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Image Crop Tool. PicHacks - Funny Face Maker Iconion : Free Icon Maker Creating ASP.NET Web API with MVC 6 Posted by: Mahesh Sabnis , on 12/9/2015, in Category ASP.NET Abstract: In this article, we will build an ASP.NET Web API using MVC 6. In earlier versions of ASP.NET, Web API was provided as a separate Web API framework, but going forward in the ASP.NET 5 release, Web API is merged with MVC, termed as MVC 6. ASP.NET Web API uses the power of HTTP. In this article, we will build an ASP.NET Web API using MVC 6. The following diagram explains Web API in application development The above diagram provides conceptual use of Web API. Implementing the ASP.NET Web API application To implement the Web API application, we will use Visual Studio 2015 and ASP.NET 5 RC1. Editorial Note: The ASP.NET 5 RC tools are not installed when you install the Visual Studio 2015 Update 1. Step 1: Open Visual Studio 2015 and create a new ASP.NET application as shown in the following image: Click on the OK button. Step 2: In the project, add a Models folder and add a new class file in it containing the following code

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