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SimplyRain - The Best Free Rain Generator on the Internet.

SimplyRain - The Best Free Rain Generator on the Internet.

Nature Sounds. Listen and download for free SimplyNoise - The Best Free White Noise Generator on the Internet. Coffitivity 10 one-minute time hacks that will make you more productive You’re busy, and while reading about powerful time management techniques can be productive, many of the ones out there are simply too complex, complicated or involved to think about. These 10 time hacks are as simple as they come. Every single thing in this list will take you less than one minute to implement into your life, but the results of each can be incredible. Here are 10 one-minute time hacks that will make you more productive. Say “no” to three things Here’s a challenge for you: this week say “no” to three commitments that might zap you of your energy, time, or motivation. Turn off all of your email alerts New email alerts don’t cost you much time, but they cost you a ton of attention. While you’re in there tinkering with your email settings, I think it’s also useful to reduce the frequency of how often your mail client checks for new messages (plus, having your phone check for new email less often will save you battery life). Start keeping a list of everything you’re waiting on

Relax to the sound of rain with The Monroe Institute | Explore Consciousness - Transform Your Life LISTEN NO VOICEOVER—Free Holosync® demo gives you a clearer mind, better health, more happiness and peace of mind. Try it right now! - Holosync® Meditation Technology: Brain Wave Training for Relaxation, Prosperity, Love, Health & Success “When I first started the Centerpointe program about one year ago, I figured I had pretty much come to terms with all my internal struggles and ‘ancient’ history. Perhaps on some level I had, though some aspects of my internal life were still uncomfortable. The program definitely took me deeper, which is where I had to go to begin to flush-out all the accumulated and ‘stuck’ emotions, games, etc., that were still making my life miserable. “At school, I was going through a particularly tough time, much of it beyond my ability to control.

20 Ways To Wake Up With Motivation Lets face it, feeling motivated is perhaps one of the most difficult things you could ever do. If it were so easy, everyone would be making progress and achieving their goals they’ve set out to achieve. Even worse is when we read countless articles from around the web that make it seem straightforward. But all of this should feel encouraging, because one of the main things I personally found with regards to motivation is that it takes very little of it when doing the things you truly love. In setting up the following points to help you wake up motivated, we need to firstly get the following basic point out of the way in order to establish good fundamentals and a strong foundation: Find out what you truly enjoy doing in your life. Really think about what you truly enjoy, and ffter establishing what truly fascinates and excites you, lets look at the 20 things you can do that will make you feel energized to start your day. Our brains constantly need reminding of what we want from our lives.

Ultimate Rain Sound Generator | Hearing Calibrated ♥ I recently discovered this site while I was trying to find rain noise that was high quality - and I found it. I love this so much! I've been obsessed with it ever since. I'll open a rain noise page and a thunder & rain page and it reminds me of rainstorms in my childhood. I can't thank you enough for this perfect rain! ♥ I love the sound of rain, and thunder! ♥ This is amazing, I have always loved the sound of rain. ♥ I discovered this site randomly while looking for "static noise" in order to help me study. ♥ This is perfect as a background to study/reading research papers. ♥ Living without myNoise is like living without food and water, great work for this amazing idea. ♥ Perfection honestly. ♥ Sleeping with the rain. ♥ I have insomnia, and I have to say, this generator is perfect, absolutely perfect. ♥ I love you guys. ♥ This is as relaxing as it gets, perfect for concentration or doing nothing. ♥ Heavy and blurred rain is all I wanted, and it's right here at my fingertips! ♥ Shit!
