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The Definitive Guide to Parkour For Beginners

The Definitive Guide to Parkour For Beginners
This is a guest post from NF community member Dakao, who trains in all kinds of awesomely nerdy things like weapon making, martial arts, and parkour. I’m fascinated with the concept of parkour but haven’t tried it yet, so I asked Dakao to put together a guide for people who want to get started but don’t know how. Take it away Dakao! It’s inevitable that someone would connect the dots between Nerd Fitness and parkour. Train naturally: parkour is a stellar poster child for natural movement training.Train with conviction and intelligence: parkour’s emphasis on awareness of your environment and circumstances, as well as performance under pressure, requires as much of these qualities as you can muster, then challenges you to dig deep down and find even more.Train for fun: the playful and spontaneous nature of parkour encourages creativity in a way that I can only liken to improvisational jazz and dancing. If you have NO idea what parkour is, watch this quick 4-minute video and get inspired:

Parkour Le Parkour (also called Parkour, and abbreviated PK) is a physical discipline of French origin in which participants attempt to pass obstacles in the most efficient way possible as if moving in an emergency situation, using skills such as jumping and climbing, or the more specific parkour moves. The obstacles can be anything in one's environment, but parkour is often seen practiced in urban areas because of many suitable public structures that are accessible to most people, such as buildings and rails. Parkour also has a deep mental and spiritual side; based around the overcoming of fears and mental obstacles in an altruistic way which may one day prove beneficial to the community. Welcome to the Parkour Wikibook Another discipline which is related on the surface is Freerunning, which is a break-away discipline formed by Sebastien Foucan, where the freerunner moves through their environment in anyway they wish, which often includes acrobatic manouveres such as flips and kicks. Exercises

Mastocytosis Society Canada: Mastocytosis & Mast Cell Disorders In Canada, 1 in 12 people live with a diagnosed rare disorder1. There are approximately 7,000 types of rare disorders documented in Canada.2 This translates to nearly 3 million Canadians diagnosed with a rare disorder, one of which is Mastocytosis. These numbers do not include countless Canadians suffering without a diagnosis. Mastocytosis is a rare disorder (or disease). Mastocytosis and Mast Cell Activation Sydrome affect all systems, organs and tissues of the body. Despite mastocytosis & related mast cell disorders being classified as rare, escalation in the prevalence of these patients worldwide has resulted in a flurry of medical research ongoing in numerous countries. The current classifications, definitions & diagnostic criteria for Mastocytosis were created by the World Health Organization (WHO)3 after 2004. The World Health Organization has not yet accepted MCAS or IA as within the definition of Mastocytosis.

TECHNIQUE « Parkourpedia Parkour is not a set of moves or tricks, there are base techniques that are used regularly but they are not the “moves of Parkour”. They can be varied and changed to suit a particular situation or environment. These tutorials are designed to give you the building blocks to go out and innovate and find your own way of doing things. As long as the application of speed and the correct intent are observed, you are applying the principles of Parkour. Download all the technique tutorials in a single PDF file Basic Balance Quadrupedal movement Running General Landing Technique Rolling Climbing Climb up (Basic) Climb up (Advanced) Passement (Speed Vault) Passement (Dash Vault) Passement(Lazy Vault) Precision Saut de bras (Arm Jump) Passe Muraille (Wall Run/Pop vault) Saut de Chat (Cat Pass/Kong/Monkey/Panther/Gorilla) Demi tour (Turn Vault) Franchissement (Underbar) Tic Tac

The Food List | Histamine Intolerance Managing your diet The dynamism of the world of food means that there are constantly ongoing research projects which affect the way foods are perceived, received and accepted. We at HIT Awareness campaign plan to keep you updated with such modifications as they relate to food intolerances – in particular HIT. By way of a reminder, the food list – or even any other food lists you will come across via different resources such as the internet – are ONLY to be viewed as a form of guidance, and not as authorities in themselves. If you abide by this guidance, you should be able to notice a positive change after about 4 weeks of the elimination diet. HIT sufferers have different thresholds, i.e. tolerance levels, so the next step after completing a successful elimination diet is to establish your threshold level, with the aim of gradually improving it over a period of time. A food diary is essential! It is important to eat foods that are low in histamine levels in accordance to your threshold.

How to Start Parkour: A Beginner's Guide to Parkour FOREWORD: 2014 is my tenth year of parkour. As I reflect on this milestone, it’s incredible how much I’ve seen parkour grow. Unlike when I started, there are now many fantastic leaders and resources for new people to guide you and learn from. In this article, you’ll find a collection of information to help jumpstart your parkour journey. Are you ready to take the red pill? What is parkour? Parkour is a method of training your body and mind to overcome obstacles with speed and efficiency. Originally intended as a synonym for parkour, freerunning evolved into a style of movement similar to parkour that also incorporates acrobatics and extraneous movement for fun, creativity, difficulty, and aesthetics. Most practitioners of parkour and freerunning nowadays are not concerned with the names or labels of their style of movement. Other Movement ArtsTricking is another discipline that is commonly mixed up with parkour and freerunning. Anyone can do parkour. About Ryan Ford (15 Posts)

Histamine in Foods (list) | THE LOW HISTAMINE CHEF This week I had the pleasure of meeting Barcelona-based nutritionist Adriana Duelo. She has kindly allowed me to re-blog an article that was originally part of her nutritional thesis. Adriana’s research is regularly submitted to the prestigious SPANISH SOCIETY OF DAO DEFICIENCY (of which she is also a member). Histamine levels in popular foods Were you as surprised as I by some of these results? Milk certainly shocked me, though it’s not relevant to me as I don’t indulge in dairy. I personally don’t think people should be too strict. Continued from Adriana Duelo’s site…. The lack of enzymatic activity of Diamino oxidase (DAO) can cause different symptoms in our body that is manifested by several signs, as shown in an article published last month in this blog: ” Deficit of enzyme DAO . ” First, is diagnosed when there is a lack of DAO activity with a blood test, the nutritionist can rate portal as a diet low in histamine and other amines . ADRIANA DUELO – Nutritionist. – Novella-Rodríguez.

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