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Contents, Interactive Mathematics Miscellany and Puzzles

Contents, Interactive Mathematics Miscellany and Puzzles
Since May 6, 1997You are visitor number E66B7E in base 20 Raymond Smullyan, a Mathematician, Philosopher and author of several outstanding books of logical puzzles, tells, in one of his books, a revealing story. A friend invited him for dinner. He told Smullyan that his teenage son was crazy about Smullyan's books and could not wait to meet him. Having told this story, would it be wise to announce up front what this site is about? |Contact||Front page||Index||Store|

Touch Mathematics Operaciones aritméticas Puede que se haya quitado la página que está buscando, que haya cambiado su nombre o que no esté disponible temporalmente. Pruebe lo siguiente: Asegúrese de que la dirección del sitio Web que se muestra en la barra de dirección del explorador está escrita correctamente y tiene el formato adecuado. Si llegó a esta página tras hacer clic en un vínculo, póngase en contacto con el administrador del sitio Web para informarle de que el vínculo no tiene el formato correcto. Haga clic en el botón Atrás para probar con otro vínculo. Información técnica (para personal de soporte) Vaya a los Servicios de soporte técnico de Microsoft y realice una búsqueda por título con las palabras y . Abra la , que está accesible en el Administrador de IIS (inetmgr), y busque los temas titulados , y .

Maths Online - Free Maths Tuition For All Australian High School Students Khan Academy Vi Hart: Math Doodling Remember that video about doodling dragons and fractals and stuff? I finally finished part 2! Here is a magnet link so you can dowload it via torrent. Here it is on YouTube: You can tell I worked on it for a long time over many interruptions (travelling and other stuff), because in order to keep myself from hating what was supposed to be a quick easy part 2, I had to amuse myself with snakes. Here was part 1, via Torrent or YouTube. Finding Unity in the Math Wars I usually avoid current events, but recent skirmishes in the math world prompted me to chime in. To recap, there’ve been heated discussions about math education and the role of online resources like Khan Academy. As fun as a good math showdown may appear, there’s a bigger threat: Apathy. And Justin Bieber. Educators, online or not, don’t compete with each other. Entertainment is great; I love Starcraft. What do we need? I could be walking into a knife fight with an ice cream cone, but I’d like to approach each side with empathy and offer specific suggestions to bridge the gap. The Big Misunderstanding Superheroes need a misunderstanding before working together. Bad Teacher < Online Learning < Good teacher The problem is in considering each part separately. Is Khan Academy (free, friendly, always available) better than a mean, uninformed, or absent teacher? But, really, the ultimate solution is Online learning + Good Teachers. Why Do I Care? I love learning. I was a good student. Finals came.

Research Supporting NCTM-Standards-Based Mathematics Education Reform » Mathematically Sane Research Supporting NCTM-Standards-Based Mathematics Education Reform By admin - Last updated: Sunday, October 24, 2004 - Save & Share - Leave a Comment Prepared by Eric Hart There is a rigorous and extensive research base for NCTM-Standards-based reform in mathematics education. A brief sample of that research base, related to several major themes of reform, is included here. 1. “There is a long history of research, going back to the 1940s and the work of William Brownell, on the effects of teaching for meaning and understanding in mathematics. “Instructional programs that emphasize conceptual development, with the goal of understanding, can facilitate significant mathematics learning without sacrificing skill proficiency.” “Students who memorize facts or procedures without understanding often are not sure when and how to use what they know, and such learning is often quite fragile.” “Students who develop conceptual understanding early perform best on procedural knowledge later.” 2. 3.
