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How to be creative

How to be creative

Abstraction Abstraction is a process by which concepts are derived from the usage and classification of literal ("real" or "concrete") concepts, first principles, or other methods. "An abstraction" is the product of this process—a concept that acts as a super-categorical noun for all subordinate concepts, and connects any related concepts as a group, field, or category.[1] Abstractions may be formed by reducing the information content of a concept or an observable phenomenon, typically to retain only information which is relevant for a particular purpose. For example, abstracting a leather soccer ball to the more general idea of a ball retains only the information on general ball attributes and behavior, eliminating the other characteristics of that particular ball.[1] Origins[edit] Thinking in abstractions is considered[by whom?] Abstraction involves induction of ideas or the synthesis of particular facts into one general theory about something. Thought process[edit] Cat on Mat (picture 1)

¿Quieres ser más creativo e innovador? Pues cambia tu forma de pensar | El Blog de Javier Megias Terol La forma en la que percibes tu entorno, cómo entiendes los problemas o las ideas preconcebidas que albergas son un filtro del que probablemente no eres consciente y que está limitando tu creatividad. Las historias de ratones que destronaron a elefantes las protagonizan personas que se atrevieron a pensar de forma diferente a la mayoría, desafiando el status quo y sus supuestas limitaciones…. Quien sabe, si te lo propones y te atreves a ir más allá de los parámetros que te encorsetan, quizás tú seas uno de ellos. Bejamin Zander, director de la Boston Philharmonic Orchestra, arrancaba con esta magnífica historia su conferencia sobre liderazgo en la edición 2009 del Foro Económico de Davos: Dos vendedores de zapatos son enviados a una región remota para explorar nuevos mercados. PIENSA DIFERENTE (el mejor anuncio de Apple) “TODOS NACEMOS IGUAL DE CREATIVOS.

How to Build Self-Discipline Discipline is freedom. You may disagree with this statement, and if you do you are certainly not alone. For many people discipline is a dirty word that is equated with the absence of freedom. In fact the opposite is true. As Stephen R. Self-discipline involves acting according to what you think instead of how you feel in the moment. Work on an idea or project after the initial rush of enthusiasm has faded awayGo to the gym when all you want to do is lie on the couch and watch TVWake early to work on yourselfSay “no” when tempted to break your dietOnly check your email a few of times per day at particular times In the past self-discipline has been a weakness of mine, and as a result today I find myself lacking the ability to do a number of things which I would like – e.g. to play the guitar. If you struggle with self-discipline, the good news is that it can be developed. 1. Discipline means behaving according to what you have decided is best, regardless of how you feel in the moment. 2.

Creativity Creativity is a phenomenon whereby something new and somehow valuable is formed, such as an idea, a scientific theory, an invention, a literary work, a painting, a musical composition, a joke, etc. Scholarly interest in creativity involves many definitions and concepts pertaining to a number of disciplines: psychology, cognitive science, education, philosophy (particularly philosophy of science), technology, theology, sociology, linguistics, business studies, songwriting, and economics, covering the relations between creativity and general intelligence, mental and neurological processes, personality type and creative ability, creativity and mental health; the potential for fostering creativity through education and training, especially as augmented by technology; and the application of creative resources to improve the effectiveness of teaching and learning. Definition[edit] Aspects[edit] Etymology[edit] History of the concept[edit] Ancient views[edit] The Enlightenment and after[edit] J. J.

ingenova 10 Thirty-Day Challenges That Nobody Wants to Take A week ago I asked my friends on Facebook about the craziest thirty-day challenges, and I got quite a few interesting ideas. I’m posting them here today, along with my own contributions. These are all challenges that you won’t usually think about, yet some of them can be very powerful. I personally want to try some in the near future. If you want to give them a shot as well, I’d love to hear about your experience, and I’d offer you a spot here to share it if you don’t have a blog. Enough talk for now, below are 10 thirty-day challenges that nobody wants to take: No smoking, coffee or alcohol. What do you think of these challenges?

Divergent thinking Divergent thinking is a thought process or method used to generate creative ideas by exploring many possible solutions. It is often used in conjunction with its cognitive opposite, convergent thinking, which follows a particular set of logical steps to arrive at one solution, which in some cases is a ‘correct’ solution. By contrast, divergent thinking typically occurs in a spontaneous, free-flowing manner, such that many ideas are generated in an emergent cognitive fashion. Traits associated with divergent thinking[edit] Psychologists have found that a high IQ (like Albert Einstein) alone does not guarantee creativity. Promoting divergent thinking[edit] Activities which promote divergent thinking include creating lists of questions, setting aside time for thinking and meditation, brainstorming, subject mapping, bubble mapping, keeping a journal, creating artwork, and free writing. Playfulness and divergent thinking[edit] Effects of positive and negative mood on divergent thinking[edit] 1.

