blur genres – drawing equally from funk and rock, as well as jazz, soul, reggae, country, electronic, and even folk.[1] History[edit] Origin[edit] Mainstream decline[edit]

N.E.R.D Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. N.E.R.D (acronyme de No one Ever Really Dies[Note 1], stylisé en N*E*R*D) est un groupe américain de rap, funk et rock. Membres[modifier | modifier le code] We Are the World Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. La chanson sort le 7 mars 1985, comme seul single de l'album et devient un succès commercial international. Il est en tête de plusieurs palmarès de musique à travers le monde et devient le premier single à être récompensé plusieurs fois disque de platine par la RIAA. Cependant, la chanson reçoit un avis mitigé de la part des journalistes, des critiques de musique et du public. We Are the World reçoit de nombreuses récompenses dont trois Grammy Awards, un American Music Award et un People's Choice Award.

Nellie Bly: Google Doodle’s 1st original song (Karen O) salutes an American original TODAY, to celebrate the life and writings of the pioneering reporter Nellie Bly, Google delivers its most artful musical Doodle ever. And in saluting the globe-trotting journalist who was a true American original, Team Google Doodle commissioned its first original song ever, tapping the sublime talents of singer-songwriter Karen O of the Yeah Yeah Yeahs (an indie trio that, we must note, puts on a great live show). Landing the lead singer of “Maps,” “Gold Lion” and “Art Star” is not only an inspired hire; it also raises the question: Given Google’s massive reach, might this home-page video turn the commissioned number,” Nellie,” into an actual hit? (It certainly gives new meaning to the term “Google Play.”) In many of her assignments, including her celebrated 72-day whirlwind trip around the world in 1889, Bly literally flew against convention of her day. “Take us all around the world” — Karen O

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