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RT @Backlinko "New guide at Backlinko: SEO Tools: The Complete List (131 Tools)   

RT @Backlinko "New guide at Backlinko: SEO Tools: The Complete List (131 Tools)   
If you want to see the best SEO tools in one place, then you’ll LOVE this (updated) guide. I personally tested and reviewed over 189 free and paid tools. And you can filter through the list to find the best SEO software for you. AuthoritySpy Link BuildingPaidNo AuthoritySpy is designed to help you find the top influencers in your space. official website: Buzzstream Link BuildingPaidYes If you do outreach at scale or with a team, you NEED a tool like Buzzstream. official website: Check My Links Link BuildingFreeNo If you do Broken Link Building (or The Moving Man Method), then you’ll love Check My Links. official website: Citation Labs' Broken Link Finder Instead of hunting for broken links page-by-page, The Broken Link Finder proactively searches the web for them. Cool feature: You can sort your results by how many people link to the broken link. Domain Hunter Plus

Did Your #Email Get Hacked Due To A Data Breach? #hack #security @troyhunt @haveibeenpwned Find out if your email has been compromised, like NOW! A data breach is when previously secure information gets released into an unsecure environment. You may have heard about the recent Target and Sony data leaks, but that’s just the tip of the iceberg. When someone finds out your email and password, they can do some significant damage. Now, go to HaveIBeenPwned and enter your email. REMEMBER: All they have to do is pick a website from your inbox, enter your email address, and click the forgot password to gain access. At any rate, it’s a good idea to use 2-factor authentication on financial/sensitive accounts. Go to a different computer because the hacker could be watching your activity (keystrokes, monitor, webcam, mouse clicks, microphone) – i.e. your entire machine could be compromised.If you can still log in, change your password immediately, set up two-factor authentication, and change your security questions. Don’t Get Hooked By a Phishing Scam What is phishing? What is a Paste?

HTTPS Everywhere | Electronic Frontier Foundation #internet #security HTTPS Everywhere is produced as a collaboration between The Tor Project and the Electronic Frontier Foundation. Many sites on the web offer some limited support for encryption over HTTPS, but make it difficult to use. For instance, they may default to unencrypted HTTP, or fill encrypted pages with links that go back to the unencrypted site. HTTPS Everywhere now uses the DuckDuckGo Smarter Encryption dataset, to enable even greater coverage and protection for our users. Original announcement can be found here: Further technical details on how we utilize Smarter Encryption: Webmasters and prospective contributors: Check the HTTPS Everywhere Atlas to quickly see how existing HTTPS Everywhere rules affect sites you care about! Questions and Caveats Development And Writing your own Rulesets

The Most Important Word When Building Your Personal #Brand @dharmesh #marketing Do your colleagues have a choice word for you? If not, here's why you want them to… Sometimes one word can make all the difference. I was at a conference and a friend who runs a startup introduced me to one of his friends, who was looking for a new opportunity. “I’d like you to meet Joe,” he said. “He’s great.” I’m sure Joe is talented. But I only remember Joe because of something that happened a few minutes later. In the dictionary, “great” means remarkable in degree or effectiveness. When described as “great, however remarkable in degree or effectiveness he may be, Joe seems like – however unfairly – just one of many. But “relentless” – who can forget relentless? A “great” product manager you might forget. Authentic Positioning Matters – Especially for Individuals Many companies, as Al Ries describes in his classic marketing book Positioning, try to own a single word or phrase in the minds of customers. Individuals need to think about positioning, too. That is how they remember you.

RT @AustinCarr "Why Jeff Bezos's Fire Phone flopped: Inside Amazon's push to take on Apple  "What the hell happened?" It is a cold day in early December in Midtown Manhattan, and Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos has barely taken his seat on stage when his interviewer throws out that brusque query. It’s the question on the lips of every one of the 400 attendees of this tech conference, but it’s still a jarring moment. Bezos tries to hem and haw his way out of the issue, but his interrogator, Business Insider editor-in-chief Henry Blodget, won’t let up, asking again, "So, Jeff, what happened with the Fire Phone?" Introduced with grand ambitions last summer, the Fire Phone is widely seen as a fiasco. But lately it’s not an answer that Wall Street has liked. Those are some seriously harsh words, especially toward an icon of the Internet age. Yet is there something new going on with Amazon, something dangerous on a whole new level? In many ways, the Fire Phone is the perfect symbol of these opposing perceptions of Amazon. How the e-retailer’s hardware efforts stack up

RT @greensboro_nc "Google Tops Reputation Rankings for Corporate Responsibility - U.S. #Google Google is no stranger to being recognized for its accomplishments. The Reputation Institute added one more achievement to Google’s long resume Thursday when it ranked the company No. 1 on its Global Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) RepTrak rankings. The ranking criteria were split into three large categories, including workplace, citizenship and governance. Within each category were several factors used to judge each company. For instance, “citizenship” was judge based on companies’ support of good causes, positive societal influence and environmental responsibility. “Governance” was judged on openness and transparency and ethical behavior, and “workplace” was judged based on employee treatment and how much a company provided equal opportunities. “Corporate social responsibility is one of the most complex areas of a company’s public identity,” said Brad Hecht, chief research officer at Reputation Institute. With a score of 75.4, Google is about 2 points ahead of the runner-up BMW.

