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Building Virtual Research Environment for the Sphere of Historical Resources

Building Virtual Research Environment for the Sphere of Historical Resources

Digital Art History - Digital Art History - Guides at Emory University - Main Library (Woodruff) This guide is inspired by Transitioning to a Digital World Art History, Its Research Centers, and Digital ScholarshipA Report to the The Samuel H. Kress Foundation and The Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media George Mason UniversityBy Diane M. Zorich Cultural Heritage Consultant dzorich@mindspring.comMay 2012 Teaser excerpts below to get you to click on the full report The examples listed below, while not comprehensive, give a sense of the type of research art historians might undertake with the aid of digital technologies: Visualizing a work of art in its place over time, e.g., viewing a painting, sculpture, or building in relationship to the environment around it and the changes to that environment over time. Some Barriers:

Initiale - Catalogue de manuscrits enluminés - IRHT Initiale est un catalogue informatisé de manuscrits enluminés du Moyen Âge, principalement de ceux qui sont conservés dans les bibliothèques publiques de France, hors Bibliothèque nationale de France. >> Lire la suite Ce catalogue, en cours de constitution, est établi sous la responsabilité de la Section des manuscrits enluminés (SME, olim SSI) de l’Institut de recherche et d’histoire des textes (IRHT). >> Lire la suite Initiale fournit, dans les limites de l’avancement du catalogage : l’état du recensement des fonds par l’IRHT ; des notices de manuscrits contenant une identification sommaire des textes, la datation, l’origine, la provenance, l’attribution éventuelle à un artiste, et une liste de références bibliographiques ; des notices d’enluminures (représentations ou ornements) ; des fiches bibliographiques augmentées, s’il y a lieu, de renvois aux notices de manuscrits recensés dans Initiale. Des photographies numériques des livres décrits sont associées à une partie des notices.

University of Michigan - Art Images for College Teaching AICT is a royalty-free image exchange resource for the educational community. Art Images for College Teaching (AICT) began as a personal project dedicated to the principle of free exchange of image resources for and among members of the educational community. While the AICT site is maintained and distributed under the general auspices of the Minneapolis College of Art & Design (MCAD), this institution is not responsible for content or use thereof. All work on the AICT project has been voluntary, and MCAD-affiliated personnel have contributed innumerable hours of research, clerical, and design effort on a pro-bono basis. AICT certifies that the image copies provided hereunder, the originals being the copyrighted intellectual property of art historian and photographer Allan T.

Intute Intute: History provides free access to high quality resources on the Internet. Each resource has been evaluated and categorised by subject specialists based at UK universities. No new resources are being added to the catalogue, but existing resources will be checked and broken links will be fixed until July 2011. To find out more about our current situation, please see our frequently asked questions. Virtual Training Suite for history The Virtual Training Suite offers free tutorials on Internet research skills to help with your university course. History Encouraging Critical Thinking Online Encouraging Critical Thinking Online is a set of free teaching resources designed to develop students' analytic abilities, using the Web as source material.

Treasures of the Library : Nature printing This small volume of ‘nature printed’ leaves and flowers offers an intriguing insight into late eighteenth-century botany. It belonged to Charles Darwin (1758-1778), the eldest son of Dr Erasmus Darwin (1731-1802), of Lichfield, Derbyshire (himself the grandfather of the Charles Darwin of the ‘theory of evolution’ fame). As a child, Charles had been interested in botany, and had travelled with a botanical tutor in France when nine years old. He either made or acquired the book the year he went up to Oxford University, labelling it number eighty-four in his library, and noting the year as 1774. Charles’s death in 1778, while still a medical student at Edinburgh University, meant that the book reverted to his father, just when Erasmus Darwin was developing an intense interest in botany. Nature printing was a technique for making an impression directly from a plant by inking a flattened specimen and pressing the inked side onto paper. Dr Anne Secord Darwin Correspondence Project Download

Mandragore BnF - Portail manuscrits enluminés Enluminures Coproduite par la Direction du livre et de la lecture et l’IRHT à partir de sa base de recherche Initiale, la base Enluminures donne accès en ligne aux manuscrits médiévaux enluminés conservés dans les bibliothèques municipales. Comprenant à ce jour plus de 80 000 images, Enluminures fournit une reproduction numérique et une description scientifique de la décoration des manuscrits médiévaux. Accessible aux chercheurs et à un large public, elle est consultable en recherche guidée, en recherche experte ou en visites virtuelles. Initiale V du livre de l’Ecclésiaste Bible latine Limoges, 1er quart du xiie siècle Paris, Bibl. Liber Floridus Fruit d’un partenariat entre le Ministère de l’Éducation nationale, de l’enseignement supérieur et de la recherche, l’IRHT et le CINES, la base Liber Floridus donne accès en ligne aux manuscrits médiévaux enluminés conservés dans les bibliothèques de l’enseignement supérieur. Mandragore

VADS: free art and design images for education Signets - Cerimes - Signets Bibliothèque numérique de la Bibliothèque Diderot de Lyon Ouverte depuis janvier 2014, la bibliothèque numérique de la Bibliothèque Diderot de Lyon est un ensemble de premier ordre et destiné à s'accroître de collections patrimoniales numérisées. . Quelques chiffres début 2014 Collection éducation : 393 706 pages : manuels scolaires (1789-1881), Journal des Instituteurs, Revue de l’enseignement primaire et primaire supérieur, Manuel général de l’instruction primaire, Catalogue noir, Dictionnaire de pédagogie de Ferdinand Buisson. Fonds slaves, corpus Boris Tchitchérine : 15 525 pages 196 thèses accessibles en ligne (consultation sous conditions particulières) Numérisation à la demande : accès à 47 ouvrages Classification DEWEY : 500 - 370 - 375 - 379 - 374.2 - 530 - 570 - 990 - 944 - 947 - 949 - 891 Langues : français, russe Pays : France (métropolitaine) Propriété intellectuelle : "Collection et fichiers Bibliothèque Diderot de Lyon".

Book titles with full text online | MetPublications "The 1688 Paradise Lost and Dr. Aldrich": Metropolitan Museum Journal, v. 6 (1972) Boorsch, Suzanne (1972) 20th-Century Art: A Resource for Educators Paul, Stella (1999) 82nd & Fifth The Metropolitan Museum of Art (2013) Abbot Suger and Saint-Denis Gerson, Paula Lieber, ed. (1986) "About Mäda": Metropolitan Museum Journal, v. 40 (2005) Baetjer, Katharine (2005) "About the Sequence of the Tapestries in The Hunt of the Unicorn and The Lady with the Unicorn": Metropolitan Museum Journal, v. 17 (1982) Nickel, Helmut (1982) "About the Sword of the Huns and the 'Urepos' of the Steppes": Metropolitan Museum Journal, v. 7 (1973) Nickel, Helmut (1973) "Abraham Lincoln: The Man (Standing Lincoln): A Bronze Statuette by Augustus Saint-Gaudens": Metropolitan Museum Journal, v. 48 (2013) Tolles, Thayer (2013) Abstract Expressionism: Works on Paper. "The Abstract Expressionists": The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin, v. 44, no. 3 (Winter, 1986–1987) Thaw, Eugene Victor (1986–1987)

La numérisation du patrimoine écrit I.1. OÙ EN SONT LES BIBLIOTHÈQUES NUMÉRIQUES ? I.1.1. Une idée relativement ancienne qui a connu un réel essor à partir de 2004 I.1.2. Une idée qui s’est concrétisée par des avancées hétérogènes I.1.3. I.2. II.1. II.2. III. 1. III. 2. III. 3. ARTstor Blog
