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Masking tape - Le vrai scotch japonais en papier washi

Masking tape - Le vrai scotch japonais en papier washi Introducing the Bapron! aka the “baby apron”. I hope the name doesn’t turn you off (I know it’s hopelessly cheesy), but this bib is really cool! It provides a ton of coverage in the front, much like an adult apron, and ties in back with bias tape! It’s easy to make-I can whip one out in less than 1/2 hour (I’ve made a dozen or so, so I’m getting pretty quick!) Here’s the back view with the cute ties! Tip: I use this awesome tool to make my bias tape! Would you like to make one (or a dozen) of these for your own cutie, or for gifts? Buy the printable, PDF pattern here! Or below! Buy a License to Sell Baprons you make personally, here. Faire-part de naissance - Faire part de mariage et baptême, papeterie, loisirs créatifs, masking tape : Une idée dans la tête Papeterie

homemade by jill Décorer Le Bonheur (studs and pearls)
