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The Tagging Toolbox: 30+ Tagging Tools See also: World’s First Review of Streamy - The AJAX-based Digg Rival Tags - for some, one of the best ideas on the web, for others, merely a visual distraction. Yes, we're talking about those loosely defined categories which are usually organized into cute little clouds. 6 solutions gratuites en ligne pour créer des nuages de mots-clés Voici 6 solutions gratuites en ligne pour créer des nuages de mots-clés : Wordle Il s’agit de l’outil le plus connu de création de nuage de mots-clés. Il offre de nombreuses possibilités de paramétrage et de personnalisation des nuages générés. Il fonctionne (sans inscription) soit à partir d’une sélection de mots, de termes figurant à une adresse URL (possédant un flux RSS ou Atom) ou de mots-clés existants d’un compte Delicious.

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Frozen Planet: Explore the polar regions Click on the image below to start exploring the Arctic and Antarctic. You can access geographic information provided by Arctic and Antarctic experts, watch videos of the wildlife in each region, and see important historical events as people explore the polar regions. Copyrighted image Credit: The Open University Launch Frozen Planet 9 Special thanks to British Antarctic Survey Digital Library for Earth System Education Climate Change and Colorado's Future Climate change is real and it is occurring faster than originally predicted. In this video series, scientists explain how climate change is affecting the state of Colorado, while citizens share stories and solutions.

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