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APTN - Associated Press Television News Latinos Human Resources is an integral part of any company that wants to build a dynamic and creative workforce USA > ImpreMedia infusion Can Argentine media giant La Nación breathe new life into the longtime Hispanic newspaper chain? Sertaneja songs and soccer: a matchup where everyone wins It’s an every-four-year ritual, where Delegates, politicians and the media come together—the scripted events sometimes deliver a surprise The popular colombian broadcaster’s radio show has been in Miami for several years and is besting the competition. Senate candidate Richard Carmona and grassroots activism are giving Democrats hope they can nudge the state toward azul campaigns are advertising on TV, but the real action is happening on smart phones and tablets poder MARKET WATCH poder The Twitts of the billionare beyondBanking: banking on global sustainability Philanthropy Forums & Events Sustainability poder 360 - Instituto de Empresa REGIONAL EDITIONS OF poder : Actualités, Sport, Divertissement, Podcast, Radio en direct Credits Copyright: © AFP 2011. All rights reserved. Disclaimer The content on this site, including news, quotes, data and other information, is provided “as is” by AFP and its third party content providers for your personal information only, and is not intended for commercial use nor for trading or investing purposes. AFP and its third party providers disclaims, to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, all warranties, express or implied, including, without limitation, any implied warranties of merchantability, satisfactory quality or fitness of the information for a particular purpose. AFP does not warrant that this website or any of its functions will be uninterrupted or error-free. Privacy The personal data collected on this site, notably through electronic subscription forms, are for the exclusive use of AFP, to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, and cannot be disclosed or sold to third parties.

IfM - Thomson Reuters Corporation Thomson Reuters ist 2007 aus der Fusion des kanadischen Medienunternehmens Thomson mit der 1851 gegründeten britischen Nachrichtenagentur Reuters hervorgegangen. Der Grundstein für das Unternehmen Thomson war 1934 gelegt worden: Der Kanadier Roy Thomson (1894–1976) erwarb mit der “Timmins Press” aus Ontario seine erste Zeitung. In den folgenden Jahrzehnten baute Thomson das größte Zeitungsimperium Kanadas auf. In den 50er Jahren begann er, sich im Ausland nach Betätigungsfeldern umzusehen, und wurde in Großbritannien, seiner neuen Wahlheimat, fündig. 1959 erwarb er den Zeitungsverlag Kemsley Group, zu der die einflussreiche Regionalzeitung „The Scotsman“ gehörte. 1967 folgte die Akquise des Kronjuwels der britischen Zeitungslandschaft, der Londoner Tageszeitung „The Times“. Den Umbau - weg von Print hin zu elektronischen Informationsdiensten und Datenbanksystemen - setzte ab 1997 CEO Richard Harrington fort, der bereits seit 1982 für Thomson gearbeitet hatte.

