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Ancient Greece: a world in evolution

Ancient Greece: a world in evolution

Irminsul Nachbildung einer Irminsul in der Kirche St.Petrus und Paulus Obermarsberg Standorte und Funktion[Bearbeiten] Irminsul-Nachbildung auf der Bornhöhe in Harbarnsen-Irmenseul Die Irminsul als Weltenbaum mit neun Ästen. Erst der Mönch Rudolf von Fulda schrieb dazu 863 in De miraculis sancti Alexandri (Kap. 3):[3] „Truncum quoque ligni non parvae magnitudinis in altum erectum sub divo colebant, patria eum lingua Irminsul appellantes, quod Latine dicitur universalis columna, quasi sustinens omnia „Sie verehrten auch unter freiem Himmel einen senkrecht aufgerichteten Baumstamm von nicht geringer Größe, den sie in ihrer Muttersprache ,Irminsul‘ nannten, was auf Lateinisch ,columna universalis‘ (dtsch. Spätmittelalter und Frühe Neuzeit[Bearbeiten] Die Irminsul nach Sebastian Münster. Schon früh begann man sich Gedanken darüber zu machen, was es mit dieser Säule wohl auf sich gehabt haben könnte. Irminsul nach Heinrich Meibom. 1612. Der Rest der Irminsul soll sich nach einer seit dem 16.

DNL, Population and Sustainable Development Population and Sustainable Development I - Les objectifs de cette évaluation sont multiples : II - L'évaluation : Population and Sustainable Development Source 1: World Population Growth ( United Nations Website, December 2000) Source 2: Female literacy rate and fertility rate ( United Nations Website, December 2000) Source3: Sustainable development Population issues 1999 "Sustainable development" connotes the processes by which people satisfy their needs and improve their quality of life in the present while safeguarding the ability of future generations to meet their own needs Source 4: The Role of Women Population issues 1999 Women make up two-thirds of the world’s poorest people and are nearly twice as likely as men to be illiterate. Source5:6,000,000,000 consumption machinesInternational Wildlife, October 1999 In all, 270 million Americans use up nearly 10 billion metric tons of materials a year, 30 percent of the planet’s total.

10 Wonders of the World You Don’t Know Our World While most of these wonders will be known to a few people, they are, on the whole, not as well known as the famous “seven wonders”. Despite that, each has a reason for being considered wonderful and deserves its spot on this list. Enjoy the list and be sure to share other lesser-known wonders in the comments. Banaue Rice Terraces Philippines The Banaue Rice Terraces are 2000-year old terraces that were carved into the mountains of Ifugao in the Philippines by ancestors of the indigenous people. Sigiriya (Lion’s rock) is an ancient rock fortress and palace ruin situated in the central Matale District of Sri Lanka, surrounded by the remains of an extensive network of gardens, reservoirs, and other structures. Tower of Hercules Spain The Tower of Hercules is an ancient Roman lighthouse on a peninsula about 2.4 kilometers (1.5 miles) from the centre of A Coruña, Galicia, in north-western Spain. Toru? Valley of Flowers India Bagan is an ancient city in the Mandalay Division of Burma.

TURKS :: Chronology The Turkic speaking Uighurs were one of many distinct cultural groups brought together by the trade of the Silk Route at Turfan in Chinese Central Asia. The Uighurs, primarily pastoral nomads, observed a number of religions including Manichaeism, Buddhism, and Nestorian Christianity. Many of the artefacts from this period were found in the 19 th century in this remote desert region of China. The Seljuks were another Central Asian nomadic group. The Seljuks were Sunni Muslims . The last Seljuk sultan died in battle in 1194 when the Great Seljuks were defeated by the Mongols. These enigmatic paintings are by Muhammad Siyah Qalam – ‘Muhammad of the Black Pen’. Timur (1336-1405) is known in the west as Tamerlane. It was during Timur’s reign that the nomadic steppe culture of Central Asia fused with the settled culture of Iran. Contemporaries noted Timur’s preoccupation with history.

Ressources DNL anglais Histoire: "School History" est un site portail comprenant des centaines de ressources (exercices, diaporamas, documents sources etc.) couvrant les programmes anglais d'histoire. BBC History: portail de la BBC sur l'histoire en général mais centrée sur le Royaume Uni. A utiliser pour le fonds de cartes en anglais , ce site de l'éditeur Ablongman propose aussi des Timeline et des tableaux statistiques. Ancien site K-12 modernisé et actualisé sous le nom d' Internet 4 classroom: page de ressources en Social Studies . Portail généraliste Spartacus est un point d'entrée fondamental sur quantité de sujets concernant l'histoire du Royaume Uni, mérite que l'on s'y perde. Site d'une télévision thématique américaine, History Classroom, mérite que l'on s'y attarde pour les ressources vidéos entre autres. "History GCSE" est un site proposant des révisions du programme d'histoire britannique pour le GCSE. "History learning Site" : site très riche en courtes leçons couvrant toutes sortes de sujets.

List of unusual deaths This is a list of unusual deaths. This list includes unique or extremely rare circumstances of death recorded throughout history, noted as being unusual by multiple sources. Some of the deaths are mythological or are considered to be unsubstantiated by contemporary researchers. Some other articles also cover deaths that might be considered unusual or ironic, including List of entertainers who died during a performance, List of inventors killed by their own inventions, List of association footballers who died while playing, List of professional cyclists who died during a race and the List of political self-immolations. Antiquity[edit] Middle Ages[edit] Renaissance[edit] 18th century[edit] 19th century[edit] 20th century[edit] 1920s[edit] Isadora Duncan, ballerina, died when her long scarf caught on the wheel of a car, breaking her neck. 1926: Phillip McClean, 16, from Queensland, Australia, became the only person documented to have been killed by a cassowary. 1950s[edit] 1960s[edit] 1961: U.S.

Rome Reborn 10 sites majeurs en DNL anglais 10 sites majeurs en DNL anglais Vous êtes ici : Liens-Clio DNL & euro Sections européennes 10 sites majeurs en DNL anglais Jean-Philippe Raud Dugalmardi 15 avril 2003 Ce ne sont que des propositions mais ces liens permettent d’avoir une base solide de cours. LE site pour l’histoire en section européenne anglais, celui de la BBC. Un exemple de ce que l’on peut faire : D-Day audio conflict Le site de géographie du Staffordshire. Un exemple : How does being European affect you ? Un site de liens sur l’Europe et sur l’Union Européenne classés par thème : Un site essentiel en Histoire comme en Géographie développé par The Guardian. Un exemple en Histoire : Spartacus : Un site gigantesque développé par John Simkin.

Top 10 Most Evil Humans Crime As we approach the new year, I thought it would be appropriate to do a list that combines and ranks entries from a combination of related lists – a summary list. This list looks at the last three years of lists of evil men and women, and combines and ranks the worst of the worst. Children are excluded as the evil children don’t rank anywhere near the evil of adults seen in the past. I have also added one entry who has not appeared on other lists, but is definitely worthy of inclusion. LaLaurie was a sadistic socialite who lived in New Orleans. Known as The “Bitch of Buchenwald” because of her sadistic cruelty towards prisoners, Ilse Koch was married to another evil Nazi, who served in the SS, Karl Otto Koch, but outshone him in the depraved, inhumane disregard for life which was her trademark. Ishii was a microbiologist and the lieutenant general of Unit 731, a biological warfare unit of the Imperial Japanese Army during the Second Sino-Japanese War. Jamie Frater
