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Project Apollo Archive’s albums

If the Moon Were Only 1 Pixel - A tediously accurate map of the solar system Mercury Venus Earth You Are Here Moon Mars Jupiter Io Europa Ganymede Callisto Saturn Titan Uranus Neptune Pluto(we still love you) That was about 10 million km (6,213,710 mi) just now. Pretty empty out here. Here comes our first planet... As it turns out, things are pretty far apart. We’ll be coming up on a new planet soon. Most of space is just space. Halfway home. Destination: Mars! It would take about seven months to travel this distance in a spaceship. Sit back and relax. When are we gonna be there? Seriously. This is where we might at least see some asteroids to wake us up. I spy, with my little eye... something black. If you were on a road trip, driving at 75mi/hr, it would have taken you over 500 years to get here from earth. All these distances are just averages, mind you. If you plan it right, you can actually move relatively quickly between planets. Pretty close to Jupiter now. Sorry. Lots of time to think out here... Pop the champagne! We're always trying to come up with metaphors for big numbers.

La Nasa vous offre la lune Un article dédié à tous ceux et celles qui ont toujours eu la tête dans les étoiles. Ceux et celles émerveillés par ces belles pleines lunes dans un ciel étoilé… La NASA, l’agence spatiale américaine vient de leur faire un beau cadeau en publiant plusieurs milliers d’images inédites prises lors des différentes missions Apollo. Des images incroyables mises à la disposition du public sur Flickr. La NASA ne s’est pas contenté d’envoyer des astronautes sur la lune pour de l’exploration scientifique, il les a également équipés avec plusieurs caméras Hasselblad pour immortaliser ces scènes historiques. Des clichés numérisés par quelques passionnés qui ont au passage essayé d’en augmenter qualité et définition grâce aux technologies de traitement de l’image numérique. Ce diaporama nécessite JavaScript. Un travail de longue haleine débuté en 2004, soit il y a plus de dix ans. La plupart des missions Apollo sont couvertes par ses archives présentées sur le compte Flickr de la Nasa.

Lepithec: Regardez le ciel ! Episode 02 : Je veux un télescope ! Quelques lectures pour débuter : - Observer les étoiles et les planètes de Philippe Henarejos, Editions Delachaux & Niestlé - L'almanach du ciel, Hors-Série Ciel & Espace n° 26 (disponible en papier ou numérique) - Débuter en astronomie, Hors-Série Ciel & Espace n° 21 (disponible en papier ou numérique) - Lunettes et télescopes, Hors-Série Ciel & Espace n° 10 (disponible en numérique) NASA Earth Observatory : Home Comparer et classer les objets du système solaire — Planet-Terre Benoit Urgelli ENS Lyon / DGESCO Olivier Dequincey Emmanuelle Cecchi Benoît Urgelli Résumé Étude comparative de la taille, de la densité, de la composition chimique, des paramètres orbitaux des planètes du système solaire et de leurs principaux satellites. Version remaniée et complétée à partir de la première édition du 3 mars 2000. Le site de Calvin J. Le site de Bill Arnett, The Nine Planets, présente un survol complet de l'histoire, de la mythologie et de la connaissance scientifique du système solaire en anglais. Les images qui suivent sont issues de ces deux sites. Depuis août 2006, Pluton n'est plus une planète mais fait partie d'une nouvelle catégorie de corps du système solaire : les planètes naines. Généralités sur le système solaire Le système solaire est souvent limité, dans notre esprit, au Soleil et aux huits planètes qui gravitent autour. Nous allons ici rappeler tout ce que contient le système solaire, du Soleil aux corps les plus éloignés. Le système solaire "lointain"

2 Joannes Hevelius Firmamentum Sobiescianum sive Uranographia Il Firmamentum Sobiescianum, sive uranographia, in Prodromus astronomiae, viene stampato a Danzica nel 1690. Degli atlanti dell’epoca d’oro, il Firmamentum è senzaltro il più raro e il più bello. L'atlante comprende cinquantasei tavole dove sono distribuite 1564 stelle; alle costellazioni tolemaiche ne vengono affiancate undici nuove, amplificando notevolmente la tendenza, che si stava affermando in quei tempi, di affollare il firmamento con personaggi nuovi, spesso creati per godere del favore del personaggio politico al quale la costellazione veniva dedicata. L'autore colloca le stelle seguendo i dati prodotti da proprie osservazioni integrati da quelli tratti dalle Tabulae Rudolphinae, pubblicate da Keplero nel 1627 utilizzando le osservazioni effettuate da Ticho Brahe. Esamina la copia dii proprietà di ETH- Bibliothek Zürich Johannis Hevelii prodromus astronomiae exhibens fundamenta quae tam ad novum pla[1].pdf

