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Social Media for Small Businesses: 6 Effective Strategies

Social Media for Small Businesses: 6 Effective Strategies
Nellie Akalp is CEO of, her second incorporation filing service based on her strong passion to assist small business owners and entrepreneurs in starting and protecting their business. She has formed more than 100,000 corporations and LLCs across the U.S. To learn more about Nellie and see how she can help your business get off the ground quickly and affordably, please visit here. Many small business owners I encounter are either too busy for social media, or they don’t truly understand Facebook, Foursquare, or Twitter. I’m not a social media expert. Over the past few years, I’ve made it a point to explore and understand the social web around me. 1. Social media has little to do with you; it’s all about your audience, customers, or whomever you’re trying to reach. Not sure where your customers are on the social web? 2. Social media is attractive to small businesses because of its perceived price. 3. Starbucks has more than 1.3 million followers on Twitter. 4. 5. 6.

HOW TO: Spread Your Business Footprint Around the Web This post originally appeared on the American Express OPEN Forum, where Mashable regularly contributes articles about leveraging social media and technology in small business. The web, as we know, is a great place to market your business — but only if people can find you. Success in online marketing is contingent upon people being able to locate your web presence. Leaving your business footprint across the web has a number of benefits, including driving traffic back to your site, building brand awareness, establishing trust and boosting your search engine rankings. 1. Social media is a big place. At the very least, it is important for almost every business trying to build their brand online to have a presence on the major social networks. Further, stagnation is a bad thing. "Be sure to complete profiles on sites most relevant to your business. Jim Olenbush, a broker at Cantera Real Estate in Austin, Texas, agrees. 2. It's often said that social media is a conversation. His lesson? 3.

Les TIC, le TBI et le RÉCIT La semaine prochaine, j’assiste à un atelier RÉCIT ayant pour titre Le tableau blanc interactif (TBI) dans le paradigme de l'apprentissage. Je m’y suis inscrit surtout par curiosité parce que TBI et apprentissage sont deux termes qui m'apparaissent contradictoires. Me tromperais-je ? Je m’explique. Un tableau blanc interactif est essentiellement un outil d’enseignement. Et tout le débat est là, car on m’a souvent répété que ce n’est pas parce qu’un élève écoute un prof qu’il n’est pas « actif » dans ses apprentissages. Une minorité (d’après mes observations) ne sont pas de cet avis. Le problème est que même les tenants du paradigme de l’enseignement nous disent croire aussi à l’élève constructeur et me racontent souvent qu’il n’y a pas contradiction entre ces deux positions. À cet égard, le TBI est une immense perte de temps, car, pendant qu’une ou deux ou trois personnes s’en servent, les autres doivent ÉCOUTER. Et le RÉCIT dans tout cela ?

Should Companies Play it Safe in Social Media? What does that mean exactly, to play it safe? Is that creating a Facebook page just to satisfy the critics and the bashers? Is it creating a Twitter profile “in case” someone maybe be talking about you so that you can claim that you and your company are proactively listening to the conversation? Or is it a blog that has 3-4 posts over the span of 6 months? Maybe, possibly, and perhaps? One of the easiest ways to opt out of the social media revolution is to do just enough to satisfy the hacks that may be looking at your social efforts who then may be writing, speaking or commenting about your stuff and trying to poke holes at it. So what’s happening here? Does either strategy ( I use the term lightly) work? You’re in business to make money and you’re in business to compete against others that do what you do and sell what you sell. Playing it safe in sports means playing for ties or not caring whether you win or lose. Connect: Authored by: Marc Meyer See complete profile

2X Entrepreneur Turned Venture Capitalist | Both Sides of The Table 5 Free and Easy Listening Tools for Social Media Monitoring Do you wonder what your customers are saying about your product or service across the web? Listening effectively to your customers can be a very insightful experience. The better you are at listening; the better you can understand your customer’s wants and needs. With the rise, and seemingly universal adoption, of social media amongst consumers, businesses can now listen in on conversations regarding their products and services if they have the right tools. Here are five free tools to include in your social media listening tool belt: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Once you get your “listening headquarters” all set up you will find it hard to turn off. Listening to what people say can teach you a lot about what you are doing right, and perhaps more importantly, what you are doing wrong. Which tools do you use for your social media listening efforts? Connect: Authored by: Jason Miller

