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Mapbox | Design and publish beautiful maps Search Search for a city, state, or lat/lon coordinates to jump to any place on the map. Draw or import data Add markers, lines, or polygon data to your project. Map style Customize your map by picking a different baselayer. The Mapbox Editor Create, design, and publish maps. To have full control over your map design with custom fonts, textures, and data, check out Mapbox Studio Classic, our desktop map design app. Customize the map Branded Content In New Media – the PR Trend for 2010 | Online PR If you’re looking for some hard evidence that companies are focusing on communicating directly with existing and prospective consumers with content placed in social media sites, the 2009 Survey on Marketing, Media and Measurement has the data. This ability to use new media channels to reach audiences directly, and to measure the value of their response and interaction, is advancing a trend: companies are abandoning other media platforms in favor of creating their own branded, original content in social media channels. Back in 2002 Forrester Research said success online was all about the content and it seems that part hasn’t changed. What has change is where we find that content and how we consume it. “Marketers have been aware of the effectiveness of building relationships and trust with content since long before the Internet,” said Gordon Plutsky, Director of Marketing and Research, King Fish. Some key findings of the King Fish Media 2009 Survey on Marketing, Media and Measurement: Tags:

Movie Maker - Video Maker -  Slideshow Maker | Kizoa How in questions -ENGAMES The word “HOW” is one of the most productive words in English. It helps us create meaningful questions and sentences. The word “HOW” combines with many other words to create these questions. How in questions – mindmap Here the students can practise the basic usage of the word HOW in questions. The way you can create questions with how. In the first game your task is to complete the questions with the correct word. Teacher Invaders In the second game you should choose the correct answer and shoot only the BAD ducks. Shooting game I hope that by now you know all the basic usages of the word HOW.

Fine Tuna - Fine tune a design or image by adding feedback & sharalike | Life's moments deserve to be shared The 31 Educational Web Tools Every Teacher Should Know about Below is a list I have been working on for the last couple of days. This list features some interesting web tools for teachers keen on integrating technology into their instruction and work routine. There are loads of web platforms that are educationally focused and to contain them all in one list is way beyond the scope of a short blog post like this , therefore I selected only what I deemed the most important. 1- Google drive Google Drive is a great suite of productivity tools that works across different devices. 2- Dropbox Dopbox is another wonderful cloud-based storage platform that allows you to easily save and store your docs and PDFs and share them with others. 3- Evernote Evernote is powerful web tool that you can use to make notes, bookmark webpages and many more. 4- Twitter This is one of the best social networking platform out there. 5- Google Plus 6- Pinterest 7- Socrative 8- Edmodo 9- Tweetdeck Tweetdeck allows you to create a custom Twitter experience. 10- Prezi 11-

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