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Krebs on Security

How to Test if Your ISP is Throttling Your Internet Connection We’ve all heard the rumors, and even seen occasional evidence. Some Internet service providers slow down certain types of traffic, like BitTorrent traffic. Other ISPs slow down their customers’ connections if they download too much data in a month. But does your ISP do any of this? It’s hard to tell. BitTorrent Traffic Shaping Let’s start with one of the more common scenarios: is your ISP slowing down your BitTorrent traffic? Neubot is a useful tool for testing BitTorrent traffic shaping and monitoring it over time. To install it, visit the Neubot page and click the “Windows” link. After opening the Neubot interface, click the “Privacy” tab, allow the options under Privacy dashboard, and click “Save”. This data provides a picture of traffic shaping on different Internet service providers across the Internet, and collecting it is the reason for Neubot’s existence. To manually start tests, select “speedtest” from the Manually start test box and click “Go”. Bandwidth Limiting

Light Blue Touchpaper The Hacker News | #1 Trusted Cybersecurity News Site Grant Fritchey - Intimidating Databases and Code M-Lab Tests - M-Lab M-Lab hosts a number of measurement tests, allowing you to check for everything from network speed and latency to blocking and throttling. Explore them below, and run a test to learn more about your connection. All tests hosted on M-Lab only perform active measurements. This means that tests only run when people decide to run them. All data collected will be made publicly available, including the IP addresses that users use to connect to the test. Please review M-Lab’s Privacy Policy before initiating any measurement test and contact us at if you have any questions regarding these terms. Below are a few of our most Frequently Asked Questions about M-Lab tests. Performance tests measure basic and advanced performance characteristics of your network, such as speed, latency, jitter, and much more. Tests in this section were once hosted with M-Lab but have since been retired.

Economics and Security Resource Page Economics and Security Resource Page Ross Anderson Do we spend enough on keeping ‘hackers’ out of our computer systems? Do we not spend enough? Or do we spend too much? The economics of security is a hot and rapidly growing field of research. This page provides links to a number of key papers, conferences, the home pages of active researchers, relevant books, and other resources. Our annual bash is the Workshop on Economics and Information Security, of which the next one will be on June 23-4 2014: see below for links to past workshops, for all the workshop papers to date, and for other conferences with some security economics content. Introductory Papers From time to time, Tyler Moore and I write a survey paper on security economics. Economics of Privacy Towards a positive theory of privacy law argues that the politics of privacy are difficult because the economics are too. The Information Security Business

Dark Reading | Security | Protect The Business - ... ROBO Global: The Leading Robotics and Automation Index for Investors A/I :: Home RAGEMAG décembre 6th, 2012 | Pour se défendre contre les cyberattaques et savoir les anticiper, les entreprises privées, notamment à données stratégiques, et les services français ( ANSSI , DCRI ) ont compris qu’il valait mieux s’allier. C’est l’objectif du colloque organisé par le CDSE (Club des directeurs de sécurité des entreprises), qui se déroule à l’ OCDE . Face à la cybercriminalité, public et privé se baladent main dans la main… Le CDSE est une petite fédération regroupant des responsables de la sécurité et de la sûreté et des des plus grandes entreprises françaises, privées et publiques. Siège de l’OCDE à Paris. La mutation du La typologie de la menace a évolué au cours de ces dernières années. Cette journée sera l’occasion de rendre publique une enquête menée auprès d’une vingtaine de directeurs de la sécurité (DSI) de grands groupes français industriels, gestionnaires de réseaux ou fournisseurs de service. Les retardataires Le manque d’anticipation est le talon d’Achille de la France.

Are Your Running Microsoft Windows? The NSA Has Backdoor Access ~ Bauer-Power Media In a chilling, yet somehow unsurprising report I read on Monday it turns out that no matter how well you think you've locked down your Windows workstation or server, the NSA can still easily get into it. Why? Because Microsoft has been building backdoor's into their operating system since Windows 95. From WND: The National Security Agency has backdoor access to all Windows software since the release of Windows 95, according to informed sources, a development which follows the insistence by the agency and federal law enforcement for backdoor “keys” to any encryption, according to a report in Joseph Farah’s G2 Bulletin. Having such “keys” is essential for the export of any encryption allowed under U.S. export control laws to foreign users. ...Computer security specialists say that the Windows software driver used for security and encryption functions contains unusual features which give NSA that backdoor access. These security specialists have identified the driver as ADVAPI.DLL.
