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Getting Organized

Getting Organized
Organization Tips from Mrs. McDavid I have had many teachers stop by my room to ask how I keep things so well organized. I have had other teachers to ask if I would consider teaching a staff development course at our school to help teachers become better organized. Truly it's the small details that make the biggest impact. Organizing the classroom takes time, dedication, and determination but once things are put together the classroom will run smoothly. Materials You Will Need ~ Back to the Top ~ Purge Unused Materials and Non Essential ItemsAs teachers we tend to hoard materials and supplies that we think might come in handy one day. Organizing the Teacher's DeskThe teacher's desk can become a dumping ground for paperwork, papers that need to be filed, correspondence from the main office, items that need to be read or evaluated, and papers that need to be held for future reference. The next step is designating an area to file your paperwork. I use two different To Do Lists.

Become an Organized Teacher with 3 Simple Binders With every new year comes new goals and resolutions. Last summer, I decided my new school year goal would be to tackle the piles and piles of paperwork that are always overtaking my desk. Admittedly, I am a naturally messy person. The paraprofessionals in my classroom (who I cannot live without) have learned this and do not attempt to go behind my desk as they know they may get lost in my piles. When we rang in 2012 (ok, I was asleep…) I knew that I would really need to focus on getting my classroom organized so that I when it comes time for me to go out on maternity leave in March, someone else can take over without too much confusion. Being a special education teacher requires an extra level of organization due to all of the IEP paperwork. Since my reorganization effort, I have begun to use binders to manage all of the important documents that I need be easily accessible while I’m teaching and readily available for meetings. October is Dyslexia Awareness Month. Mindfulness for Teachers

Explosion book I first came upon an explosion book last year when my daughter and I were at a local craft fair! These mini scrapbooks really took us by surprise when we opened them as we didn't quite expect them to expand the way they did. These are also known as Squash Books and Amazing Folding Albums. Whatever you call them, they make great mini scrapbook gifts, as they can easily be customized to fit any occasion or season. You can make these explosion books in various sizes. I am giving you directions here for two sizes. Materials: 3 sheets solid cardstock 8-1/2" square2 pieces patterned paper 5-1/2" square 2 pieces chipboard or cardboard 4-1/2" square Four different coordinating papers cut to a little less than 4-1/4" square. Or: 3 sheets solid cardstock 12" square2 pieces patterned paper 8-1/2" square2 pieces chipboard or cardboard 6-1/2" squareFour different coordinating papers cut to a little less than 6-1/2" square. Instructions for Making the Explosion Book: Fold book up and tie with ribbon.

Seven Tools for Creating Data Visualizations This morning I received an email asking me for some tools for creating data visualizations. Here are seven tools that students can use to build data visualizations. Better World Flux is a free data visualization development tool that was created for the World Bank's Apps for Development Challenge. The purpose of the challenge was to encourage app developers to create products that could be used to highlight the development data hosted by the World Bank. Better World Flux allows users to create animated visualizations of development data. Target Map is a service that allows anyone to create mapped displays of data sets. Many Eyes is an online data visualization tool developed by IBM. Gapminder is a great tool for creating data visualizations. Google's Public Data Explorer draws on data sets from the World Bank, the US CDC, the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, and other sources of public data.

Unique Teaching Resources: Lesson Plans, Book Report Projects, Bulletin Board Displays Breaking Down Beauty: The Aspirin Mask « Painted Ladies By Sheila Arkee There are so many affordable at-home tricks to acheiving beautiful skin. One of my all-time favorite is what’s commonly referred to as the “Aspirin Mask”. The ingredient that makes the magic happen is salicylic acid, a beta hydroxy acid (BHA) that helps clean out pores and battle acne-causing bacteria. Step One: There are two main ingredients in the aspirin mask: water, and uncoated or lightly-coated aspirin. Step Two: The aspirin tablets will dissolve in water, so you don’t really to put a lot of work into preparation. Step Three: Massage the tablets in your hand until they’re dissolved and form a mushy paste. Step Four: Apply! As you’re rinsing, use the mask as a scrub. Step Five: Moisturize and you’re set! The Aspirin Mask is quick and works – I’ll do the mask a night or two before an big event- its like an at-home mini-peel that makes your skin so smooth and let your foundation glide on.

{Soap Box Organizers} We are toy-organizing crazy around here, with bins, tubs, boxes, name it. Organizing simply makes me swoooooooon! All is right with my world when things are organized. There are always a few things though that don't seem to fit into the places you want them to go for one reason or another. Enter: the Plastic Travel Soap Dish Walmart, $1 store, etc....CHEAP. I got interested in soap boxes many years ago when I was a Kindergarten teacher. (16 crayons...and more will fit if you like.) As a Mommy, you also know that crayons can be an essential part of waiting rooms, grocery stores, or the BMV. :) I've made a Crayon Roll-Up to suit those needs for my own kiddo, but if I had 4 kids I'm not sure that would be time or cost-effective. So what I've discovered is that soap boxes are COOL! Our #1 use for a travel soap box at home is for playing cards: You know how the box never stays together for very long? Here are a few other uses I came up with for these little life savers: First Aid

