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TEDxTransmedia - Jeff Gomez - DAREtoCHANGE

TEDxTransmedia - Jeff Gomez - DAREtoCHANGE

Cross-Media + Transmedia Entertainment Jill Walker, the theorist behind ‘distributed narrative‘, has organised and participated in a panel on Viral and Distributed Narratives (as arranged by Jessica Henig). The panel is part of the Society for Literature, Science, and the Arts 19th Annual Conference held recently in Chicago. It is the first time that electronic literature has been included in the conference streams. But back to the panel: Scott Rettberg, Arts and Humanities, Richard Stockton College of New Jersey, “Implementation in Context: Viral, Locative, Situationist”Implementation by Nick Montfort and Scott Rettberg is a novel about psychological warfare, terror, identity, and the idea of place, a project that borrows from the traditions of, mail art, sticker art, conceptual art, situationist theater, serial fiction, and guerilla viral marketing. Implementation was first published as a serial novel printed in fragments on stickers distributed in monthly installments.

Projet René Guénon: Jean-François Lyotard, La condition postmoderne, (note de lectura) Paru chez Les Editions de Minuit, 1979. Sous-titre: Rapport sur le savoir. Introduction Sens du mot « postmoderne »: « Il désigne l’état de la culture après les transformations qui ont affecté les règles des jeux de la science, de la littérature et des arts à partir de la fin du XIXe siècle. Ici, on situera ces transformations par rapport à la crise des récits. » (p. 7) La science est en conflit avec les récits. Quand même, elle tient sur son propre statut un discours de légitimation, qui est un métarécit, un métadiscours, une philosophie. « En simplifiant à l’extrême, on tient pour « postmoderne » l’incrédulité à l’égard des métarécits. » (p. 7) La science moderne croyait encore dans les métarécits justificateurs (la dialectique de l’Esprit, l’herméneutique du sens). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

Transmedia Resources DRAFT - this is a no-profit site that is a continuous work in progress - short quotes from the collected resources are included, if you do not wish any of your resource quoted, let me know and I'll remove the quote UPDATE - April 6, 2014 - It has been awhile - but I still am around, still have been collecting sources and still intend to continue plugging things in. Hope to start adding more again within the month - ahhh the life of an archivist!!! Transmedia is used in many different ways leading to the need to use the surrounding context to determine full meaning (in a way, the very definition of transmedia has a transmedial property to it ;) A very basic definition would be one of media delivered in multiple formats/platforms. transmedia intertextuality to define and discuss how narrative for children's projects moves across multiple sources and has levels of interaction. Stephen E. OVER 426 resources listed and many more to find and catalog!!!!!!!

Jean-François Lyotard Page(s) en rapport avec ce sujet : Jean-François Lyotard est un philosophe français associé au post-structuralisme et le plus souvent reconnu pour sa théorie de la postmodernité.... (source : akadem)Prix : EUR 11, 39 LIVRAISON GRATUITE En savoir plus.... le postmoderne, Jean- François Lyotard est pour énormément (en particulier hors de France) l'incarnation... (source : amazon)où s'est surtout inauguré le concept de " postmodernité ", Jean-François Lyotard est aussi l'un des rares philosophes de la génération 68 à avoir été... (source : passiondulivre) Jean-François Lyotard Jean-François Lyotard, né à Versailles le 10 août 1924 et mort à Paris le 21 avril 1998, est un philosophe français associé au post-structuralisme et en particulier réputé pour son usage conceptuel de la notion de postmoderne. Il est le père de Corinne Enaudeau, aussi philosophe, spécialiste de son œuvre mais aussi de celle de Derrida. Biographie Legs académique La condition postmoderne : rapport sur le savoir (1979)

Hero Complex ? Los Angeles Times Jean-François Lyotard (1924-1998) - La fin des grands récits Engagé dans la vie syndicale, Jean-François Lyotard le sera aussi dans ses écrits. Philosophe critique, il remet en question les grands récits de la modernité et postule l’éclatement et l’incompatibilité des différents savoirs. Dites « postmodernité » et un nom vient immédiatement à l’esprit, celui de Jean-François Lyotard. D’autres auteurs français le suivent de près, de Jacques Derrida (voir l’article p. 84) et ses « déconstructions » à Jean Baudrillard (voir l’encadré p. 87) et ses « simulacres ». Mais si J.‑F. Plusieurs codes sociaux et moraux incompatibles Tout commence au début des années 1970. Le langage, une base pour la résolution des conflits ? Pour le philosophe, cette fragmentation du langage confine au tragique. Jean Baudrillard (1929-2007), de la sociologie à la pataphysique Rétrospectivement, l’œuvre de Jean Baudrillard ressemble à une suite de déplacements. Du marxisme au postmodernisme Bibliographie Jean-François Lyotard • La Phénoménologie1954, 14e rééd. Jean Baudrillard

The Who’s Who of Transmedia | Transmedia Storytelling (Fall 2010) The main characters in Doctor Who don't change every episode, but this isn't necessarily wrong. Just look at Star Trek for an example of a show that doesn't require character development to be good or engaging. While all of the Dr. Who storytelling outlets were appealing in their own way, I found the radio program to be the least engaging. I don’t think this has anything to do with its radio’s validity as a medium or the producers’ execution of the story, but rather I think I’m just not accustomed to consuming audio-only stories. The other forms of Dr. The comic book version didn’t catch my interest nearly as much as the stories that featured moving pictures. I certainly think it’s possible to stitch together a coherent narrative across multiple mediums; Doctor Who stands as a testament to this. The stories also feature similar structure in terms of characters. Like this: Like Loading... Junior at Trinity University.

Is Vladislav Surkov an Artist? – New Minds Eye Introduction In this essay I propose that the Russian politician Vladislav Surkov is in fact an artist. It has been suggested that in contemporary Russian politics Art theory informs both domestic and foreign policy at the highest level. I will explore the validity of these claims, through the actions and statements of Surkov (the doctrines purported architect), to build a theoretical framework that firmly situates his activity within the wider field of postmodernism. Who is Surkov? I am the author, or one of the authors, of the new Russian system…My portfolio at the Kremlin and in government has included ideology, media, political parties, religion, modernisation, innovation, foreign relations, and… modern art. There are few more ambiguous figures in contemporary world politics than Vladislav Surkov. Maintaining an interest in the arts throughout, Surkov may or may not be a published novelist and short story writer. Lyotard and Surkov Self-Design This was the first non-linear war.

Scott McCloud | Journal
