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Online graphical dictionary and thesaurus

Online graphical dictionary and thesaurus
Visuwords™ online graphical dictionary — Look up words to find their meanings and associations with other words and concepts. Produce diagrams reminiscent of a neural net. Learn how words associate. Enter words into the search box to look them up or double-click a node to expand the tree. Click and drag the background to pan around and use the mouse wheel to zoom. It's a dictionary! Visuwords™ uses Princeton University’s WordNet, an opensource database built by University students and language researchers. The Visuwords™ Interface To use the applet you only need to type a word into the search query at the top of the page and press 'Enter'. You can zoom the model in and out by rolling the wheel on your mouse. Understanding the links between Synsets "is a kind of" — hyponym/hypernym pair With regards to "wheat" and "grain", we see a cyan link from "wheat" pointing towards "grain" we can understand this to mean that wheat "is a kind of" grain.

yEd - Graph Editor yEd is a powerful desktop application that can be used to quickly and effectively generate high-quality diagrams. Create diagrams manually, or import your external data for analysis. Our automatic layout algorithms arrange even large data sets with just the press of a button. yEd is freely available and runs on all major platforms: Windows, Unix/Linux, and Mac OS X. The latest release is version 3.12.2 Key Features Import your own data from an Excel® spreadsheet (.xls) or XML Create diagrams with easevia an intuitive user interface. Automatically arrangeyour diagram elements. Export bitmap and vector graphicsas PNG, JPG, SVG, PDF, SWF yEd in 90 seconds Supported Diagrams yEd supports a wide variety of diagram types. Support Resources The yEd online support resources include the yEd Graph Editor manual and the yEd forum where you can give us feedback.

TEDxSF - A Curation Of People And Ideas... Posted by Tom Foremski - June 5, 2011 I've been to several TEDxSF events but the most recent one felt like a breakthrough event because of the mix of people and talks, plus the new venue. The event was sold out with about 650 tickets for the Yerba Buena location, a larger theater than the Academy of Sciences, where it used to be held. The mix of people was eclectic as always. There were at least two or three talks where I wished for the return of the old Vaudeville stage hook, or maybe a remote controlled trapdoor. Most of the rest of the talks were interesting, intriguing, and some were even brilliant. But it was a packed afternoon, from noon to 6pm, a bit too long. TED talks are a form of modern theater within an old school format in that it's a one-way stage. However, the formulaic format of TED talks is pretty good, so maybe the organizers know not to mess with what works. Among the standout performances: - Dr. Simon Mainwaring. Dave Kim with his violin and box of tricks was excellent.

Maps & Mapping softwares: Location based services - Maporama Solutions MindCanvas | A research service from Uzanto SEO Keyword Graph Visualization | SEO Browser Use this free Java application to explore the connections between related websites. Try it now! Enter keywords or a URL, and click 'Graph it!' See Getting Started below for more details. Getting Started Make sure you have the latest version of java, at least Java 1.5 Type in your search keywords or a URL, and press "Graph It!" Sample Searches:

Ingénieries de la sérendipité. Cela ressemble à de la sérendipité, ça à la goût de la sérendipité ... mais ce n'est pas nécessairement de la sérendipité. Historiquement, c'est Google qui fut le premier moteur de recherche à instrumentaliser un processus de fortuité, via le bouton "Feeling Lucky" (lequel n'a d'ailleurs rien à voir avec une quelconque sérendipité littérale, puisque ledit bouton se contente de vous amener sur le premier résultat renvoyé par le moteur de recherche). Comme nous l'expliquions en détail dans ce remarquable article co-écrit avec mes excellents collègues (:-), ce bouton est avant tout un argument marketing et un élément fondateur de la sémiotique Googléenne. 1998 : Sérendipité année zéro. Bref, depuis Google, et avec l'arrivée du web contributif, la sérendipité est aujourd'hui partout réellement présente et systématiquement agissante. Sérendipité et SIC. Sérendipité illustrée. CHAPITRE PREMIER / De la mécanique du rebond à la dynamique du surgissement : sérendipitéS. "Mrs. L'âge de pierre.

Ophcrack Chaîne de mittechtv‬‏ MIT Engineering Systems Division Play * Transforming engineering education, research, and practice through the emerging field of engineering systems.* Preparing engineers to think systemically, lead strategically, and address the complex challenges of today's world, for the benefit of humankind MIT Engineering K-12 Video Pilot These videos were produced by MIT students to highlight the Institute and its students as super-qualified sources for hands-on projects, demonstrations, and laboratory experiments. The creativity and passion of MIT's students can be extremely effective in engaging young people around the globe with engineering and science. McGovern Institute for Brain Research The McGovern Institute for Brain Research at MIT is led by a team of world-renowned neuroscientists committed to meeting two great challenges of modern science: understanding how the brain works and discovering new ways to prevent or treat brain disorders.

Collection of Tools/Sites to Create Tag Cloud | Technacular A compilation of tools, sites and code snippets to create tag cloud: ZoomClouds : create a tag cloud using any RSS feed. Using a small snippet code embed the cloud on any web page (e.g. Tagline Generator : a simple PHP codebase that lets you generate chronological tag clouds from simple text data sources (e.g: US Presidential Speeches Tag Cloud ) TagCrowd : web-based tag cloud generator. IBM Many Eyes : The Many Eyes tag cloud can show one of two kinds of data: free text, or a two-column table of tags and numbers. ToCloud : It has a page to cloud tool which takes a URL and creates a tag cloud from it. ZoomTags : you can put small (or large) tag clouds on your web page and earn revenue from your web site Cloud Control for ASP.NET Tag Cloud Builder : cut and paste the text to be clouded and create the cloud. Ultimate Tag Warrior 3 : for Wordpress How To Make a Tag Cloud using CFML Tagcloud Font Distributor : assign font sizes to tags based on their counts (PHP based) Building a tag cloud in Java