Love, Mouserella by David Ezra Stein LOVE, MOUSERELLA is a fun picture book of a letter from a little mouse to her grandmother. Mouserella's grandmother came to visit but left a few days ago. And Mouserella misses her so she decides to write her a letter. The book opens vertically rather than horizontally which makes for some fun. I think kids will love this book and will relate to all that Mouserella shares. Scrible 網路研究員專用的網頁註解、筆記剪貼雲端個人資料庫 網頁註解?筆記?剪貼?這些功能看起來都似曾相似,例如我之前介紹過兩款很不錯的網頁註解分享服務:「」和「Awesome Highlighter」,讓我們隨意在網站裡畫重點並分享給朋友看;又或者說到網頁筆記與剪貼,大家應該也會立刻聯想到「Evernote」這類的服務。但是今天要介紹的「Scrible」雖然主要功能就是網頁註解、筆記剪貼,但是它的訴求有一點不同,而更趨向雲端版「ScrapBook(知名firefox剪貼資料庫)」。 不像MarkUp.io強調簡單社群分享,也不像Evernote強調隨手剪貼;Scrible更適合認真的進行網路資料蒐集、研究之用。 經由Scrible註記過的網頁都可以儲存到個人雲端資料庫中,隨時隨地連上網就能查詢檢索,並進一步組織整理研究資料,或是反覆進行更多的紀錄思索。 Scrible主要的訴求在於認真嚴肅的網路資料研究,它希望能夠提供簡單但專業的註解工具,以及方便的雲端服務,來改變網路深入閱讀研究的用戶體驗。 儲存(剪貼)網頁,以後可以隨時查詢閱讀,不怕網頁失效。 下面我就簡單介紹一下Scrible的功能特色。 首先使用Scrible需要先註冊帳號,目前免費帳戶擁有125MB使用空間,在功能上則沒有特別限制(對於儲存網頁文章內容來說,應該可以儲存幾十到上百篇文章)。 而且Scrible承諾以後會像Dropbox一樣,提供用戶一些免費加大空間的方案;未來也會發佈付費版的帳戶。 Scrible提供的網頁註解、剪貼工具是Bookmarklet形式,任何瀏覽器都可以使用。 註冊帳號後,請到「Bookmarklet」頁面,將網頁中的「Scrible Toolbar」按鈕拖放到你的瀏覽器書籤工具列,以後點擊這個「Scrible Toolbat」連結就可以啟動註解剪貼功能。 在任何網頁上啟動Scrible的註解工具列,=這條Scrible Toolbat包含了螢光筆、字體顏色、字體粗細、下底線、刪節線,以及黏貼便條等功能,基本上應該足以應付各種註解筆記需求了。 而在編輯過程中也能隨時還原前面一個動作,或是隨時隱藏所有的註解,好好瀏覽網頁原文內容。 這邊要額外提一個Scrible貼心實用的專業功能,在工具列上有一個「Annotation Legend」按鈕,點擊後會出現一個佈告版,上面會列出你目前在這個網頁上所有使用到的註解功能。 這是什麼意思呢? 小結:

Placement Tests Step 1: Giving the Reading Placement Assessments (Grades K - Middle School) If you are uncertain which assessment to administer, use this guideline: If your student will be: 5 years old this fall, give the Basic Phonics Assessment. 6 years old this fall, give the Advanced Phonics Assessment. 7 years old this fall, give Reading Assessment 1. 8 years old this fall, give Reading Assessment 2 Part A and Part B. 9 years old this fall, give Reading Assessment 3 Part A and Part B. 10 years old this fall, give Reading Assessment 4 Part A and Part B. 11 years old this fall, give Reading Assessment 5 Part A and Part B. 12 years old or higher this fall, give Reading Assessment 6. NOTE: Placement test guidelines were updated and new tests were added/replaced on April 6, 2005. If you downloaded and administered a test just prior to that date, you may want to re-administer the tests, following the new guidelines and taking the updated tests. Reading Placement Tests Language Skills Placement Tests

The Digi Nails – A Hybrid Manicure I’ve been seeing lots of outrageous nail art lately on pinterest. One hot new product that’s really caught my eye is adhesive nail polish strips. I love the funky designs and bold colors with these products, but they’re usually a little spendy for me. I have a great alternative and I’m super-excited to share with you a really fun, new way to use digital scrapbooking supplies! To begin with, you will need the following: light color nail polish (white, light pink, cream, pale green, light turquoise, you get the idea….)rubbing alcoholsmall cup (I used a medicine cup.)digital supplies (laser print or copy)nail polish topcoat 1) Before getting started, quickly measure your fingernails. 2) Open a new Photoshop document and create for yourself 10-15 boxes that are a little larger than your nails. 3) Find some great papers that you’d like to have on your nails. You will likely want to reduce the scale of your paper so that the design will better fit your nails. 4) Print your page. A few thoughts:

Teacher Binder Update: I gave in and bought a cutesy calendar for this next school year! Note to self-stay away from Target :) Here is one of the ideas incorporated into my year so far, a teacher organization binder. I carry it with me to all my meetings, holds all my grades, calendars and student information. I might add more to it later but this is what I remember needing most. Enjoy and please let me know if you think of something to add to it :) Inside of binder.

