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Top 10 Ways to Upgrade Your Morning Routine

Top 10 Ways to Upgrade Your Morning Routine

Top 100 Motivational Blog Posts of All Time Top 100 Motivational Blog Posts of All Time Thursday, January 24, 2008 at 2:41am by Site Administrator The new year ushers in loads of resolutions and good intentions, many of which don’t make it past the first few weeks of January. Our Favorites This first list includes some of our favorite posts about staying motivated, from discovering strength and inspiration where you least expected it to learning how to organize your entire life. 1 Step Back, 2 Steps Forward: Learn how to stay positive with this simple mantra, even when you’re experiencing setbacks.Stay Motivated When You Don’t Like It: The problem with motivation is that sometimes you’d just rather give up. GTD Posts David Allen’s Getting Things Done philosophy has helped countless individuals and businesses become more productive and successful. Fitness Getting into shape and losing weight is a popular New Year’s resolution. Health Spiritual Career-Oriented Setting Goals

55 Ways to Relax After Work Do you ever feel like a zombie after a long day at work? You feel so depleted and tired. You hardly have any energy left at all. The only thing you want to do is eat comfort food, pop open a brewski and watch television until bedtime. We’ve all been there. Although it can be difficult to rally enough energy after a tough day, sometimes the best thing you can do for yourself is to get off the couch, turn off the TV and find something better to do (sorry to sound so much like your mother, but she was right). ways to relax, how to relax after work, what to do after work, things to do after work, after work, ways to relax after work, how to unwind after work, relax after work, relaxing after work, how to wind down after work

What It Takes to Form a Good Habit I think "accountability buddy" really misses the point. There is satisfaction and joy in accomplishing the task, but that's where accountability buddy is a misnomer. All habits of any sort will trip, falter, fail, etc. It's all about getting back in the game. People who falter in quitting smoking, depression, learning a new skill, taking up exercise or learning a new habit need a buddy who they enjoy doing it with and will help them get back in the game. We are humans and we love to connect and share experiences with - even introverts have a means by which they connect and share. By far, the most important aspect of developing any habit is the actual doing of the habit. [From years of experience as fitness center owner/operator] The Blues and Depression What You Can Do To Overcome Them | Counseling Services The Blues and Depression What You Can Do To Overcome Them HELP YOURSELF is created by Counseling Services© 1989, 1997 Kansas State University Feeling lonely, gloomy, uncertain? You don't have to be stuck! What you can do One of the most important things you can do is get up at about the same time every morning (even weekends). Light helps your body function better. Be active right away -- oxygenate! Select and play some energetic, happy music as you dress and have your breakfast. Begin your breakfast with protein (i.e., meat, eggs, peanut butter, nuts, cheese). One of the quickest ways to beat the blues is to interact with others. And, force yourself to say "hello" to the persons next to you in class, those where you live, anyone around. The long-term (four hours or so) effects of caffeine are depression. Sugar might give you an initial rush of energy, but within an hour or so the blood sugar level can become low, and when it's low you may feel low, too. The caffeine/sugar cycle. etc.

Use the One-A-Month Technique to Adopt Habits that Stick A month can be helpful because it gives you a week to troubleshoot the concept and implementation. If it turns out an idea doesn't make sense, or fit you, you can adapt to something that works better. Assuming you plan to think over the results once every couple of days, you have time to try three versions of the resolution before you settle into one that fits you. For instance, a couple of days into your water habit, you think back on the results and aren't thrilled.

How Food Can Improve Your Mood: Delicious Ways to Prevent Depression I have a history of depression , though thankfully I haven't had an episode in almost ten years. I turned my mood around by making major changes in my personal and professional life, and will tell you more about that in another post. I'm a practicing medical doctor (GP) with a degree in Dietetics, and am fascinated by the potential for certain foods and simple wellness practices to prevent and treat major medical conditions or diseases. I protect myself from recurrent depression and deliberately "feed" my daily mood by following the following dietary rules for a good mood: 1) Eat Breakfast & Eat Regularly Have you ever been in a terrible mood, only to realize that you haven't eaten in hours? 2) Eat Enough Protein I love carbs and would easily eat them all day if I could. 3) Avoid Simple Sugars Carbohydrates are the classic feel-good food. 4) Eat Fish Three Times a Week I try to eat fish as often as I can. 5) Get Enough Folic Acid (hint: eat more leafy greens!) 6) Limit Your Alcohol Intake

