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2D Glasses Haterz 110+ photos rares du tournage de Star Wars SITE GEEK & HIGH-TECH NWE Katamari Hack Yoogle_beta Festival International du .Gif Fencing for old people It never struck me like a sport for senior citizens but… Apparently old people love it! at least the ones at Corpus Christi Catholic Home for retired priest and nuns in Melbourne, Australia, do. The over 80 years old athletes have been learning the art of fencing for nine months now, and apparently they are getting quite good at it. One of the care-takers from the home said the old people were a bit reluctant at first but after having a talk with the convincing instructor, they said yes. Even 93 years old Sister Dolores says she loves the sport, even though she admits it’s a chalenge at her age and she’s always afraid she might fall over. Source Reddit Stumble
