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[Animating in 2.5] Getting to grips with Keying Sets Over the past few months, I've been observing quite a bit of confusion over some aspects of the animation system in 2.5 that's all related to "Keying Sets". These are a rather important new feature aimed at improving the animation workflow, but which many people don't seem to be aware of. So, if you're wondering why you're getting a "weird" error message when trying to insert keyframes, or if you'd just like to learn some new workflow tricks to make animating easier, read on :) A bit of history first... (2.4x days) What many may not be aware of, is that you've (assuming you have used the 2.4x series) been using Keying Sets for a lot longer than you know. Back in 2.48, I did a round of animation system related cleanups, some of which included some cleanups to the keyframing code. Before this point, each menu entry in the IKEY menu corresponded to one of a series of "if-statements" calling "insertkey()" per channel of animation, in one nasty blob of code. Keyframing via operators (i.e.

11 Months, 3000 pictures and a lot of coffee. I wish I had this much patience when rebuilding engines. | Bilgidrom 8Google + 5StumbleUpon Chris Herridge. Then I realised it’d be quite cool to make it an animation. found some suitable music, rekindled my ancient knowledge of Premiere, storyboarded it, shot it as I worked on the engine (my poor DSLR got covered in engine oil), this was the result. The music is “In The Hall Of The Mountain King” from Edvard Griegs “Peer Gynt Suite” I own a suitable license for this piece of music, supplied by Chris Worth Productions Featured by Bilgidrom Featured by user 8googleplus 5stumbleupon

Tinker Code Working Model of Stephensons STEAM ENGINE made of GLASS ! Rare! Video - StumbleUpon Log in High-Tech: Software, Hardware, and More Cynthia Yildirim Working Model of Stephenson's STEAM ENGINE made of GLASS ! Rare! This Model of Stephenson's Steam Engine was made in 2008 by master glassblower Michal Zahradník. posted 3 years ago © 2014 Redux, Inc. about redux | contact us | copyright | legal

Blender 2.5 tutorials and training game · level · character Using the Blender tutorials and training available below, learn how to use Blender 3D for content creation and game development. Pick up essential skills for properly optimised models, efficient level design and texture making. In-depth, extensive and unique explanations of methods and principles you won't find anywhere else, seriously! Not just on using Blender 3D, but also the 'hidden' and less talked about core subjects associated with content and game development, all of if freely available to those looking for it. Blender modeling tutorials ^ Draw All Edges object property Sometimes being able to see the structure of a mesh in it's entirety is advantageous when working. Updated for the latest version of Blender. Learn Blender: make a simple map Tutorial on using Blender to make .map based levels (Quake format). Blender & activating Add-Ons Blender & two-sided materials Blender Metric & Imperial units Blender view, grid & camera properties Blender & collision hulls for game models

3D Models <center><div class="site_errors"><div class="floatType_site_error_top"></div><div class="floatType_site_error"><table summary="layout table"><tr><td bgcolor="#000000"><font color="#ffffff"><h2><img src="/templateimages/redesign/modules/overlay/site_error.gif" title="Site Error" alt="Site Error"/>There's a problem with your browser or settings. </h2></font><font color="#ffffff"><p>Your browser or your browser's settings are not supported. To get the best experience possible, please download a compatible browser. If you know your browser is up to date, you should check to ensure that javascript is enabled. </p></font><p><a target="_blank" href="/home/How_to_enable_Javascript.html">&rsaquo; Learn How</a></p></td></tr></table></div><div class="floatType_site_error_bottom"></div></div></center> Follow this link to skip to the main content NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration Charles F. Lori B. Multimedia Images Videos Podcasts Interactive Features 3D Resources RSS Feeds Blogs 3D Models

Welcome to BLENDER VIDEOS.COM :::: | Collection of Blender 3D video tutorials,Movies,Clips,Research and Development works, Demo-reels,interviews,features and many more :: Updated everyday Latest Build Available – Soon to be released to the public for testing! « Save The Ocean Sim – Project News We’ve been on a bit of a break due to holidays, and work schedules, but I wanted to let you know about the latest build of the Ocean Simulation Tools version of Blender that has been posted. Contrary to some people’s belief, the project has not died, and work is progressing very well! : ) The newest build is the January 4th version which is now available for donors for Win 32/64, Linux 32/64, and OSX 64 as usual. Here’s what is new to this build: Updates in Build 0104 • Ability to Sync Ocean Modifier with Ocean Texture After hedging our bets on what the final ocean tool would be, it looks like a combination of the modifier and texture will give the most flexible results. • Ocean Modifier Mesh Displacement Choice The ability for the modifier to choose between either generating the ocean surface grid directly and displacing that or just displacing existing geometry. • Hooked up Normal information from Ocean Sim code to the modifier. Next Steps Budget Todd

News Fluid Simulation for Dummies Fluid Simulation for Dummies In the spring and summer of 2005, I wrote my Master's thesis on high-performance real-time 3D fluid simulation and volumetric rendering. The basics of the fluid simulation that I used are straightforward, but I had a very difficult time understanding it. The available reference materials were all very good, but they were a bit too physics-y and math-y for me. The simulation code and ideas that I'm going to present are based on Jos Stam's paper Real-Time Fluid Dynamics for Games. Basics Fluid simulation is based on the Navier-Stokes equations, which are fundamental, interesting, and difficult to understand without a good background in physics and differential equations. Think of a fluid as a collection of boxes or cells. Of course, a real computer can't handle a zillion interactions per second, nor can it handle a zillion little boxes, so we have to compromise. To make things simpler, we're only going to examine incompressible fluid. Data Structures set_bnd
