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The Setup

Related:  None of your business

5 Task Apps for Visual Thinkers Most productivity tools and reviews focus on very linear, left-brained thinking. What if you’re a visual thinker and looking for a tool that suits your needs? Pen and paper, a massive whiteboard, or post-it notes can work for the right-brainers out there, but they’re also not necessarily very practical in this digital age, where you might need to access your tasks on the go, keep notes and track progress on them, or share them with someone else. Features to look for: If you’re looking at trying a digital app to help manage your to do list, and you’ve struggled with productivity tools in the past, here’s a few features that you might want to look for before you try yet another app: Color coding: This is such a simple feature that so many tools are lacking. My top 5 picks for task management for visual thinkers: KanbanPad Sporting an adorable mascot and a colorful design, KanbanPad is my favorite out of the kanban style task tools out there. Price: Free Trello Thoughtboxes Weekplan Teamweek

HipChat History[edit] HipChat was founded by Chris Rivers, Garret Heaton, and Pete Curley, who studied together at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) and also created HipCal and Plaxo Pulse. They launched the first HipChat beta on December 13, 2009.[7][8] HipChat was made available to the public starting January 25, 2010.[9][10][1] On July 19, 2010, the team moved into an office in Sunnyvale, California.[16] Co-founder Pete Curley announced that HipChat had secured $100,000 in funding on August 10, 2010.[17][18] This round of seed funding allowed the company to start advertising and cover operational costs.[19] HipChat launched their iOS app on March 4, 2011 and their Android app on June 2, 2011.[20][21] On March 7, 2012, Atlassian, which had been using the service internally, announced it had acquired HipChat.[22] On April 24, 2017, HipChat experienced a hacking incident in which user info, messages, and content were accessed.[23] Integration with Slack[edit] Features[edit] See also[edit]

GlimmerBlocker Getting Things Done Personal productivity system and 2001 book The GTD method rests on the idea of moving all items of interest, relevant information, issues, tasks and projects out of one's mind by recording them externally and then breaking them into actionable work items with known time limits.[b][c] This allows one's attention to focus on taking action on each task listed in an external record, instead of recalling them intuitively.[5] First published in 2001,[4] a revised edition of the book was released in 2015 to reflect the changes in information technology during the preceding decade.[1] Themes[edit] Allen first demonstrates stress reduction from the method with the following exercise, centered on a task that has an unclear outcome or whose next action is not defined. The most annoying, distracting, or interesting task is chosen, and defined as an "incomplete". An inboxA trash canA filing system for reference materialSeveral lists (detailed below)A calendar (either a paper-based or digital calendar)

1: Главный лайфхак продуктивности 👉 Автоматизировать — почти всегда отличное решение: почитать 40 минут инструкции по всяким языкам скриптования и написать программу для пакетной обработки документов. Сейчас ты потратить вдвое больше времени, но это время пройдет в кайф. А нудную задачу решишь за минуту. Вот несколько инструментов для затравки: IFTTT и Zapier — простые сервисы автоматизации. В любой почтовой системе есть шаблоны и автоответчики. Alfred помогает автоматизировать рутинные процедуры на Маке. Automator — это внутренняя программа на Маке, которая помогает склеивать в единое целое взаимодействия нескольких программ. Google AppScript — это вообще бомба для тех, кто работает в Гугл-документах. Я не говорю, что нужно всё бросить и взяться за программирование.

My Ultimate Developer and Power Users Tool List for Mac OS X (2011 Edition) This is the third installment of my must have must have list of tools and utilities as a Mac and iOS developer. A lot can change in twelve months when you work in the technology space. The biggest change for developers in the past twelve months is the completed transition from Xcode 3 to 4 and from iOS 4 to 5. Oh, there may have been a new version of Mac OS X thrown in there for good measure too. The idea for this list was shamelessly ripped off from Windows developer Scott Hanselman whose list is an enjoyable read every year. Many of the products you will recognize from previous years’ lists. Hardware This year I transitioned back to a dual Mac setup again. I pair the iMac with a 13” i7 powered MacBook Air. I was a former proponent of the single machine lifestyle, but Dropbox has made sharing files between the two relatively painless. In terms of accessories and upgrades: I use a Wireless Apple Keyboard. Software I am really hard on software. The Essential Power User 5 Developer Tools

Любимые инструменты Digital Bands — Digital Bandito ‟ Кроме агентства, я использую Тоггл и для себя лично. Он нужен, чтобы понимать, сколько ресурса уходит на какую задачу и заранее прогнозировать время. Сначала вы просто считаете свое время и начинаете фиксировать, сколько тратите на задачи. Я рекомендую изначально ставить себе прогноз, потом включать Тоггл, считать реальное время работы над задачей и сравнивать, насколько ваши прогнозы совпадают с действительностью. В рекламном агентстве мы постоянно сталкиваемся с ошибкой людей в неправильном расчете времени. Человек ставит, что потратит на задачу 20 минут, а по факту уходит 3 часа. Первый плюс Тоггла — начав считать время, вы начинаете понимать, сколько тратите на определенные задачи, и прогнозировать свой день, неделю, да и вообще все что угодно. Когда ваш восьмичасовой день действительно посвящен делам, вы становитесь намного эффективнее и это, кстати, может привести к стратегии четырехдневной рабочей недели.

Performance Upgrades; FireWire USB SATA Storage; Memory, more at OWC 3 online business systems that are essential to starting an online business I’m going to do something unusual in this post. You’ve never heard me talk about how much revenue my business generates. But today, I’ll share some of those numbers with you, as well as the 3 online business systems I’ve followed to double my revenue in 2012 and again in 2013. Here’s a funny story. When a major magazine was writing an article about me, they asked me to reveal revenue numbers. When I refused, they told me they’d cut the article if I didn’t. So I said, “Is $1mm important enough?” Suddenly they noticed the date range I’d selected. And there’s a simple reason I don’t talk about revenue: I prefer to focus on your success, not mine. That’s why I give away 98% of my material free. I recently showed you the first online business revenue I ever made at IWT years ago. Now check out this email I just recently received a couple weeks ago: What do you notice? I know, it’s less than $5, but think of the $200 products, the $497 products, the $997 ones, and on and on… Here, take a look: No.
