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Grammar - spraktrollet

Grammar - spraktrollet

English Grammar Online - free exercises, explanations, vocabulary, dictionary and teaching materials Games for Learning English, Vocabulary, Grammar Games, Activities, ESL There Is There Are - English Grammar Rules We use there is and there are to say that something exists. Positive Sentences We use there is for singular and there are for plural. There is one table in the classroom. There are three chairs in the classroom. There is a spider in the bath. We also use There is with uncountable nouns: There is milk in the fridge. Contractions The contraction of there is is there's. There's a good song on the radio. You cannot contract there are. There are nine cats on the roof. Negative Form The negative is formed by putting not after is or are: There is not a horse in the field. We almost always use contractions when speaking. The Negative contractions are: There's not = There isn't There are not = There aren't There aren't with ANY When we want to indicate that a zero quantity of something exists we use there aren't any. There aren't any people at the party. We also use this structure with uncountable nouns: There isn't any water in the swimming pool. Questions We also use there is / are in short answers.

Grammarly – räddaren i nöden för engelskläraren Alla elever i klass 8 ska skriva inlägg på engelska om övernaturliga fenomen på vår blogg. En skog av händer. Hur stavar man…? Säger man…? Är det här rätt? Tänk om du kunde klona dig så att alla 30 elever får hjälp samtidigt! En kollega (tack, Lotta!) Man kan använda appen på webben eller i sociala medier, som exempelvis på Facebook och på Google sites. Så här kan det se ut: Några användningssätt för Grammarly När eleverna skriver uppsatser använder du Grammarly för en snabbrättning och ger sedan ytterligare feed back muntligt på innehåll och kvalitet. Elever får i grupper en text som ska bedömas och kommenteras. Pedagogiska verktyg som tar hand om rättning och påpekande är bra. Mina elever i åttan som skulle skriva blogginlägg var måna om att deras texter skulle vara rättsstavade och riktiga innan de publicerades så att alla kunde se dem. Grammarly är gratis i basversionen och kan läggas till i Chrome via Google webstore. Att diskutera

Engelska A Tidsformer (tempus) presens (nutid) imperfekt/preteritum (dåtid, igår gick) perfekt (har+verb) pluskvamperfekt (hade+verb) futurum (framtid, ska göra) Regelbundna och oregelbundna verb De regelbundna verben slutar på -ed i imperfekt ex: I have talked to him and helped him. De oregelbundna verben ändrar sig "hursomhelst", ex: I bought a car and went over to his house. Grundform och "ta tema på.." När man tar tema på ett oregelbundet verb börjar man med grundformen: eat sedan lägger man till imperfektformen: ate och så slutligen perfekt particip (som används för att bilda perfekt och pluskvamperfekt):eaten Hjälpverb och huvudverb Jag ska köpa en bil. Teach 9 irregular verbs in one lesson It is much more memorable to teach or learn irregular verbs in a story. The verbs, especially their meaning, are easier to remember and retrieve from memory. Moreover, teaching verbs in a story is fun. In this post there are several activities: a mind map, a worksheet, an MP3 drill and an interactive quiz. Irregular verbs – infographics Here is the picture of the story: Print version of the story and tasks:past simple story_fishing full Here, you can print out the mind map with all the irregular verbs. Once you think that you know the verbs you can try out the following interactive quiz. MP3 drill Listen say the word that belongs there instead of the beep. Irregular verbs – mp3 drill The worksheet contains the grammar up activity. If you like this activity and you would like to use in either on your website or in a classroom without an internet connection, you can do so by downloading the files here: irregular_verbs_incontext#2

8 Free Grammar and Writing Lessons and Charts to Help Your Students Become Better Writers WeAreTeachers is pleased to welcome guest teacher-blogger Tiffany Rehbein. Tiffany is a high school English teacher and writes the Core Grammar blog at Sadlier School. Find Tiffany's blog as well as free grammar and writing lessons, activities and games over at Sadlier's PubHub. Think fast. "Five Ways to Use Commas" Mini-Poster You know that student who never met a comma he didn’t like or the one who sticks with periods because it’s "easier"? Tiffany Rehbein has been a high school English teacher for 10 years.

TurboEnglish - Getting It Right! - engelsk grammatik Wikispaces was founded in 2005 and has since been used by educators, companies and individuals across the globe. Unfortunately, the time has come where we have had to make the difficult business decision to end the Wikispaces service. We first announced the site closure in January 2018, through a site-wide banner that appeared to all logged-in users and needed to be clicked on to dismiss During the closure period a range of banners were shown to users, including a countdown banner in the final month. Additionally, the home page of became a blog, detailing the reasons for the closure. Why has Wikispaces closed? Approximately 18 months ago, we completed a technical review of the infrastructure and software we used to serve Wikispaces users.

7 Great Grammar Sites for Teachers and Students June , 2014 Today I am sharing with you a list of some useful websites you can use with your students to help them better improve their grammar knowledge and polish their writing skill. From grammar lessons and teaching materials to free downloadable worksheets and presentations, this collection of websites will provide you with the content you need for teaching grammar. 1- Grammar Bytes Grammar Bytes is a great website that is packed full of teaching materials teachers can use to teach grammar.Grammar Bytes provides a glossary of common terms, fun interactive activities and exercises for students to test their grammar knowledge,instructional presentations and tons of tips on teaching grammar. 2- Road to Grammar Road to Grammar is a free website that provides a wide vareity of resources for teaching grammar. 3- Grammar Gold Grammar Gold provides grammar practice for grades 1 to 5.You can click on any of the grades to access the grammar lessons it features. 4- Grammar Snack

15 Most Useful Phrasal Verbs Another super infographic by showing what in their opinion are the 15 most useful phrasal verbs in English. The English Language has many phrasal verbs that have different meanings depending on their context. Whilst they can cause a headache to language learners, they do give the language the richness and variety that makes the English Language so colourful. Some of the phrasal verbs below have synonyms that I encourage all my clients to learn. For example, instead of using the phrasal verb “put off” I get them to try using ‘delay ‘or ‘postpone’. [Infographic provided by] 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Which of the phrasal verbs above do you find most useful?

English online grammar exercises Some Things Never Change, or Do They? | Elisabeth Horn However hard you try, there are some things one can’t get around in learning a language and in English (and German and Swedish…) one of those would be learning the irregular verbs by heart. You can group them in categories, play around with flashcards and you would still eventually face the fact that these things really are illogical (even though there may be good historic and etymological reasons for them being the way they are) and the most sensible decision you can make is simply to learn them verb by verb the old-fashioned way. There are, however, things we teachers can do to ease the students’ pain of having the whole list to learn all at once. Pretty early on in my teacher career, I realised that this particular piecemeal of system didn’t work for me. The parameters I had to proceed from were I can’t say that I came up with the optimal solution at once, but the system I have by now, after many years of modification and revision, works well enough for most students and for me.