RT @Baremetrics "NEW: Beginner’s Guide to Making Product Announcement Videos  …  If a picture says a thousand words, then a 30 second video at 30 frames per second can literally say 900,000 words. That’s a lot of words! Follow along and learn how to make short videos to promote your business. For many of our product launches, an animated GIF has been our go to way to show it off. Pretty neat, eh? I can’t stress this enough: a few months ago I had no idea what I was doing when it came to video and audio production. My goal with this post is to save you guys a ton of time by sharing some of the most valuable things that I’ve learned along the way. Writing the script The perfect script allows you to convey everything you need in as few words as possible. A minute and a half is the absolute maximum length you want for your video. Keeping our Dunning video short helped it get a high engagement rate. If you can swing it, aim for a video 30 seconds or under. Here’s the script for the Dunning video. Editing the video Getting great audio It’s going to be weird at first The setup

10 Types of Visual #SocialMedia Posts That Get Shared Like Crazy @GetBloggerTips Do you want double your social engagement and get your content shared like crazy? For small businesses and brands everywhere, posting multiple images on social media has been proven to have massive traction It seems simple right? Like most good things, in life — there’s a catch. When it comes to content creation, many people make this simple mistake: they add more visuals just for the sake of it. If you’re not a graphic designer or artist, don’t freak out. 1. Beware: your fans will smell a cheesy stock photo from a million miles away. On the other hand, high quality stock photography can do the complete opposite. Image: Elite Daily Take a look at this post on Elite Daily’s Facebook page. After all, everything your audience shares on social media will reflect back on themselves. 2. You’ve probably heard the old adage “seeing is believing”. Image: Buffer In this Twitter post Buffer gauge interest around one of its growth experiments by showing two screenshots of an A/B tested email. 3. 4.

How to Monetize your site with AdSense like a pro! Effectively monetizing a website has always been a tough mountain to climb for webmasters. In this post I’ll share actionable tips, based on experience and best practices, to help publishers make the most out of their AdSense account. First, I’ll start with a quick summary on what are the bare essentials you need to optimize for increased revenue. The 5 website essentials you need before optimizing for increase in AdSense earnings Other than being free-to-use, user friendly, and giving users the lion’s share of the revenue (68%) – what else do you need to make more money with AdSense? 1. Publishing content which does not blare AdSense Policy sirens is not enough. 2. Google prefers websites with rich and varied content. Experts and best practices suggest that including some text is advisable because then the AdSense crawlers can accurately interpret what your website is about. 3. The go-to method to generate online income is perhaps (and many agree with me) AdSense. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Honest Hearts Produce Honest Leaders Posted on 13. Jan, 2015 by lollydaskal in Blog, Integrity, Lead From Within, Leadership, Leadership Development, Life Balance, Life Skills, Mission, Passion, Personal Development, Purpose, Purpose, Values, Workplace There are lots of ways to lead and lots of contexts for showing leadership. But there’s one thing that all true leaders share: The best Leaders are honest and that honesty begins with, and about, themselves. It takes an honest heart to be truthful, and it takes an open mind to be straightforward. Honesty is more complex than just not lying—it’s a commitment to knowing and understanding the truth, speaking the truth, and leading from the truth. To be an honest leader takes strength and courage. Look within. Be sincerely responsible. Be led by your values. Honesty is the cornerstone of your leadership. Lead From Within: Honest leaders are memorable. Additional Reading:

RT @MichaelHyatt "One Key Ingredient in a Team Worth Working For    #startup #growthhacking Is there anything more frustrating than trying to accomplish a big goal with someone who’s negative, unimaginative, and defensive? Courtesy of iStock/ozgurdonmaz Thankfully, it’s been a while since I’ve tried. But I’ve had my share in the past, and I can tell you that nothing will kill an organization’s productivity and vision like a can’t-do person. But if this kind of cynicism brings a team down, what can lift it up? Several weeks ago my team and I met to review our business and make plans for the coming year. Join the Live Discussion I’ll be discussing “One Key Ingredient in a Team Worth Working For” today at 12:15 p.m. If you don’t have the Periscope app, you can download it here for free (there are versions for both iPhone and Android). We identified what matters most to us about the way we work and collaborate. People began throwing different qualities on the board, and we built out a good list. Bam! Infectious enthusiasm is a key ingredient in a team worth working for. Motivation.

RT @brianclark "How Much Does it Cost to Build a #Website ?    It’s a sticky question with no easy answer. It’s also a question we get before we even know much about a project. Technology Translated is brought to you by the Rainmaker Platform, the complete website solution for content marketers and online entrepreneurs. Find out more and take a free 14-day test drive at Our goal today is to arm you with the information you need to get the right answer for your needs and to find the right person to help you. Rebecca Gill is the founder and CEO of Web Savvy Marketing. Rebecca’s transparency and candid approach to creating lasting relationships provides a tremendous amount of insight that will give you a significant advantage when building your next website. If you want to get a high-quality website, at the right price, and build a relationship with the right agency, don’t miss this episode. In this 30-minute episode Rebecca and I walk you through: How do we answer the question “How much does it cost to build a website?”

Adding #SSL to Heroku site post-launch Anyone know the answer as I am facing a similar dilemma? RT @RichardABLS "8 Marketing Tactics (And Apps) That Turn Shoppers Into Buyers:    As an online store owner, you're always looking for more traffic and sales. With so many ways of achieving these goals it can sometimes be difficult to determine the best place to start. Previously, we shared 13 actionable marketing tactics with you and today we have eight more. In this post, we will showcase a variety of tactics that you can implement immediately, along with an app for each one. Let's find out how to increase traffic and sales. 1. When it comes to driving conversions, one channel continues to outperform all others: email. 80% of people say they receive marketing messages alongside their personal emails on a daily basis.70% of people make use of coupons or discounts they learn about from email.60% of people say that receiving special offers is the top reason they subscribe to an email list from a business. If you haven't taken the time to develop a email marketing campaign, you're almost certainly leaving money on the table. 2. App: Pop-Up Window 3. App: Persistent Cart