Avec le guichet unique, créez bientôt votre entreprise en quelqu Lancé le 1er janvier, le guichet unique de la création d’entreprise doit permettre de centraliser les formalités administratives. Objectif : faciliter le lancement de nouvelles activités, même si le site n’est pas encore totalement opérationnel. Pour simplifier les démarches administratives des créateurs d’entreprise, le secrétariat d’Etat aux PME vient de lancer le guichet unique. Créer son entreprise en quelques clicsLe principe : s’informer sur les étapes de la création d’entreprise et remplir les formalités sur un seul et même site. Encourager la création d’entrepriseCe guichet unique est mis en place, alors que le nombre de créations d’entreprise est en plein boom : 500.000 créations contre 327.000 en 2008, notamment grâce au statut d’auto-entrepreneurs qui a séduit 265.000 créateurs. Lire aussi les enquêtes de Capital : Autoentrepreneur : salarié la semaine, patron le week-end Se mettre à son compte : comment créer sa boîte

HOW TO: Optimize Your Content for Social Discovery David Sasson is the chief operating officer of Outbrain, a content recommendation platform that is based in New York. You can follow him on Twitter at @davidsasson. Since the rise of search over the past decade, few obsessions have run deeper in the world of online publishing than search engine optimization (SEO). In an attempt to grow their audience and gain exposure for their content, publishers have increasingly focused on keeping Google’s crawlers well fed with tasty morsels of meta data, keyword repetitions, internal linking and more. But designing websites for crawlers often has a downside; namely, it can lead to a poor experience for flesh-and-blood users. How often have you actually used a keyword tag like the one below to navigate a site and discover new content? Probably never. Luckily, this mentality is beginning to change as the sources of traffic into publisher content diversify. This development is great for publishers. These changes aren’t totally surprising. 1. 2. 3. 4.

The Top 20 Most Inspiring Steve Jobs Quotes - TNW Apple From 1984′s Macintosh computer to the game-changing iPad in 2010, Steve Jobs is perhaps the most visionary and innovative CEO of the past 30 years. His passion for blending technology with the humanities have illuminated both Apple and Pixar, undoubtedly two of the world’s most successful companies. And despite Steve Jobs’ worrying health and departure from Apple, the future of his companies looks stronger than ever. When Steve Jobs announced his resignation on August 25, 2011, all eyes and ears wanted to know more. We pulled out our 20 favorite here, listed in chronological order, for your inspirational reading pleasure. We’re gambling on our vision, and we would rather do that than make “me, too” products. That’s why I think death is the most wonderful invention of life. If you want to live your life in a creative way, as an artist, you have to not look back too much. A lot of people in our industry haven’t had very diverse experiences.

HOW TO: Implement a Social Good Campaign on Facebook You want to do good, and you want to use Facebook. Good choice. Facebook has a couple of things going for it. First off, there are a ton of people that use it — more than 500 million to be precise — so you've already set yourself up to hit the largest social network audience. Second, Facebook is an informal place to launch serious things. We've outlined five ways to take advantage of these elements, whether you want to register as a charity or just lend a digital hand without the rigmarole. 1. This should be a no-brainer. Important note: Before you start to donate to any campaign on Facebook, make sure the money or support is going to the right place. These are actually required conditions to sign up, but it's always good to do some research, especially if you're not familiar with the non-profit. [Non-profits and supporters can set-up campaigns directly through, who’s popular Facebook platform makes it easy to reach people.] 2. 3. Too many numbers and conditions? 4. 5.

Steve Jobs and the Seven Rules of Success Innovators push the boundaries of the known world. They're change agents who are relentless in making things happen and bringing ideas to execution. Steve Jobs' impact on your life cannot be overestimated. His innovations have likely touched nearly every aspect -- computers, movies, music and mobile. Over the years, I've become a student of sorts of Jobs' career and life. 1. 2. Related: Steve Jobs' Surprising First Business Venture 3. 4. 5. Related: 10 Things to Thank Steve Jobs For 6. 7. There's one story that I think sums up Jobs' career at Apple. Related: Remembering Apple's Steve Jobs Carmine Gallo is the author of TALK LIKE TED: The 9 Public Speaking Secrets of The World's Top Minds.

20 exemplos criativos de páginas 404 Infelizmente, nem sempre o internauta encontra o que quer quando visita o seu site. Na verdade, é até mais comum do que se imagina que ele caia em alguma página de erro – a famosa 404: Página não encontrada. Mas nem por isso deve ser alvo de alguma atenção, na hora de desenvolver o site. Como nestes exemplos bem criativos reunidos pelo Macho Arts. a E se conhece algum exemplo de página de erro igualmente criativa, deixe um comentário!
