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Social Media Monitoring, Analytics and Alerts Dashboard La vie avec un ange et un démon - Ce site pour relater ma vie de conjoint avec une supposée borderline How to Run Multiple WordPress Sites from a Single Dashboard How many WordPress sites do you manage? Most beginners start off with just one to try selling a product or to feature their stories, but what if you stumble upon a brilliant new idea, therefore requiring another WordPress site? Or what if you want to build a business around designing websites for other small businesses? You’ll certainly need a reliable and efficient method for managing all these sites in one place. Good thing that’s totally possible then, right? Keep reading to learn how to run multiple WordPress sites from a single dashboard. What Tools Do You Need? Thanks to several companies out there, you don’t have to fiddle with any code or create your own system for managing multiple sites in a single dashboard. CMS Commander is one of the leaders in the industry, but a few other companies provide good solutions as well. Managing Multiple WordPress Sites on One Dashboard With CMS Commander Step 1: Sign Up for CMS Commander Go to the CMS Commander website. Conclusion

Tagmmer | A visual place for your files & weblinks Le blog de 14 avr. 2014 System Explorer Voici un gestionnaire de tâches évolué. System Explorer donne accès à plus d'informations que le gestionnaire de tâches Windows, il centralise les informations sur les processus et tâches en cours et la mémoire. Un clic vous donne accès à une recherche directe dans sa base de données ou permet l'upload d'un fichier sur VirusTotal. Les autres onglets regroupent des informations comme les connexions ouvertes en cours (comme netstat, ou TCPView), et même sur les fichiers ouverts. Un gestionnaire de démarrage, de plugins IE, de désinstallation de programmes, d'extensions de Windows (shell extensions), de services Windows et de drivers... là ça devient vraiment complet, mais on fait attention à ne pas avoir la gâchette facile en effaçant ce qui est vital... Ce logiciel est disponible avec installateur ou dans une version portable. OS: Windows XP/Vista/7/8 (32 et 64 bits)Taille: 2171 Ko pour la version installableLangue: MultilingueLicence: Freeware Site officiel

Manage all your content from a single WordPress install How would you like to be able to publish to as many different WordPress sites as you liked from a single install? So you only need one configured install of editflow and one set of plugins (listed below) together with one place to login and manage your content. Welcome to the WordPress Content Hub – a solution for push syndicating content to any WordPress install, be it multisite or on… let’s get publishing! Hub and Spokes All content management systems, from the simplest blogging platforms to the most complicated enterprise-level applications perform two major tasks: content management, providing the tools to create, review and ultimately publish content; and, content delivery, actually putting that content into the hands of users. The Content Hub splits out those two functions using a “hub and spoke” model. There are a number of reasons why you might opt for a Content Hub: Benefits of the Hub and Spokes model Single location for content management Simpler WordPress installs 1.

Diigo Web Collector - Capture and Annotate Da Vinci Blog - Le blog de l'Ennéagramme 30 Little-Known Features of Facebook, Twitter, and More When I first set foot in Disneyland, I race to the most famous rides first—Splash Mountain, the Matterhorn, Indiana Jones, all the biggest and best. Little do I know there are just as many hidden gems and overlooked attractions that I’ve likely missed in my sprint for the headliners. Social networks are a little like Disneyland in this regard. There’s so much to see and so much to do that some of the fun stuff is bound to slip through the cracks. Which features of Facebook, Twitter, and the other major social networks have perhaps slipped under our noses? Read ahead to learn all 30 little-known features (and see which ones you might already know!). Get more clicks, followers, and engagement by sharing to social media sites at the right times! 5 Little-Known Facebook Features 1. Whenever you see a story that someone has shared in your news feed, you’ll find a “Save” option in the drop-down menu under the top, right corner. “Save” also shows up on pages. 2. 3. Check regularly for spam. 4. 5.

Amandine Neuville DEVELOPPEMENT DE LA PERSONNE: Muscler son adulte En analyse transactionnelle, l'état du Moi Adulte est celui qui est chargé du traitement de l'information. C'est le mieux adapté quand il s'agit de raisonner, de déduire, d'organiser, de prévoir. L'adulte qui fonctionne bien prend en compte les infos qui viennent de l'état du Moi Enfant, du parent et de l'environnement, ici et maintenant. Qu'est ce que je peux faire concrètement pour me brancher plus à mon adulte? - Poser des questions, faire des demandes - Faire des constats, établir des faits - Distinguer les faits des opinions "étant donné pense que...." - Demander d'indiquer des alternatives, d'émettre des recommandations - Reformuler - Montrer qu'on écoute vraiment en se taisant quand l'autre parle et en manifestant son interet - Connaitre son domaine d'expertise - Garder son sang froid en toute circonstance - Chercher à s'informer au maximum avant de conclure - Utiliser efficacement son temps - S'exprimer avec précision - Préparer et planifier les travaux à venir - Calme et attentif
