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Random Good Stuff

Random Good Stuff
Because we know that men are always under electric surge! It’s a hardware-inspired “soft wear!” Get it? No? Aw, computer jokes are the hardest because there are 10 types of people in the world. Those who understand binary and those who don’t.

Notebooks Blog - Novidades sobre notebooks, laptops e palmtops Abaixo, transcrição de interessante reportagem do Wall Street Journal, narrando o crescimento da ARM, empresa que produz os processadores do iPad, iPhone e diversos outros smartphones. É uma empresa que está mudando o mundo, impulsionando a atual revolução da informática que permite a qualquer um carregar no bolso gráficos sofisticados, jogos mais velozes e aplicativos impressionantes. E você nunca ouviu falar dela. A empresa se chama ARM Holdings PLC, uma firma britânica de projeto de microprocessadores fundada há 21 anos num galpão de criação de perus. The Grass Roofs of Norway Norwegians have their own way of going green, and quite literally. For hundreds of years houses in Norway have been covered with turf. And they come in different varieties.

Livraison Fleurs - FloraQueen Good to Know – Google If you’re the tablet owner, touch Settings → Users → Add user or profile. Touch Restricted profile → New profile, then name the profile. Use the ON/OFF switches and settings to manage access to features, settings, and apps. Press the Power button to return to the lock screen, then touch the new profile icon. Once it's all set up, the Home screen is empty. Gizmodo Brasil swissmiss Figurines et Goodies de Collection de Mangas et Japanime - AnimeHa

Mental Gym: Day of the Week For Any Date (Revised) Re-Introduction In this feat, someone gives you a date, and you quickly state the day of the week on which it fell. This new approach is updated for the 21st century, and employs new tips and tricks that help make this feat simpler to learn and quicker to perform. Approach: Mundo Tecno - Tecnologia, internet e diversão Maisonneuve Magazine - Import Games & finest Videogame Accessories theCHIVE - Probably the Best Site in the World – Keep Calm and Chive On Geekologie - Gadgets, Gizmos, and Awesome
