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Story Generator - TV Tropes

Story Generator - TV Tropes

Inspiration Pad Online The Seven Laws of Comedy Writing 10 Ships That Simply Vanished Without A Trace Seafaring is still a dangerous job, with ships lost every year—but most of the time wreckage can be found, bodies recovered, and courses retraced. But some ships just up and disappear, never to be heard from again. Sometimes, a little bit or piece from the ship may be found, but often there’s nothing at all. 10The USS Wasp There have actually been several ships dubbed the USS Wasp, but perhaps the strangest is the Wasp that disappeared in 1814. Built in 1813 for the ongoing war with Britain, the Wasp was designated a “sloop-of-war”—a fast-moving ship with a square sail, 22 guns, and a crew of around 170. Ably commanded by Navy veteran Johnston Blakely, the Wasp fought 13 successful engagements and was a valuable asset to the United States Navy. After the Atalanta departed, Blakely and his remaining crew on sailed on, with a Swedish merchantman reportedly spotting the Wasp heading for the warm waters of the Caribbean. 9The SS Marine Sulphur Queen 8The USS Porpoise 7The FV Andrea Gail

The Domesday Book - Medieval Demographics Made Easy The Domesday Book Penned by Brandon Blackmoor, based on Medieval Demographics Made Easy by S. John Ross Here is subscribed the inquisition of lands as the barons of the king have made inquiry into them... <p>Forsooth, thy browser is truly antiquated! Thou canst not access this web site with a browser such as thine. Land Mass The population density of , due to factors such as climate, geography, and political environment, is persons per km2 . occupies km2 ( hexes, each km across and roughly km2 in area). Population 's population is approximately persons. residents are isolated or itinerant. residents live in villages. residents live in towns. residents live in cities. residents live in big cities. The average distance between villages is km. supports Universities. supports head of livestock: fowl (e.g. chickens, geese, ducks). dairy and meat animals (e.g. cows, goats, pigs, sheep). Large population centers of any scale are the result of traffic. Castles and Fortifications Towns and Cities

City Generator Chaotic Shiny - RPG-Related Generators Printable Mazes Printable Mazes Here is a free PDF maze generator that can create mazes of various sizes and complexity, including pretty diabolical mazes that include 3-d crossings... Maze Options This form drives some of the options on the maze generator: Programming in PostScript When I was a student at Cornell I was a postscript fanatic. The Source The result is here: a little cgi/commandline program written in about 150 lines of python which takes advantage of the ReportLab pdf generation library to produce its output. If you improve the program, please let me know. Posted by David at October 10, 2006 11:11 AM Very cool. Roger mentioned over email, "If I make a maze 60x60 I get smoke :(". Basically that's because the maze code puts a 36-point margin around the edge of the paper by default, and throws an exception when a maze ends up being all-margin. So how to make really small mazes? this is totally awesome you should find a way to make a maze with the center as your goal Thanks for your program,too easy!

Main Page - Abulafia Random Generators GIMP - hexGIMP hexGIMP This script creates a set of layers and an image grid suitable for making TSR-style wilderness hex maps. The brushes included in the distribution were derived from hex art copyright Thorfinn Tait, used with permission (see his site at ). The interface is simple: tiles are placed by selecting a terrain or city brush and clicking inside hexes, and rivers, roads, and political borders are drawn by hand. An image grid makes tile placement easy, and multiple layers keep everything separated for ease of editing and to ensure correct appearance (for example, roads will automatically go under hex grid lines and over rivers). hexGIMP is compatible with wildgen , my online random wilderness hex map generator; maps generated with the "no grid" option may be copied and pasted onto the terrain layer and then edited. See the README file in the .zip for installation and usage instructions. An image created with hexGIMP hexGIMP 0.0.5 (now with optional numbered hexes).

Encounter-a-Day » Adventures If I Knew You Were Coming I’d Have Baked a Cake! Posted in Adventures on January 7th, 2009 | 2 Comments » Tags: Magic, Military Villages and cities are being razed over night with no warning. The few survivors speak of an entire army appearing from nowhere, blind-siding the city’s defenders. The army in question could be traveling through the underdark, emerging from caves near their intended targets. Not Quite Deus Ex Machina Posted in Adventures on January 5th, 2009 | 2 Comments » Tags: The next time your PCs find themselves captured, whether being held for ransom or awaiting their doom in a James Bond-esque death trap, consider taking a quick break from the main campaign. Understanding the Threat… Posted in Adventures on August 18th, 2008 | 5 Comments » Tags: Rural, Slivers When some strange new creatures appear on the fringes of civilization, the kingdom is at a loss for what to do. Welcome to the Jungle Cleaning House Finders, Keepers The family that slays together…

Seventh Sanctum Serendipity
