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The Secret Sun

The Secret Sun

Aeon Byte Gnostic Radio UrbanSurvival: World Business News, Longwave Economics, Stock market outlook, Web Bots Professor Hex Dark Knight Shooting: 12 Dead, 59 Injured "The fire rises!" ~ Bane, The Dark Knight Rises, 2012. A mass shooting occurred on July 20, 2012, at a midnight premiere of The Dark Knight Rises, leaving 12 dead and 58 injured (some gravely), 15 minutes after the film began. The suspect (shown at top; TMZ discovered the colored-hair image) has been identified as recent Aurora resident James Eagan Holmes (born December 13, 1987), according to federal authorities. Early on the morning of Friday, July 20, 2012, mountain time, at least 50 people were injured, twelve were killed, in a shooting at an Aurora, Colorado movie theater, as the new Batman movie screened. Brenda Stuart, of 850 KOA radio, said that "a lot of people thought the gunshots were part of the movie. Eyewitnesses reported the assailant appeared to be wearing a gas mask, body armor, similar to how the film's villain Bane did too. Police reported during the afternoon that Holmes did not look like Bane, after all. The shooting scene was hectic. Victims Harvey Dent:

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