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Don Miguel Ruiz

Don Miguel Ruiz - The Answers to Everything Lie Within the Substance of Energy What is Toltec? « Mountain Shaman Toltec is an ancient spiritual philosophy and practice dating back to the continent of Mu or Lemuria located in the Pacific Ocean. It is and was the basis of thought, practices, philosophy, healing and enlightenment of Lemuria, Atlantis, Babylon, New Egypt, Taoism, Buddhism, Mayan culture, Aztec culture, Aboriginal tribes of New Zealand,Australia, Africa, South America, Central America, Native American Shamans, Hawaiian Kahunas and many more through out history and the present. There are currently around 167 Toltec Masters world wide who are working with the light. Toltec philosophy shows us: How to find our true selves and learn the nature of our destiny. These practices open our mind and spirit to who we are as energetic beings in this and other infinite dimensional realities.

House Of Healing : Maria Jones Maria Jones Maria believes that a sincere, open heart helps one establish a clear and firm connection with spirit. This ability becomes stronger when it is supported by a foundation of deep inner faith. She communicates very honestly. She ensures that what she shares is clear and concise. Maria has had the ability to connect intuitively from as young as she can remember. The Art of Allowing Transformative Life Change Course in the Toltec Tradition Have you decided to change your life for the bet­ter only to dis­cover a year later that… noth­ing changed? When we want to change, but noth­ing we try works, it’s incred­i­bly frustrating! And what’s also frus­trat­ing is real­iz­ing that you can’t fig­ure out why things aren’t work­ing the way you planned. Per­haps you tried this pro­gram, that book, or some other class that promised the world, and while it might have been really excit­ing for a short time, even­tu­ally you found your­self falling back into the same old habit. Are you tired of hear­ing about your amaz­ing poten­tial and even more tired of the failed attempts to get there? While you’re cer­tain that change is what you want and you may even feel you know pre­cisely what you have to do, it turns out want­ing to change just isn’t enough. Are you miss­ing out on your mag­i­cal life sim­ply because you aren’t see­ing the infi­nite choices you have right in front of you? Are you try­ing too hard? To Sum Up With love and aloha, Ancient Answers for Modern Problems: The Toltec Tradition–Answers For Today From an Ancient Way by Susan Gregg Ancient Answers for Modern Problems: The Toltec Tradition–Answers For Today From an Ancient Way by Dr. Susan Gregg, Author of Mastering The Toltec Way (Red Wheel, Dec. 2003) If any ancient wisdom held ‘the answer’ we would already have ‘the solution’ to our problems. The Toltecs were a civilization that lived in Southern Mexico around 900 AD. The ancient ones understood the illusionary nature of reality and used the universal laws of nature to create a life based on unconditional love and self-discovery. After the conquest by the Spaniards this knowledge became a well-guarded secret passed down from master to apprentice through various lineages. The Toltec tradition is a philosophy or way of life. The Toltec viewed the universe as a complex energy system. Personal freedom is a by-product of embracing these concepts and connecting with our divinity. As I explored the Toltec tradition it became very evident how important my definitions of words and concepts were.

Astral Dynamics | About Robert Bruce Personal Story When I discovered spirituality in my childhood, there were no books on the subject readily available to me. There was no, online websites, or internet forums for chatting. I was on my own, except for the occasional meditation circle in a local city. The truth is, I was desperate to learn anything for a long period of time. In a sense, this was a gift, because it forced me to develop my psychic abilities through independent hard work. The lack of information out there enabled me to avoid "analysis paralysis" and get right to the core of the evolutionary process, so I could immediately start accessing the Greater Reality. Today as an adult, I've helped thousands of people around the world—who are just like you—learn to enliven their psychic powers and explore their mysticism, through my best-selling books, international seminars, and this very resource, Astral Dynamics.

THE FOUR AGREEMENTS A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom (A Toltec Wisdom Book) Contents Acknowledgments The Toltec INTRODUCTION, The Smokey Mirror Domestication and the Dream of the Planet THE FIRST AGREEMENT, Be Impeccable With Your Word THE SECOND AGREEMENT, Don’t Take Anything Personally THE THIRD AGREEMENT, Don't Make Assumptions THE FOURTH AGREEMENT, Always Do Your Best THE TOLTEC PATH TO FREEDOM, Breaking Old Agreements THE NEW DREAM, Heaven on Earth I would like to humbly Acknowledge my mother Sarita, who taught me unconditional love; my father Jose Luis, who taught me discipline; my grandfather Leonardo Macias, who gave me the key to unlock the Toltec mysteries; and my sons Miguel, Jose Luis, and Leonardo. I wish to express my deep affection and appreciation to the dedication of Gaya Jenkins and Trey Jenkins. I would like to extend my profound gratitude to Janet Mills — publisher, editor, believer. The Smokey Mirror This realization changed his life. John Lennon

Reflections from Eternal Vastness What is this deep mystery that pulses through this body … this that breathes through each breath … this that feels through every feeling? What is this vast and unimaginable force that brings life, consciousness and awareness to all that it courses through? What is this that our thoughts call “me”? And how could this vast, infinite and deeply impersonal presence even be hinted at as a “me”? What is this? Looking out, as far as the eye can see and as far as the inner eye can imagine … it’s all this same “one”. This deep mystery that peers through these eyes limits itself into our thinking mind as a thought, an idea, an image of “me” and for most of us, this goes unchallenged until the day we die. What happens if this that flows through all form, including “me” and “you”, what happens if this is explored … unmasked? I don’t know. But it can be “seen” … it can be “known” … In fact, it’s always already seeing, always already knowing … without any content. So what is This? We exist in eternity

Toltec Wisdom – The Four Natural Enemies in Life | Knowledge Wealth Centre Originally posted 2011-01-13 13:09:13. Republished by Blog Post Promoter Most ancient civilizations around the world had a set of beliefs, ideas and teachings about life and the Toltec culture of Mexico was no different. Toltec, meaning the craftsman, was one of great empires of the Basin of Mexico that existed around 900-1200AD. The Toltec empire controlled most of central Mexico, parts of the Yucatan area, the Gulf coast, and the Pacific coast, with its capital located in Tula. Toltecs had an incredible knowledge of the mind and spiritual philosophy that incorporated esoteric teachings that allowed them to create very effective systems of teaching. When we embark on our learning experience, we come across hardships caused by unclear objectives and vague intentions. Clarity is the second natural enemy in life, since it blinds us and initiates complacency that stops us from further growth. Self-importance is man’s greatest enemy. Sources Miguel, R. (2000). Mijas, R. (2010). Related posts
