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Related:  Dyslexia and difficulties with Reading

Why Copying from a Board is Ineffective for Dyslexics Saturday, May 9, 2015 Why Copying from a Board is Ineffective for Dyslexics Having to take notes by copying from a board or projection while a teacher is lecturing is challenging for any learner, because it requires students to multitask and constantly shift modes of learning. The process demands students to read, listen and write while making sense of the material. However, for students with dyslexia this teaching method can be disastrous. closure Can you tell what this a picture of, even though it's not all here? Can you read these words even though part of the letters have been erased? Can you recognize these animals, even though most of the lines in the pictures have been removed?

Indications of Dyslexia- About Dyslexia- the British Dyslexia Association If a child has several of these indications, further investigation should be made. The child may be dyslexic, or there may be other reasons. This is not a checklist. 1. Persisting factors. There are many persisting factors in dyslexia, which can appear from an early age. Alexia: what happens when a brain injury makes you forget how to read Once we have successfully learned how to read, it continues to be easy for most of us. But for some people it can be an immense challenge. In developmental dyslexia, the process of learning to read is disrupted, while in alexia – or acquired dyslexia – brain damage can affect reading ability in previously literate adults. Patients with pure alexia lose the ability to read fluently following injury to areas in the rear part of the left hemisphere of their brain. The curious thing is that they can still walk, talk, think, and even write like they did before their injury. They just can’t read.

Literacy Lowdown- Word Study Activities Maureen Hayes, PreK-6 Humanities Supervisor This Month's Focus: Meaningful Word Study Activities In my January/February Smore, I shared information for supporting word study and phonics development in your classroom. This Smore will extent that and focus on making activities, lessons, and home practice meaningful for your students each week. When we know better, we do better... Word Study is about understanding patterns in words, and being able to apply these patterns to spell and read unknown words.

Is dyslexia associated with exceptional visual-spatial abilities? Children and adults with dyslexia have reading skills that are weak relative to their overall intelligence. That's why it is often referred to as "specific learning disability". But what if such a profile also tended to be associated with exceptional strengths in other areas, such as visual skills? What Parents Need to Know About Dyslexia (Reading Disability) — AAPOS Sheryl M. Handler, M.D. Reading So much more than words on a page The More that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go -Dr. Seuss "Come let me take you on a journey; to teach you, to fascinate you, to engage you.

Structural brain differences in kids with dyslexia - Reading By Gordon Sherman, Ph.D. Nature loves diversity. No two human brains are alike — by design. Diversity propels evolution by enhancing a species' ability to adapt to changing environments. How does this relate to dyslexia? Hold that thought while we talk about the brains of children with reading difficulties. Dyslexia Style Guide- About Dyslexia- The British Dyslexia Association Dyslexia Style Guide This Guide is in three parts: Dyslexia Friendly TextAccessible FormatsWebsite design 1. Dyslexia Friendly Text. The aim is to ensure that written material takes into account the visual stress experienced by some dyslexic people, and to facilitate ease of reading. Dyslexia: An Ounce of Prevention... I recently read an article that suggested that children are not learning disabled until they attend school and fail to adequately learn to read and write. The author referred to this as “school-induced learning disabilities.” The article went on to suggest that if those same kids were simply taught the way they learned, they would not only not need special education services, but they would not need a label of “learning disabled,” or as in most cases of learning disabilities, dyslexia. If you ask parents of a child who is eventually identified with dyslexia, they will tell you that their child was a normal, happy, curious, intellectually-capable child from birth to kindergarten; and for those bright, curious preschoolers who were not identified with dyslexia and did not receive the appropriate intervention, something slowly changed.