Stellarium Overview | Earth – Solar System Exploration: NASA Science Our home planet is the third planet from the Sun, and the only place we know of so far that’s inhabited by living things. While Earth is only the fifth largest planet in the solar system, it is the only world in our solar system with liquid water on the surface. Just slightly larger than nearby Venus, Earth is the biggest of the four planets closest to the Sun, all of which are made of rock and metal. Earth is the only planet in the Solar System whose English name does not come from Greek or Roman mythology. Ten Things to Know About Earth Measuring Up If the Sun were as tall as a typical front door, Earth would be the size of a nickel. Third Rock Earth orbits our Sun, a star. As the World Turns A day on Earth is 24 hours. We're On It Earth is a rocky planet with a solid and dynamic surface of mountains, canyons, plains and more. Breathe Easy Earth's atmosphere is 78 percent nitrogen, 21 percent oxygen and 1 percent other ingredients—the perfect balance to breathe and live. Orbital Science

live dvd debian astro [Date Prev][Date Next] [Thread Prev][Thread Next] [Date Index] [Thread Index] Re: live dvd debian astro Hi Delrieu, we still don't have a Debian Astro live image. But if you want to test it out, you could install it with the latest Debian installer image to an USB stick: This is the Alpha 6 test release for Debian Stretch (so expect a few glitches). During the installation, you will be asked to install the Debian Astro Pure Blend (among other Debian Pure Blends). Please let us know about any difficulties or comments with the astronomy software selection. Reply to: References: live dvd debian astroFrom: delrieu jamy <>

Comparing Objects in our Solar System by Rotation, Size, and More Pluto and the Introduction of Dwarf Planets Since its discovery in 1930, Pluto has been a bit of a puzzle. For starters, not only is Pluto smaller than any other planet in the solar system, but it’s also smaller than Earth’s moon. It also has an extremely low gravitational pull at only 0.07 times the mass of the objects in its orbit, which is just a fraction of the Moon’s own strength. At the same time, Pluto’s surface resembles that of terrestrial planets such as Mars, Venus or the Earth, yet its nearest neighbors are the gaseous Jovian planets such as Uranus or Neptune. In fact, Pluto’s orbit is so erratic that it led many scientists to initially believe that it originated elsewhere in space and the Sun’s gravity pulled it in. These qualities have challenged the scientific view of Pluto’s status as a planet for years. With Eris and other trans-Neptunian objects sharing similar characteristics with Pluto, the definition for dwarf planets was created, and Pluto got downgraded in 2006.

Tous sur Mars ! - L'Esprit Sorcier - Dossier #14 Regardez l’émission qui accompagne ce dossier : L’aventure martienne Retrouvez toutes nos vidéos sur la chaîne Youtube de l’Esprit Sorcier Suivez-nous sur Facebook et Twitter Soutenez-nous sur Tipeee ! Un dossier préparé parBarbara Gineau Delyon Rédaction en chef Frédéric Courant Direction artistique et technique Pascal Léonard Direction de productionJoël Guillemet Assistante de réalisationAnaïs Van Ditzhuyzen Assistant de productionPatrick Berger Documentaliste Laurence Lebon Montage/Prise de vueTimothée Coignus VoixValérie GuerlainJean-Baptiste Puech MixagePascal Stevens Relation presseNathalie BôGraphisme et animations Christophe Pernoud – BROTHERMAN Productions Web design Olivier Hamon – VO Productions Antoine Chérel – ATALANTA Intégration Florent Chevallier Remerciements Thierry Fouchet , planétologue à l’Observatoire de Paris et professeur à l’Université Pierre et Marie Curie James Lequeux, astronome émérite à l’Observatoire de Paris, co-auteur de « L’exploration des planètes » Crédits images

Star Atlas Observing Tools Taki's Star Atlas to Japanese/“ú–{Œê‚Ö Written by Toshimi Taki January 1, 2005 February 5, 2005 October 5, 2005 April 10, 2013 March 27, 2016 1. My favorite star atlas had been "Norton's Star Atlas (Epoch 1950)". I decided to make a new star atlas for myself. (1) Large scale (2) Wide coverage with small distortion (3) Large overlap Amateur astronomers will welcome the new star atlas. Taki's Star Atlas was introduced in June 2005 issue of Sky & Telescope. Mr. Dr. I will welcome your comments or suggestions for improvement. 2. 3. All the necessary data are available via Internet. [1] D. 4. All files are in pdf format and ppt format. 5. (1) Prepare a sheet of cardboard with a little larger size than A4 An example of the completed handy maps is shown in the photographs below.

Gravity Simulator | All Scenarios This site is about: Physics

The Project Apollo Archive es una fuente de referencia en línea y un repositorio digital de imágenes pertenecientes al programa tripulado de alunizaje. El Archivo fue creado por Kipp Teague en febrero de 1999. by don_yubarta Oct 8
