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Childhood 101-playing.learning.growing

Childhood 101-playing.learning.growing

The life and times of a home schooling mom of se7en+1 RPTIndex | Raising Playful Tots The April edition of the RPTI is out! View it here. What is the Raising Playful Tots Index and how does it benefit me? Latest Index The RPTI is one such one-stop shop. Complied in one place are bloggers who love Play. Whether you are looking for new ideas, inspiration, things to do , babysitting tonight and need a helping hand, pop on over to the RPTI and enjoy the exciting play activities by parents and educators. You will have a full play folder with a range of play activities from specialist to generalist. New to the Index and would like to know more? About Raising Playful Tots Index |FAQs | Previous RPT Indexes If you appear in this Top 100 list then feel free to take your badge from the sidebar to proudly display on your blog. We had a lot of new entries this quarter pushing the play list to well over 150 blogs. The top 100 play blogs are here. [table id=11 /]NB: I will be hyperlinking all. Not listed here and want to be in the next index? Add your name here. Have a question? Next Page »

Play-Activities, Where Parents + Kids = FUN! Supreme Incursions Okapi 100% ADO - Le blog Attività Creative per Bambini Mens Sana - Learning is experience... Messy Kids Welcome to Dirtgirlworld Jeux sérieux gratuits Aidez le Père Noël à recueillir ses cadeaux: Proposé par le Laboratoire de Soutien à l'Enseignement Télématique (LabSET) de l'Université de Liège, il s'agit d'un bon moyen, très ludique, d'apprendre aux jeunes enfants le déplacement du curseur de la souris (motricité). suiteHistoire de poissons: Histoire de poissons nous met dans la peau d'un poisson qui doit manger de plus petits pour grandir et éviter de se faire manger par les plus gros. Ici, on stimule la motricité des enfants de façon amusante. suiteLa maison de Loupy: Au coeur d'une maison virtuelle, un chien nommé Loupy fait des siennes. L'enfant sera confronté à des choix de comportements qu'il devra adapter face aux agissements de l'animal.

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