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Fredrik Ödman Photography

Fredrik Ödman Photography

art, fashion, music, culture / issue contents Featuring designs we love – check out our store preview and grab some cool pieces. Long live the the ghosts you forgot on the other end. Video update with artist Xavier Schipani working on a recent piece. "Living alone on her phantom-globe, beautiful and garbed in her dreams..." Boots, bandanas, and apocalyptic dust. When you record in your bedroom the entire world is your playground You can become something entirely different and therefore yourself The rare times during which you're truly silenced by music We all disappear, some just before the conversation's over Gothed-out youth lounging in bath robes in Parisian hotels

Photographs of Mirrors on Easels that Look Like Paintings in the Desert Daniel Kukla is a photographer who had formal training in biological and anthropological sciences. His educational background plays a major part of his artistic practice, and this can be seen in his clever project titled, The Edge Effect. In the description and explanation of the project, Kukla writes, In March of 2012, I was awarded an artist’s residency by the United States National Park Service in southern California’s Joshua Tree National Park. While staying in the Park, I spent much of my time visiting the borderlands of the park and the areas where the low Sonoran desert meets the high Mojave desert. While hiking and driving, I caught glimpses of the border space created by the meeting of distinct ecosystems in juxtaposition, referred to as the Edge Effect in the ecological sciences. We love how the photos look like they’re of paintings of the desert placed within the desert. You can find the rest of the photographs in the series over on Kukla’s website. P.S.

Pics that don't make you laugh but are still cool I hop you don't mind if I use this thread as an excuse to post some Earth porn: My current Wallpaper, The Havasu Falls The Guilin Mountains "Elephant Foot" Glacier My favorite at the moment: Rainbow(Northern Lights?) Click the images for the full-sized versions. Wassertropfen in Perfektion! 5 Questions on Analogue Photography with Davis Ayer In this new ongoing series "5 Questions on Analogue Photography with…" we send out the same set of questions to photographers. We have Davis Ayer – an up and coming Austinite photographer – sent over his insight and his work. Name: Davis AyerOccupation: PhotographerCountry: USA Describe yourself in a couple words. human, photographer, light chaser, Austinite, basketballer, master J roller 1. 2. 3. 4. Please activate JavaScript to see this gallery Photos By: Davis Ayer 5. Thanks to Davis for taking the time to answer these questions!

Sueños de papel... Vive, crea , sueña.... Шикарные места 237 ступенек. Именно из стольки ступенек состоит эта лестница мост, ведущая от материка на вершину небольшого острова San Juan de Gaztelugatxe в Бискайском заливе, Испания. Aiguill e du midi, Шамони, Франция Bonifacio на острове Корсика Preachers Rock, Прекестулен, Норвегия Sant'Agata de' Goti, Италия Англия, Великобритания Бессмертный мост в горах Таи. Библиотека Тринити-колледж, Дублин, Ирландия Висячий мост Капилано, Ванкувер, Канада Водопад Игуасу, Аргентина - Бразилия. Вход в метро. Голубой глаз Эквадора. Гранд-Титон, Вайоминг, США Граница Мексики и США. Гренобль, Франция Движущиеся камни, Долина смерти, США. Долина бабочек — одна из самых известных достопримечательностей острова Родос. Дом на горе в Норвегии. Дом на краю земли. Дом на скале (Малайзия). Дом-камень, Гюэмараес, Португалия Заброшенные железные дороги, Париж, Франция. Замок Конуи, Уэльс, Великобритания Исландия Ист Поинт, Скай, Шотландия Канарские острова. Княжество Монако - одна из самых маленьких стран в мире. Колумбия, США

Paul Paper Tutorial: Como hacer un Cinemagraph Básicamente se trata de combinar un video con una imagen estática (que será un fotograma de dicho video) y aplicar una máscara en la zona que queremos animar. Para obtener un resultado espectacular necesitaréis… -Una buena idea. -Una camara de video, fotos, webcam, movil o lo que sea, con capacidad para grabar piezas de video en buena calidad. -Adobe Photoshop CS3 o superior. 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. El contenido del post es de mi autoría, y/o, es un recopilación de distintas fuentes.
