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SKY-MAP.ORG Top 11 animaciones más psicodélicas de la historia (VIDEOS) El amor por la psicodelia es un amor por la exploración de las realidades (la realidad, descubre el psiconauta, es siempre plural y esta sujeta a las fabulosas veleidades de la mente). La psicodelia navega por los mundos posibles y regresas con visiones al campo de la conciencia. Y si estas visiones generalmente son asociadas con una policromía caleidoscópica, flores giratorias en el cabello y con drogas psicoactivas como el LSD, esto es una simplificación de un dominio mucho más amplio. La psique en su profundidad y en su etiomolgía abarca a el alma: lo psicodélico es también aquello que manifiesta el alma, una memoria que va más allá de de nuestra conciencia cotidiana y que re-presenta los símbolos e imágenes primordiales y transpersonales de nuestra humanidad. Lo psicodélico es percibido también como lo raro y a primera vista incoherente, en buena medida porque no estamos acostumbrados a mirar la realidad desde otra perspectiva –usando otras regiones de nuestro cerebro.

Videos Right out of the gate I was enamored with the aesthetic; it evokes movies like Tron and WarGames which – whether they hold up now or not – were seen in the brain-like-a-sponge days of my childhood and, as a result, a welcome flutter of warm nostalgia cascaded through my brain. About a minute in though my interest started to wane; when were things going to pick up? I was a bit bored and having trouble understanding what this whole thing was about but, since Max made it, I stayed locked in (and am glad I did). I build systems all day and, before construction actually starts, I first have to understand what I’m building and why it’s worth the effort. I’m typically dealing with reams of unstructured data and have found that, more often than not, a wise first step in the process of turning chaos into order is forcing oneself to slow-down and observe. What are these shapes? ...then it was over and I longed to see more. P.S. [ X (by Max Hattler) - Festival Version ] WOW. [ Land via @carlburton ]

openMaterials | DIY smart materials Toltec Active Dreaming Technique, from Cry of the Eagle by Theun Mares. Reprinted by permission of Charles Mitchley Lionheart Publishing Email: Web site: It is quite impossible to practise active dreaming when the physical body is tense and uncomfortable; therefore, the very first prerequisite in setting up dreaming is to cultivate the ability to achieve complete relaxation at will in the chosen moment. We term this state of relaxation, deep relaxation, and in the final analysis it is nothing more than a conditioned reflex. In setting up dreaming it is important to set aside a room and a time of the day in which you will not be disturbed for at least thirty minutes. Having chosen the time of day at which you are going to practise dreaming, try more or less to stick to that same time every day, but realise that this will be purely from the point of view that a set time fosters a sense of self-discipline. STEP 1a: Now tense up the buttocks by squeezing and pinching them together, hold, and release.