新人入手Android手機,我的好友們推薦給我哪些應用程式? 新人是誰?是的,就是我^^ 話說在身邊許多好友不斷催眠我:「身為一個專門寫資訊部落格的站長,怎麼可以沒有一台iPhone或Android呢?」於是禁不住大家熱情推薦(其實是自己想買很久了),終於,我也買了第一台真正具備行動上網功能的智慧型手機,而我選擇的是Android系統。 至於我選哪一台硬體,這個我覺得倒不是重點(也避免廣告嫌疑),軟體內容才是關鍵,而看得出來我用哪一台的朋友就自然知道囉^^ 話說新機昨天才入手,幾乎沒有什麼時間試用,不過因為在Facebook上炫耀了一下自己的新手機,於是擁有Android手機的好友們紛紛跟我道賀敗家成功之餘(??) 所以呢,這篇電腦玩物史上第一則Android手機文章,就來借花獻佛,列舉一下到底我的朋友都跟我推薦了哪些必裝軟體? 另外,這裡也邀請各位電腦玩物讀者,如果已經是Android用戶,那麼歡迎留言推薦你喜歡的應用程式給我,教教我這個新手囉! 附註:以下軟體皆可直接在Android Market中搜尋軟體名稱,就能下載安裝,也全部都是免費的。 01.軟體名稱:「JuiceDefender」 軟體功能:自動節電。 話說第一天帶著Android手機上班,什麼都還沒嘗試,結果剛好有事去找Mr.Jamie,他看到我的手機劈頭就問我說:「裝了JuiceDefender了沒?」 於是Jamie一把將我的手機搶去,幾個輕鬆點擊後就跟我說:「幫你裝好了!!」 這個果汁防衛者是用來幹嘛的呢? 另外它也很好設定,基本上就是不用設定,依照預設值開啟就會有效果了。 02.軟體名稱:「Plurka」 軟體功能:玩噗浪。 接著我又跑到噗浪上昭告天下說自己買了新的Android手機,於是噗友們除了又繼續恭喜敗家外(><),也推薦我兩款比內建更好的噗浪應用程式。 一款是「PlurQ」,一款是「Plurka」。 後來我自己選擇繼續用Plurka,它操作比較流暢,切換不同類別資訊時比較順手,發噗、回噗、上傳照片、增加表情符號的操作也都很快很好用。 03.軟體名稱:「App Manager」 軟體功能:批次移除、備份已安裝應用程式 後來可能因為我太招搖過市,連咱們資訊部落格界的前輩阿榮兄也得知我買了Android新手機,於是除了落下一句:「終於敗下去啦! 也大力推薦我說;「愛玩軟體的,第一個就要安裝AppManager!!」 喔喔! 哇勒,我這不是睜眼說瞎話嗎? 嗯,應該不用說這是幹嘛了吧? 小結:

Start Here | zen habits By Leo Babauta I know a lot of people who fall into a slump, losing the habit of exercise, procrastinating with work, slipping into a bad diet, and generally not feeling motivated. It’s hard to get out of a slump like that. It’s hard to get going again, to get started when all the forces of inertia are against you. Here’s how to get started, in just a few easy steps. Pick one thing. With every single step, you’ll feel better. Just announced: Dealing with Your Struggles video course. Five Things You Should Make Time For This Year Reading... Honestly this one is easy by getting an audible account and use the downtime in your commute to read with your ears. I find I can get far more books in by using adible than trying to shoehorn in an hour here and there for eyeball reading time. Your passion project: Fancy word for "hobby" Problem is most people have 5-8 hobbies instead of focusing on 1-3 of them. My passion is cars and bikes, not a specific car or bike. My wife still does not like the every other Saturday when I refuse to answer any calls and Metallica blares from the garage for 8 hours.
