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Can you name the countries of the world, which will also cause all of their bordering countries to appear

Can you name the countries of the world, which will also cause all of their bordering countries to appear

The Official Super Mario War Website Super Mario War is a Super Mario multiplayer game. The goal is to stomp as many other Marios as possible to win the game. It's a tribute to Nintendo and the game Mario War by Samuele Poletto. The game uses artwork and sounds from Nintendo games. Features: - Up to four players deathmatch fun - a whole bunch of game modes (featuring GetTheChicken, Domination, CTF, ...) - Comes with the leveleditor - you can create your own maps... - ... and a lot of people did so. Developers: - Michael Schaffer - Florian Hufsky - An incredible ammount of contributors Chat/Forum - IRC: #supermariowar on - Forum: Time travel themed hex-tile MMORTS BrowserQuest - Mostly metric!
