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Experience Human Flight

Experience Human Flight

à ne pas manquer - Cannes Lions 2012, Episode 4: Les meilleures vidéos créatives selon Saatchi & Saatchi! Pour la 22ème année consécutive, The Saatchi & Saatchi New Director’s Showcase, intitulé "Meet your Creators" a enflammé le grand auditorium de Cannes. INfluencia vous propose de regarder presque en live les 18 talents d'aujourd'hui et de demain. Jeudi matin dans le grand Auditorium du Palais des Festivals, le Show Saatchi & Saatchi«Meet the Creators» a tenu ses promesses. Une mise en scène peut-être moins esthétique que l’année dernière, mais d’une technicité surprenante: tout a commencé par une valse de robots A.R Drone de Parrots volant en formation serrée au dessus d'une pyramide. Une pyramide lumineuse surplombée d'un faisceau bleu qui vibrait au son d'une douce voix faisant l'éloge de la créativité et de la magie (voir vidéo ci-dessous). Pour la suite, une série de courts métrages venus des quatre coins de la planète (Etats-Unis, France, Brésil, Canada, Royaume-Uni, Norvège, Australie), qui ont séduit -ou pas- les festivaliers.

The Cinematic Sports Experience 100 Pokemon Brought to Life through Creative Art 100 Realistic Pokemon Art If any of you were like me as a kid, you remember about twelve years ago (even earlier for those from Japan) when Pokemon first entered the lives of the public and changed the gaming industry forever. Quickly becoming the second highest grossing video game series only outdone by Nintendo’s own Super Mario. With the Thirteenth North American anniversary of the Franchise coming up early next year, I bring you one hundred pieces of fabulous art, reminding us of our childhood trying to catch them all, and many bringing these childish creatures into a more adult existence. You might also like to read this Tutorial : How to Draw Pokemon Art Tutorials I’m very proud of this post. Mew by totoまめ Duskull by *ry-spirt Luxray by *Tacimur Groudon by ~mark331 Ninjask by totoまめ Gengar by ~Dstar890* Charmander by Lunesky Mew by SoupAndButter Kyogre by kimbo-demonica Magikarp by totoまめ Arcanine by Unknown* Charizard by greyanimebeast Zoroark by kimbo-demonica Typhlosion by Unknown* Lea

Extreme Weather: Pictures, Videos, Breaking News OF SOULS + WATER: THE WARRIOR Submitted by Gerardo This video documents the “Phase 2″ testing of the Personal Jetpack, toward the development of the Jet Wing (alternate version to that of Yves Rossy’s). Phase 1 testing was previously done on skis, demonstrating fast uphill ascents and reaching a top speed of 47 mph. See link below: Troy Hartman is a professional aerial stuntman, BASE jumper and inventor. Brent Barbano is a Los Angeles-based independent filmmaker and Cinematographer specializing in both narrative and documentary style storytelling. Both Troy and Brent are currently collaborating to produce more content in addition to documenting the continuing efforts of building Troy Hartman’s Jetpack. Executive Producers Brent Barbano Troy Hartman Producer Adam Reynolds Director/Director of Photography Brent Barbano Camera Operators Adam Reynolds Hillary Kurtz Andrew Reynolds Audio Adam Reynolds Andrew Reynolds Editor Brent Barbano Assistant Editor Josh Cregg

Most Amazing Sand Sculptures | Golberz.Com - StumbleUpon Most Amazing Sand Sculptures Anyone who has ever been to the beach has probably tried to sculpt a simple sand structure of some sort.Well leave it to the pros, because we have some great sand sculpture pictures listed below. 36 Comments: rachael said... I've tried making sandcastles before.. April 16, 2010 at 11:59 AM shahid said... nice arts May 25, 2010 at 3:07 AM jalalHB said... This is simply classic and aesthetics May 7, 2011 at 7:00 PM Anonymous said... Harrison Hot Springs, in BC Canada,I recognized multiple pieces of art from there :D September 4, 2011 at 1:02 PM Impressive! September 13, 2011 at 7:51 PM where's the rest of them? September 19, 2011 at 1:47 AM ZuZu Gold said... remarkable. September 20, 2011 at 11:43 AM That's a stupid introduction... September 22, 2011 at 7:26 AM amazing, I remember when I was a little girl making sad sculptures, even during the winter I would make snow animals, haha! September 27, 2011 at 2:02 PM Annunci Incontri Roma said... The first one is my favorite. Amazing!

The Epic & The Beasts When we were kids we never dreamt of being a firemen, a pilot or superhero. We always wanted to be skateboarders, jumping up curbs, down the stairs and filp our boards as many times as we could. This has not changed until today. TOM KLEINSCHMIDT – RICHARD NAUMERTAT – ERIK GROß OCTAVIO TRINDADE – DAVID RADERECHT – SEBASTIAN LINDA Directed & Edited by Sebastian Music by Giselle – Silk Ianborg Remix Portugal – The Man So American Woodkid Remix Pls support if you like and buy their original music on Itunes. Special Thanks to Ralph Ruthe. Still photos by Erik Groß:

fwh9h4.jpg (589×1598) Felix Baumgartner’s Top Freefalls Submitted by InfinityList Mission delayed due to weather. Target launch now 5AM PT/12PM GMT on October 9! Watch it LIVE at and BASE jumper Felix Baumgartner’s innumerate and incredible jumps are whittled down to just 5 of the best, with a focus on his race against a plane, his BASE jump from Petronas Tower, the unprecedented Wingsuit flight across the English Channel and more incredible feats. Click here to watch the Red Bull Stratos CGI Clip: Watch Felix’s first successful Test Jump here: Experience the world of Red Bull like you have never seen it before. Amazing Way To Tie Your Sneakers By Dunn • October 31, 2008 I found interesting tips on how you can tie your sneakers with style. There are 15 ways, so you can change the way you tie your sneakers every day or every week. Try to play around with the color. I believe you will look amazing and people will ask you to teach them how. The lace is run straight across the bottom and emerges through both bottom eyelets.The laces then go straight up and are fed into the next set of eyelets up the shoe.The ends are crossed over and are fed under the vertical lace section on the opposite sides of the shoe before going straight up and into the next set of eyelets up the shoe.At the top set of eyelets, the laces can once again cross over and pass under the straight section as shown. via : YouSayToo share email stumbleupon digg delicious

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