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Photo Editing and Retouching – Why should eCommerce Websites Concentrate on High Definition Images?

Photo Editing and Retouching – Why should eCommerce Websites Concentrate on High Definition Images?
Virtual revolution has brought entire world at our fingertips, literally! With just a click; you can book your flight tickets; carry out financial transactions, and even go on a shopping spree! – Yes, you can actually do anything. In fact, there is this constant rise in the number of online stores, selling you everything under the sun; right from apparels to groceries to accessories to electronics. Needless to say, this surge in online shopping has resulted into competition, which is getting fiercer with each passing day! And so, to give a competitive edge to your ecommerce stores and make it a hit in the online retailing industry, several retailers are putting great efforts in terms of getting a great design for their websites, making it fast-to-load and provide a user-friendly and intuitive user experience, high-end security, easy-to-navigate features, and much more. Undoubtedly, these factors make a great impact on the viewership and sales of the ecommerce stores.

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Data Processing for Online Shops - Catalog Building & Indexing to Bring in More Business 4inShare Brick and mortar stores are going to become part of history books, very soon! With ecommerce sites taking giant leaps and reaching to every nook and corner; it has become a popular option to make purchases right from groceries to electronics. This steep rise in its popularity has resulted into many retailers quickly adopting online stores to extend their reach to maximum buyers and leverage their businesses. And this e-Commercialization has resulted into accumulation of massive data. Why More Data Does Not Guarantee Better Business Decisions? — 5 Reasons Data collection and data storage is not something which can take companies miles ahead than the competition. Disconnected & fragmented data is something which cannot lead to comprehendible visualization of data, as they tend to reside in desperate segments and in a detached state or in isolated buckets. Left disintegrated, fresh approach to turn it into cohesive and compatible data sets is an added challenge that companies are required to address. This is an effort to answer the usual question that with humongous data in hand, why is it that we keep on making bad business decisions. Here are top 5 reasons why more data does not guarantee better business decisions.

Photo Retouching Adds Life and Beauty to Images They say “a camera never lies” – yes, it never. It captures everything, right from emotions to the beauty of that very moment. And not to forget that it even captures those imperfections, which we try really hard to hide; and so goes the saying! No award winning photographer, even with those extremely advanced camera kits, can assure a perfect shot – every time. There are at times those blurry or shaky images, playing a spoilsport and ruining the beauty that a photographer intends to capture. There are numerous reasons for not getting “Oh-so-perfect” shot; ranging from poor lighting, to bad color contrasts to photo bombing to red eyes…the list is endless.

Linear Models Don’t have to Fit Exactly for P-Values To Be Accurate, Right, and Useful There is no need to get confused with multiple linear regression, generalized linear model or general linear methods. The general linear model or multivariate regression model is a statistical linear model and is written as Y = XB + U. Usually, a linear model includes a number of different statistical models such as ANOVA, ANCOVA, MANOVA, MANCOVA, ordinary linear regression, t-test and F-test. The GLM is a generalization of multiple linear regression models to the case of more than one dependent variable.

Good Podcast Transcriptionist Proves to be a Game-Changer for Your Business Posted by: Champak Pol | Posted on: September 30th, 2015 It is certainly not an overstatement to say that digital revolution has engulfed the world, completely! None of the sphere remains untouched as it has transformed every walk of life. And in this digital-oriented world; podcasts have rapidly made their way into wider public domain; in fact it is enjoying quite popularity across several industrial verticals. And since, podcasting has been around now for over a decade; various businesses are effectively putting this crucial medium to successfully carry out various marketing and promotional activities; not to mention, even celebrities, like President Obama, have participated in podcasts several times. Web Research for Market Intelligence — Paid Vs. Free Internet has been the greatest source of information, rather free information, for people to use. They can find answers to their needs on a wide plethora of topics, and all this even without moving away from the desk or making phone calls to dig out more on to it. However, with emergence in the gigantism of information source, fake news sites also have popped up simultaneously. This makes it all the more important to decide which all information should be pulled from the internet with DIY approach, and when is it that you need professional market research. Accurate, up-to-date information about a company for a variety of business and competitive intelligence goals is something that no organization, business or a company can operate without, such as: When can you use free information available over internet?

Dedicated Ecommerce Catalog Management: A Good Leverage to your Online Store! It seems that conventional markets are soon going to be a part of history books, soon. The pace with which eCommerce sites are increasing; there are all possibilities that the brick-and-mortar stores will no longer exist and getting replaced by technologically advanced virtual stores. Since, eCommerce stores are growing in number; so is the competition.

Digitizing Paper Documents is More Important than Digital Transformation of Business A lot of people say they want to digitize their business: But what exactly do they mean by it?Are they referring to the digitization of their entire business?How do they plan to do it?They cannot just go ahead and turn everyone and everything into bits and bytes, neither can they automate everything and replace humans with robots.Are they planning to connect everything which is not connected till now with IoT? So what exactly do they mean by digitization of their business? Insurance Data Processing Saves Those Valuable Man-Hours and Finances Is undocumented or unarchived database affecting down your productivity quotient badly? If yes is the answer; then your database is clearly in a bad shape! A well-documented and archived information cache forms the most strategic assets for any organization. In this information obsessed business sphere; where data literally pours in; it has become extremely crucial to process this raw, unrefined data and convert it into a comprehensive and relevant set of information. In fact, for organizations like insurance companies and banks, which solely thrive on data of different kinds, taking help from professional data processing services has now become mandatory. Since the volume of business intelligence in the insurance sector and banks has swollen manifold; hiring or partnering with proficient data processing services has become need of the hour.

Using Social Media For Predictive Data Analytics Is In Its Infancy Advertisement Social media is increasingly successful in putting across social phenomena which previously was studied only through traditional surveying techniques such as telephone or face to face interviews. Customers scrolling through Facebook, when coming across a post from one of their favorite apparel store showcasing a fantastic pair of jeans and some shirts, “like” it and at times leave a comment that they are eager to buy some or all of these; and eventually scroll down. Now what needs to be paid attention to is how that apparels store puts the likes and comments at work? At the most what they will do is to use it and shape their social media marketing strategy. Chances of them using that data to make informed decisions for improving operational efficiency such as how many pairs of those jeans to manufacture or whether to hike or reduce the prices is negative.
