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Ce que la crise change pour le marketing : la fin des géants aux pieds d’argile

Ce que la crise change pour le marketing : la fin des géants aux pieds d’argile
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From Social Brand to Social Business Part One - Business Review USA | Infographic Design | Louisville Social Media Marketing | 502-442-7914 Data visualization Data visualization or data visualisation is viewed by many disciplines as a modern equivalent of visual communication. It is not owned by any one field, but rather finds interpretation across many (e.g. it is viewed as a modern branch of descriptive statistics by some, but also as a grounded theory development tool by others). It involves the creation and study of the visual representation of data, meaning "information that has been abstracted in some schematic form, including attributes or variables for the units of information".[1] A primary goal of data visualization is to communicate information clearly and efficiently to users via the information graphics selected, such as tables and charts. Effective visualization helps users in analyzing and reasoning about data and evidence. It makes complex data more accessible, understandable and usable. Data visualization is both an art and a science. Overview[edit] Indeed, Fernanda Viegas and Martin M. Graphics reveal data. Terminology[edit]

Cash Value of Meaning and Truth | Pennsylvania Echoes To better understand William James’s metaphor of the Cash Value of Truth, I would like to make a case that “Cash value of Meaning” would be an improved word choice for today. This is to say that from a subjective stand point, a person decides what is meaningful and how meaningful in any given context ( family social, work social environmental, aesthetically such as Studying a sculpture in a gallery) etc), in a market like process. Each context has own meanings, finally interpreted by the person, himself in his own interests. A simplified example two people in the context of conversation. Each person brings memory, previous opinion, biology, world view, diction and present mood into the field of conversation. This context of meeting includes the physical location, and participants, including anything in the background. This may have been a meaningful exchange. Each meaningful experience is localized event. Meaningful Conclusion Like this: Like Loading...

From Social Brand to Social Business Part Two - Marketing 2.0 WeDoData « Un angle, des infos bétons et la simplicité : les 3 ingrédients pour une bonne dataviz ! » Interview de Karen Bastien, datajournaliste | Data Publica « Un angle, des infos bétons et la simplicité : les 3 ingrédients pour une bonne dataviz ! » Interview de Karen Bastien, datajournaliste 27 mars Les datavisualisations envahissent les écrans de nos tablettes, de nos ordinateurs et de nos smartphones. Ce n’est pas une mode mais une tendance de fond qui préfigure de l’adaptation des rédactions d’info au datajournalisme. Data Publica : Comment considères-tu ton travail : tu es journaliste ? Karen Bastien : Journaliste avant tout. A quel moment de ta formation t’es tu décidée à travailler dans ce registre de l’information visuelle ? Je suis sortie du Centre de formation des journalistes il y a douze ans avec deux spécialisations : l’une en édition (mise en forme de l’information, maquette, titraille) et l’autre en web. Karen Bastien & François Prosper, le duo de Wedodata Quel en a été l’élément déclencheur ? Complètement. Son travail constitue un moment clé de cette nouvelle étape de la datavisualisation. 1. 2. 3.

BUG BROTHER - Blog Frank Luntz: The 11 Words for 2011 Words matter. The most powerful words have helped launch social movements and cultural revolutions. The most effective words have instigated great change in public policy. The right words at the right time can literally change history. Most of you know me as a wordsmith. For those who care about words, I'm going to make it easy for you. "Imagine" is still the most powerful word in the English language because it is inspiring, motivating, and has a unique definition for each person. "No excuses." "I get it." "If you remember only one thing..." is the surest way to guarantee that voters will remember the one point that matters most to you. "Uncompromising integrity." "The simple truth" comes straight from billionaire businessman Steve Wynn, and it sets the context for a straightforward discussion that might otherwise be confusing or contentious. "Believe in better" comes from BSkyB, the satellite television provider owned in part by Rupert Murdoch's Newscorp empire. "Real-time." Dr.

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