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Two Plus Two Poker Forum - Poker Strategy Forums

Two Plus Two Poker Forum - Poker Strategy Forums

Poker : news, actualité, poker en ligne, tournois, forum | Club Poker NLHE: 3betting and facing a 3bet - Poker Theory - General Poker Theory Forum All IMHO. Hey guys. I wrote a similar article about a month ago, but did more research and wanted to release a new version. This is just a pretty standard 3bet article for beginning and intermediate players (and myself, as I write). I think there are at least a few somewhat newer players that will appreciate this post, so I hope you enjoy. Also, if I screwed up any math or something...sorry. Historycliffnotes for lazy people:- Everyone 3bets a merged value range.- Everyone realizes that 4bets are really big in No Limit, and folding JJ preflop sucks A long time ago, when online games were passive and nits made millions, people were 3betting a merged (depolarized) range preflop. Games became incredibly tight in 3bet scenarios as a result. It’s important to understand why 3betting ATC was good when it was…and that is because there were two types of players: people who folded to the 3bet OOP, and people who called and check-folded the flop. This is where the idea of Polarization comes in...

21 règles d'or pour débuter au poker online 21 règles d'or pour bien débuter au poker online Les informations utiles sur le poker coulent à flots sur Internet mais elles sont extrêmement disséminées et donc difficilement exploitables. L’objectif de ce post-it est de regrouper en quelques principes ce qu’il convient de connaître et d’acquérir pour démarrer le poker online avec de bonnes bases et de bons outils. Il est tout à fait possible de débuter sans respecter les recommandations qui suivent, mais c’est nettement plus long et plus fastidieux. Si vous êtes totalement débutant et que vous avez la chance d’avoir eu connaissance de l’existence de la Rounders Team, cet article est donc fait pour vous. 1) Effacez les préjugésPour commencez, oubliez toutes les images de poker que vous avez vues à la TV. 2) Considérez le poker comme un sportDe la même façon qu’il ne vous viendrait pas à l’idée de traverser l’atlantique sur un Zodiac, assurez vous que votre équipement de joueur de poker est adéquat et complet. JealcRounders Team

(Simple?) 3-bet Scenario - High Stakes Poker Pot Limit and No Limit - High Stakes Poker Forum Since the dude is good and aggressive we're assuming he's capable of CRing AI with a lot of stuff on the flop and could possible be slowplaying a monster right now. Anyways, as to the answer to your "How much does it matter" question I think we'd have to look at 1) how likley am I to fold a better hand when I flop nothing? 2) how likely am I to get called/raised by a worst hand if I flop something? Now, with A2 and KJ a "missed flop" would consist of all little cards (or some variant of Q52 or something) and if we C-bet in these positions we are unlikely to fold QQ-66 from a smart/thinking player. However, if 88 or 75s misses the flop (like say AQ4) and then we C-bet, we are more likely to fold better hands such as JJ-66 and of course we will fold if we get CR'd all in (which we would have done with A2s and KJo anyways). Now let's say we flop a BIG hand with these hands, which one is most likely to get paid off? - Villian totally won't see it coming. - Ecole de poker en ligne offrant un capital de départ gratuit de 50$ When I Was A Poker Donk -- Lars Bonding - Poker News Lars Bonding In this series, Card Player asks top pros to rewind back to their humble beginnings and provide insights regarding the mistakes, leaks, and deficiencies that they had to overcome in order to improve their games. Lars Bonding is one of the most consistent and aggressive no-limit hold’em tournament players on the circuit today. The Las Vegas resident had been on one of the most impressive tears in the history of online poker earlier this year — all before online poker was widely shutdown in the United States. In brick-and-mortar card rooms, Bonding has been equally as impressive. Here, Bonding talks about his conscious decision to reduce how much he gambles in deep-stacked tournaments — all in an effort to pick and choose lower-variance spots instead of flipping a coin for a ton of chips. Card Player caught up with him to discuss a leak he had in his game early in his career. “However, I was gambling more when I was young, and sometimes I miss that.

Check Your Bets - Free Poker Software optimized for Internet Poker Classifying Bets And Raises Part 3 - Aggression Is Overrated - CardSharp part 1, part 2 The 10 most aggressive players in Vegas are broke - Bob Ciaffone in Improve Your Poker This is probably going to piss some people off, but Bob’s exactly right. For the last 25 years, the poker literature has been pulling a bit of a con on unsuspecting players by claiming in almost unmitigated terms that aggression is good. However, before I continue, we have to figure out exactly what it is we’re talking about. The third definition is a little more interesting. hands he will fold | Hands he will call or raise with <---------------------------------------------------------> worst---------------Opponent Range------------------best The key point was the dividing line in the middle that split the hands he would fold to a bet from those he would call or raise with. If you were paying close attention, I actually tipped my hand last paragraph and explained why aggression is overrated. Now, having said that, you may wonder if ol’ Wayne is leading you astray here.

Guide du Poker En ligne - Comment bien débuter au Poker - PokerListings Ce guide contient des séries d'articles détaillant tous les aspects de jeu de poker en ligne. Même s'il n'est pas aussi important selon si vous êtes un débutant ou un joueur de poker en ligne expérimenté, ce guide vous fournira quoiqu'il arrive beaucoup de conseils utiles et inédits. Nous expliquerons notamment comment maximiser vos profits, le fonctionnement des bonus, et bien plus encore. Ce guide du poker online se compose de 8 sections que voici : Bien Gérer son Capital La gestion de son capital (bankroll) est un facteur primordial de réussite au poker. La chose est donc également on ne peut plus vrai au poker en ligne, voire au poker en général. Retrouvez plus de conseils et des analyses sur la gestion de bankroll dans la section dédiée de notre rubrique stratégie : Stratégie du Poker - Gérer sa bankroll Texas Hold'em et Bankroll Choix des Salles de Poker PokerListings France a sélectionné pour vous les meilleures salles de poker en ligne. Goodies Poker Les Bases d'une Salle de Poker

Classifying Bets & Raises Part 2 - The Risk-Reward Approach - CardSharp In this series I discuss how bets and raises are classified, and the thinking behind determining if a given bet or raise is correct. Part 1 As you’ll recall from last article, there is a well defined system for classifying calls as correct or incorrect using odds math. That math essentially analyzes three relevant facts: How much money you win if your call works (ie. you hit your draw, or have the best hand already) ($win)How much you lose if your call doesn’t work ($lose)How likely your call is to work (P(win)) At that point the expectation for the call is easy to calculate: Expectation = $win * P(win) - $lose * (1-P(win)) The important thing to recognize here is that this formula is essentially expectation = reward - risk That’s all there is to it. Now, to the big point of this article: Deciding whether a bet or raise is correct is no different than deciding on a call. Understanding Reward - How You Make Money So what, precisely, is your reward when you bet? So what should we learn from this?

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